
437. Path Sum III




class Solution {
int pathSum(TreeNode* root, int sum)
if(!root) return 0;
int count = getPath(root,0,sum) + pathSum(root->left,sum) + pathSum(root->right,sum);
return count;
int getPath(TreeNode* node, int target, int sum)
if(!node) return 0;
target += node->val;
return (target == sum) + getPath(node->left, target, sum) + getPath(node->right, target, sum);


class Solution {
int pathSum(TreeNode* root, int sum) {
return total;
int total;
void incrementTotal(){
this->total++; } void path(TreeNode* root,int sum, int target){
if(root != NULL){ checkpath(root,0,target);
void checkpath(TreeNode* root,int sum,int target){ if(root == NULL){
int check = sum + root->val;
if(check == target){
checkpath(root->right,check,target); } };


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