English:Day-to-day 1104
editor by enomothem
It snowed throughout the day and night.
\___________________________________| rowing machine
sign in : |______________________________||
sign out:|______________________________||
It snowed throughout the day and night.
I have a toothache(dental) today.
[+]throughout |
|-->every start and stop
| safety inspection |
[one]_splint jiaban _stool
[two]_thumb hahaha _consumption
[tree]_contraction _identity
| finance department |
_accounts clerk _attentive
| health |
[one]_health care
[e-mail] + covering letter
|------>cruise ship
}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} | |
waste material | r |
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ | o |
\ \ | u |
\ \ | t |
\ \ | e |
university campus | =====
--------------------% =====
_________________________________ =====
/ ________________ \ =====
| / \ | =====
| | | | =====
| \________________/ | =====
\__________________________________/ =====
|\————— +——— ——— / | =====
| \ / | \ / | =====
| | | | | | | =====
| / \ | / \ | =====
|/ \|/ \ | =====
—————— +———————++ =====
The basketball player injured his wrist.
# but neet adapt of in campus first day.
beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach beach
~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_ |___/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| |||
| |||
social CV(curriculum vitae) applishation(form) interview
western-style clothes is desirable(attractive)
=need self determined.
=expensive buy not it
''enclosure XXX
'' XXX
export contract
---Fiexitime means,to an extent,you can choose your own hours which you work.
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