package cc11001100.zookeeper.lock; /**
* @author CC11001100
public interface DistributeLock { void lock() throws InterruptedException; void unlock(); /**
* 释放此分布式锁所需要的资源,比如zookeeper连接
void releaseResource(); }
package cc11001100.zookeeper.lock; import cc11001100.zookeeper.utils.ZooKeeperUtil;
import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper; import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.UUID; /**
* 不可重入有羊群效应的分布式锁(不公平锁)
* @author CC11001100
public class NotReentrantDistributeLockWithHerdEffect implements DistributeLock { private final Thread currentThread; private String lockBasePath;
private String lockName;
private String lockFullPath; private ZooKeeper zooKeeper;
private String myId;
private String myName; public NotReentrantDistributeLockWithHerdEffect(String lockBasePath, String lockName) throws IOException {
this.lockBasePath = lockBasePath;
this.lockName = lockName;
this.lockFullPath = this.lockBasePath + "/" + lockName;
this.zooKeeper = ZooKeeperUtil.getZooKeeper();
this.currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
this.myId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this.myName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
} private void createLockBasePath() {
try {
if (zooKeeper.exists(lockBasePath, null) == null) {
zooKeeper.create(lockBasePath, "".getBytes(), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
} catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException ignored) {
} @Override
public void lock() throws InterruptedException {
try {
zooKeeper.create(lockFullPath, myId.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL);
System.out.println(myName + ": get lock");
} catch (KeeperException.NodeExistsException e) {
// 如果节点已经存在,则监听此节点,当节点被删除时再抢占锁
try {
zooKeeper.exists(lockFullPath, event -> {
synchronized (currentThread) {
System.out.println(myName + ": wake");
} catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e1) {
// 间不容发之际,其它人释放了锁
} catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e1) {
synchronized (currentThread) {
} catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
} @Override
public void unlock() {
try {
byte[] nodeBytes = zooKeeper.getData(lockFullPath, false, null);
String currentHoldLockNodeId = new String(nodeBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// 只有当前锁的持有者是自己的时候,才能删除节点
if (myId.equalsIgnoreCase(currentHoldLockNodeId)) {
zooKeeper.delete(lockFullPath, -1);
} catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println(myName + ": releaseResource lock");
} @Override
public void releaseResource() {
try {
// 将zookeeper连接释放掉
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} }
package cc11001100.zookeeper.lock; import java.io.IOException;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /**
* @author CC11001100
public class NotReentrantDistributeLockWithHerdEffectTest { private static String now() {
return LocalDateTime.now().format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
} public static void main(String[] args) {
int nodeNum = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < nodeNum; i++) {
new Thread(() -> {
DistributeLock lock = null;
try {
lock = new NotReentrantDistributeLockWithHerdEffect("/zk-lock", "foo");
String myName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
System.out.println(myName + ": hold lock, now=" + now());
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
if (lock != null) {
}, "thread-name-" + i).start();
} // output:
// thread-name-8: get lock
// thread-name-8: hold lock, now=2019-01-14 13:31:48
// thread-name-8: releaseResource lock
// thread-name-2: wake
// thread-name-5: wake
// thread-name-3: wake
// thread-name-1: wake
// thread-name-4: wake
// thread-name-9: wake
// thread-name-0: wake
// thread-name-7: wake
// thread-name-6: wake
// thread-name-2: get lock
// thread-name-2: hold lock, now=2019-01-14 13:31:51
// thread-name-7: wake
// thread-name-2: releaseResource lock
// thread-name-6: wake
// thread-name-0: wake
// thread-name-9: wake
// thread-name-1: wake
// thread-name-3: wake
// thread-name-5: wake
// thread-name-4: wake
// thread-name-0: get lock
// thread-name-0: hold lock, now=2019-01-14 13:31:54
// thread-name-6: wake
// thread-name-1: wake
// thread-name-7: wake
// thread-name-4: wake
// thread-name-3: wake
// thread-name-5: wake
// thread-name-0: releaseResource lock
// thread-name-9: wake
// thread-name-1: get lock
// thread-name-1: hold lock, now=2019-01-14 13:31:57
// thread-name-9: wake
// thread-name-6: wake
// thread-name-7: wake
// thread-name-3: wake
// thread-name-5: wake
// thread-name-4: wake
// thread-name-1: releaseResource lock
// thread-name-9: get lock
// thread-name-9: hold lock, now=2019-01-14 13:32:00
// thread-name-7: wake
// thread-name-4: wake
// thread-name-5: wake
// thread-name-3: wake
// thread-name-9: releaseResource lock
// thread-name-6: wake
