gphoto2 canon eos450d
hjs@ubuntu:~$ gphoto2 --capture-image-and-download
*** Error ***
Canon EOS Capture failed to release: Perhaps no focus?
ERROR: Could not capture image.
ERROR: Could not capture.
hjs@ubuntu:~$ gphoto2 --capture-image
*** Error ***
Canon EOS Capture failed to release: Perhaps no focus?
ERROR: Could not capture image.
ERROR: Could not capture.
切换成manual focus,则ok。不知道为什么
hjs@ubuntu:~$ gphoto2 --capture-image
New file is in location /capt0000.jpg on the camera
---capture-- 0 2015-04-08 14:30:21
New file is in location /capt0000.jpg on the camera
---capture-- 1 2015-04-08 14:30:26
New file is in location /capt0000.jpg on the camera
---capture-- 2 2015-04-08 14:30:32
New file is in location /capt0000.jpg on the camera
---capture-- 3 2015-04-08 14:30:38
New file is in location /capt0000.jpg on the camera
---capture-- 0 2015-04-08 14:39:36
Deleting 'capt0000.jpg' from folder '/'...
New file is in location /capt0000.jpg on the camera
Saving file as temp0.jpg
Deleting file /capt0000.jpg on the camera
---extract file name temp0.jpg
---capture-- 1 2015-04-08 14:39:40
Deleting 'capt0000.jpg' from folder '/'...
New file is in location /capt0000.jpg on the camera
Saving file as temp1.jpg
Deleting file /capt0000.jpg on the camera
---extract file name temp1.jpg
---capture-- 2 2015-04-08 14:39:44
Deleting 'capt0000.jpg' from folder '/'...
New file is in location /capt0000.jpg on the camera
Saving file as temp2.jpg
Deleting file /capt0000.jpg on the camera
---extract file name temp2.jpg
---capture-- 3 2015-04-08 14:39:48
Deleting 'capt0000.jpg' from folder '/'...
New file is in location /capt0000.jpg on the camera
Saving file as temp3.jpg
Deleting file /capt0000.jpg on the camera
---extract file name temp3.jpg
---capture-- 4 2015-04-08 14:39:52
Deleting 'capt0000.jpg' from folder '/'...
New file is in location /capt0000.jpg on the camera
Saving file as temp4.jpg
Deleting file /capt0000.jpg on the camera
Label: Bulb Mode
Current: 2
Label: UI Lock
Current: 2
Label: Synchronize camera date and time with PC
Current: 0
Label: Drive Canon DSLR Autofocus
Current: 0
Label: Drive Canon DSLR Manual focus
Current: None
Choice: 0 Near 1
Choice: 1 Near 2
Choice: 2 Near 3
Choice: 3 None
Choice: 4 Far 1
Choice: 5 Far 2
Choice: 6 Far 3
Label: Canon EOS Zoom
Type: TEXT
Current: 0
Label: Canon EOS Zoom Position
Type: TEXT
Current: 0,0
Label: Canon EOS Viewfinder
Current: 2
Label: Camera Date and Time
Type: DATE
Current: 1428529996
Printable: Thu 09 Apr 2015 05:53:16 AM HKT
Label: Quick Review Time
Current: 8 seconds
Choice: 0 None
Choice: 1 2 seconds
Choice: 2 4 seconds
Choice: 3 8 seconds
Choice: 4 Hold
Label: Camera Output
Current: Unknown value 0000
Choice: 0 TFT
Choice: 1 PC
Choice: 2 Unknown value 0000
Label: EVF Mode
Current: 1
Choice: 0 0
Choice: 1 1
Label: Owner Name
Type: TEXT
Label: Custom Functions Ex
Type: TEXT
Current: 10,c189,d102,53,
Label: Auto Power Off
Type: TEXT
Current: 30
Label: Capture Target
Current: Internal RAM
Choice: 0 Internal RAM
Choice: 1 Memory card
Label: Capture
Current: 0
Label: Serial Number
Type: TEXT
Current: f3508a7219ad427598bdf4014bc6ac44
Label: Camera Manufacturer
Type: TEXT
Current: Canon Inc.
