
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip

white_output = 'videos/testVideo.mp4'
clip1 = VideoFileClip("videos/testVideo.mp4") OSError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-40-f49638833528> in <module>()
1 white_output = 'videos/testVideo.mp4'
----> 2 clip1 = VideoFileClip("videos/testVideo.mp4")
3 white_clip = clip1.fl_image(process_image) #NOTE: this function expects color images!!
4 get_ipython().magic('time white_clip.write_videofile(white_output, audio=False)') C:\Users\hp pc\Anaconda3\envs\lib\site-packages\moviepy\video\io\VideoFileClip.py in __init__(self, filename, has_mask, audio, audio_buffersize, audio_fps, audio_nbytes, verbose)
53 # Make a reader
54 pix_fmt= "rgba" if has_mask else "rgb24"
---> 55 reader = FFMPEG_VideoReader(filename, pix_fmt=pix_fmt)
56 self.reader = reader
57 # Make some of the reader's attributes accessible from the clip C:\Users\hp pc\Anaconda3\envs\lib\site-packages\moviepy\video\io\ffmpeg_reader.py in __init__(self, filename, print_infos, bufsize, pix_fmt, check_duration)
31 self.filename = filename
---> 32 infos = ffmpeg_parse_infos(filename, print_infos, check_duration)
33 self.fps = infos['video_fps']
34 self.size = infos['video_size'] C:\Users\hp pc\Anaconda3\envs\lib\site-packages\moviepy\video\io\ffmpeg_reader.py in ffmpeg_parse_infos(filename, print_infos, check_duration)
236 popen_params["creationflags"] = 0x08000000
--> 238 proc = sp.Popen(cmd, **popen_params)
240 proc.stdout.readline() C:\Users\hp pc\Anaconda3\envs\lib\subprocess.py in __init__(self, args, bufsize, executable, stdin, stdout, stderr, preexec_fn, close_fds, shell, cwd, env, universal_newlines, startupinfo, creationflags, restore_signals, start_new_session, pass_fds)
840 pass_fds=()):
841 """Create new Popen instance."""
--> 842 _cleanup()
843 # Held while anything is calling waitpid before returncode has been
844 # updated to prevent clobbering returncode if wait() or poll() are C:\Users\hp pc\Anaconda3\envs\lib\subprocess.py in _cleanup()
503 def _cleanup():
504 for inst in _active[:]:
--> 505 res = inst._internal_poll(_deadstate=sys.maxsize)
506 if res is not None:
507 try: C:\Users\hp pc\Anaconda3\envs\lib\subprocess.py in _internal_poll(self, _deadstate, _WaitForSingleObject, _WAIT_OBJECT_0, _GetExitCodeProcess)
1257 """
1258 if self.returncode is None:
-> 1259 if _WaitForSingleObject(self._handle, 0) == _WAIT_OBJECT_0:
1260 self.returncode = _GetExitCodeProcess(self._handle)
1261 return self.returncode OSError: [WinError 6] The handle is invalid







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