If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.


I can't follow this. There are many people I do care about and there are many things that live in my heart, not just you.

Sorry, I can't devote all myself to you, and I hope you can understand me.

My world may be somewhat different from yours, more's pity.

Depend not on fortune, but on conduct.


From Publilius Syrus.

Over the years, to be accurate, after experiencing shameful failures in my college life, I gradually fell into a fatalist.

I am a communist, I shouldn't believe in fate or any supernatural power, but the reality always slashed on my face that there may be a god or so who wants to make joke on my life.

Nevertheless, the reality tells me if I want to defeat my fate, I must depend on my conducts, step by step, to make a little change.

Act now, without any delay.

Some small advice when reading technical reference:

Don't excessively focus on those awkward names created by those specialists, try to understand the real meaning beneath them.

And the most effective way to interpret those names is to use them, make expriments with them, as often as you can.

There is no better way to learn new knowledge than a hands-on experience.

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