Label: Camera Model
Type: TEXT
Current: Canon EOS 450D
Label: Device Version
Type: TEXT
Current: 3-1.0.9
Label: Vendor Extension
Type: TEXT
Current: None
Label: Camera Model
Type: TEXT
Current: 2147484022
Label: PTP Version
Type: TEXT
Current: 256
Label: DPOF Version
Type: TEXT
Current: 257
Label: Battery Level
Type: TEXT
Current: 100%
Label: Serial Number
Type: TEXT
Current: 1080319057
Label: Shutter Counter
Type: TEXT
Current: 13288
Label: Available Shots
Type: TEXT
Current: 59788
Label: Image Format
Current: Large Fine JPEG
Choice: 0 Large Fine JPEG
Choice: 1 Large Normal JPEG
Choice: 2 Medium Fine JPEG
Choice: 3 Medium Normal JPEG
Choice: 4 Small Fine JPEG
Choice: 5 Small Normal JPEG
Choice: 6 RAW + Large Fine JPEG
Choice: 7 RAW
Label: Image Format SD
Current: Large Fine JPEG
Choice: 0 Large Fine JPEG
Choice: 1 Large Normal JPEG
Choice: 2 Medium Fine JPEG
Choice: 3 Medium Normal JPEG
Choice: 4 Small Fine JPEG
Choice: 5 Small Normal JPEG
Choice: 6 RAW + Large Fine JPEG
Choice: 7 RAW
Label: ISO Speed
Current: Auto
Choice: 0 Auto
Choice: 1 100
Choice: 2 200
Choice: 3 400
Choice: 4 800
Choice: 5 1600
Label: WhiteBalance
Current: Auto
Choice: 0 Auto
Choice: 1 Daylight
Choice: 2 Shadow
Choice: 3 Cloudy
Choice: 4 Tungsten
Choice: 5 Fluorescent
Choice: 6 Flash
Choice: 7 Manual
Label: Color Temperature
Type: TEXT
Current: 0
Label: WhiteBalance Adjust A
Current: 0
Choice: 0 -9
Choice: 1 -8
Choice: 2 -7
Choice: 3 -6
Choice: 4 -5
Choice: 5 -4
Choice: 6 -3
Choice: 7 -2
Choice: 8 -1
Choice: 9 0
Choice: 10 1
Choice: 11 2
Choice: 12 3
Choice: 13 4
Choice: 14 5
Choice: 15 6
Choice: 16 7
Choice: 17 8
Choice: 18 9
Label: WhiteBalance Adjust B
Current: 0
Choice: 0 -9
Choice: 1 -8
Choice: 2 -7
Choice: 3 -6
Choice: 4 -5
Choice: 5 -4
Choice: 6 -3
Choice: 7 -2
Choice: 8 -1
Choice: 9 0
Choice: 10 1
Choice: 11 2
Choice: 12 3
Choice: 13 4
Choice: 14 5
Choice: 15 6
Choice: 16 7
Choice: 17 8
Choice: 18 9
Label: WhiteBalance X A
Type: TEXT
Current: 0
Label: WhiteBalance X B
Type: TEXT
Current: 0
Label: Color Space
Current: sRGB
Choice: 0 sRGB
Choice: 1 AdobeRGB
Label: Exposure Compensation
Current: -1.3
Choice: 0 -2
Choice: 1 -1.6
Choice: 2 -1.3
Choice: 3 -1.0
Choice: 4 -0.6
Choice: 5 -0.3
Choice: 6 0
Choice: 7 0.3
Choice: 8 0.6
Choice: 9 1.0
Choice: 10 1.3
Choice: 11 1.6
Choice: 12 2
Label: Focus Mode
Current: One Shot
Choice: 0 One Shot
Choice: 1 AI Focus
Choice: 2 AI Servo
Label: Canon Auto Exposure Mode
Current: TV
Choice: 0 P
Choice: 1 TV
Choice: 2 AV
Choice: 3 Manual
Choice: 4 Bulb
Choice: 5 A_DEP
Choice: 6 DEP
Choice: 7 Custom
Choice: 8 Lock
Choice: 9 Green
Choice: 10 Night Portrait
Choice: 11 Sports
Choice: 12 Portrait
Choice: 13 Landscape
Choice: 14 Closeup
Choice: 15 Flash Off
Label: Drive Mode
Current: Continuous
Choice: 0 Single
Choice: 1 Continuous
Choice: 2 Timer 10 sec
Choice: 3 Timer 2 sec
Choice: 4 Unknown value 0007
Label: Picture Style
Current: Standard
Choice: 0 Standard
Choice: 1 Portrait
Choice: 2 Landscape
Choice: 3 Neutral
Choice: 4 Faithful
Choice: 5 Monochrome
Choice: 6 User defined 1
Choice: 7 User defined 2
Choice: 8 User defined 3
Label: Shutter Speed
Current: 1/10
Choice: 0 30
Choice: 1 25
Choice: 2 20
Choice: 3 15
Choice: 4 13
Choice: 5 10
Choice: 6 8
Choice: 7 6
Choice: 8 5
Choice: 9 4
Choice: 10 3.2
Choice: 11 2.5
Choice: 12 2
Choice: 13 1.6
Choice: 14 1.3
Choice: 15 1
Choice: 16 0.8
Choice: 17 0.6
Choice: 18 0.5
Choice: 19 0.4
Choice: 20 0.3
Choice: 21 1/4
Choice: 22 1/5
Choice: 23 1/6
Choice: 24 1/8
Choice: 25 1/10
Choice: 26 1/13
Choice: 27 1/15
Choice: 28 1/20
Choice: 29 1/25
Choice: 30 1/30
Choice: 31 1/40
Choice: 32 1/50
Choice: 33 1/60
Choice: 34 1/80
Choice: 35 1/100
Choice: 36 1/125
Choice: 37 1/160
Choice: 38 1/200
Choice: 39 1/250
Choice: 40 1/320
Choice: 41 1/400
Choice: 42 1/500
Choice: 43 1/640
Choice: 44 1/800
Choice: 45 1/1000
Choice: 46 1/1250
Choice: 47 1/1600
Choice: 48 1/2000
Choice: 49 1/2500
Choice: 50 1/3200
Choice: 51 1/4000
Label: Metering Mode
Current: Evaluative
Choice: 0 Evaluative
Choice: 1 Partial
Choice: 2 Spot
Choice: 3 Center-weighted average
Label: Bracket Mode
Type: TEXT
Current: 0
Label: PTP Property 0xd402
Type: TEXT
Current: Canon EOS 450D
Label: PTP Property 0xd407
Type: TEXT
Current: 1
Label: PTP Property 0xd406
Type: TEXT
Current: Windows/6.1.7601 MTPClassDriver/6.1.7600.16385
---capture-- 0 2015-04-08 14:50:22
>> ['gphoto2', '--capture-image', '--filename', 'temp0.jpg', '--force-overwrite']
New file is in location /store_00020001/DCIM/100CANON/IMG_6580.JPG on the camera
---capture-- 1 2015-04-08 14:50:26
>> ['gphoto2', '--capture-image', '--filename', 'temp1.jpg', '--force-overwrite']
New file is in location /store_00020001/DCIM/100CANON/IMG_6581.JPG on the camera
---capture-- 2 2015-04-08 14:50:30
>> ['gphoto2', '--capture-image', '--filename', 'temp2.jpg', '--force-overwrite']
New file is in location /store_00020001/DCIM/100CANON/IMG_6582.JPG on the camera
---capture-- 3 2015-04-08 14:50:34
>> ['gphoto2', '--capture-image', '--filename', 'temp3.jpg', '--force-overwrite']
hjs@ubuntu:~$ gphoto2 -F 3 -I 1 --capture-image
Time-lapse mode enabled (interval: 1s).
Capturing frame #1/3...
New file is in location /store_00020001/DCIM/100CANON/IMG_6603.JPG on the camera
not sleeping (1 seconds behind schedule)
Capturing frame #2/3...
New file is in location /store_00020001/DCIM/100CANON/IMG_6604.JPG on the camera
not sleeping (0 seconds behind schedule)
Capturing frame #3/3...
New file is in location /store_00020001/DCIM/100CANON/IMG_6605.JPG on the camer
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