// thread-name-3: get lock
// thread-name-3: hold lock, now=2019-01-14 13:32:03
// thread-name-6: wake
// thread-name-5: wake
// thread-name-4: wake
// thread-name-3: releaseResource lock
// thread-name-7: wake
// thread-name-6: get lock
// thread-name-6: hold lock, now=2019-01-14 13:32:06
// thread-name-7: wake
// thread-name-6: releaseResource lock
// thread-name-4: wake
// thread-name-5: wake
// thread-name-7: get lock
// thread-name-7: hold lock, now=2019-01-14 13:32:09
// thread-name-4: wake
// thread-name-7: releaseResource lock
// thread-name-5: wake
// thread-name-5: get lock
// thread-name-5: hold lock, now=2019-01-14 13:32:12
// thread-name-5: releaseResource lock
// thread-name-4: wake
// thread-name-4: get lock
// thread-name-4: hold lock, now=2019-01-14 13:32:15
// thread-name-4: releaseResource lock } }
package cc11001100.zookeeper.lock; import cc11001100.zookeeper.utils.ZooKeeperUtil;
import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper;
import org.apache.zookeeper.data.Stat; import java.io.IOException; /**
* 不可重入没有羊群效应的锁(公平锁)
* @author CC11001100
public class NotReentrantDistributeLock implements DistributeLock { private final Thread currentThread; private String lockBasePath;
private String lockPrefix;
private String lockFullPath; private ZooKeeper zooKeeper;
private String myName;
private int myTicket; public NotReentrantDistributeLock(String lockBasePath, String lockPrefix) throws IOException {
this.lockBasePath = lockBasePath;
this.lockPrefix = lockPrefix;
this.lockFullPath = lockBasePath + "/" + lockPrefix;
this.zooKeeper = ZooKeeperUtil.getZooKeeper();
this.currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
this.myName = currentThread.getName();
} private void createLockBasePath() {
try {
if (zooKeeper.exists(lockBasePath, null) == null) {
zooKeeper.create(lockBasePath, "".getBytes(), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
} catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException ignored) {
} @Override
public void lock() throws InterruptedException {
log("begin get lock");
try {
String path = zooKeeper.create(lockFullPath, "".getBytes(), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL);
myTicket = extractMyTicket(path);
String previousNode = buildPath(myTicket - 1);
Stat exists = zooKeeper.exists(previousNode, event -> {
synchronized (currentThread) {
if (exists != null) {
synchronized (currentThread) {
log("get lock success");
} catch (KeeperException e) {
} private int extractMyTicket(String path) {
int splitIndex = path.lastIndexOf("/");
return Integer.parseInt(path.substring(splitIndex + 1).replace(lockPrefix, ""));
} private String buildPath(int ticket) {
return String.format("%s%010d", lockFullPath, ticket);
} @Override
public void unlock() {
log("begin release lock");
try {
zooKeeper.delete(buildPath(myTicket), -1);
} catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
log("end release lock");
} @Override
public void releaseResource() {
try {
// 将zookeeper连接释放掉
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} private void log(String msg) {
System.out.printf("[%d] %s : %s\n", myTicket, myName, msg);
} }
package cc11001100.zookeeper.lock; import java.io.IOException;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /**
* @author CC11001100
public class NotReentrantDistributeLockTest { private static String now() {
return LocalDateTime.now().format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
} public static void main(String[] args) { int nodeNum = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < nodeNum; i++) {
new Thread(() -> {
DistributeLock lock = null;
try {
lock = new NotReentrantDistributeLock("/zk-lock", "bar");
String myName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
System.out.println(myName + ": get lock success, now=" + now());
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
if (lock != null) {
}, "thread-name-" + i).start();
} // output:
// [0] thread-name-6 : begin get lock
// [0] thread-name-3 : begin get lock
// [0] thread-name-5 : begin get lock
// [0] thread-name-4 : begin get lock
// [0] thread-name-8 : begin get lock
// [0] thread-name-9 : begin get lock
// [0] thread-name-2 : begin get lock
// [0] thread-name-7 : begin get lock
// [0] thread-name-1 : begin get lock
// [0] thread-name-0 : begin get lock
// [170] thread-name-1 : get lock success
// thread-name-1: get lock success, now=2019-01-14 17:59:56
// [170] thread-name-1 : begin release lock
// [170] thread-name-1 : end release lock
// [171] thread-name-9 : wake
// [171] thread-name-9 : get lock success
// thread-name-9: get lock success, now=2019-01-14 17:59:59
// [171] thread-name-9 : begin release lock
// [171] thread-name-9 : end release lock
// [172] thread-name-4 : wake
// [172] thread-name-4 : get lock success
// thread-name-4: get lock success, now=2019-01-14 18:00:02
// [172] thread-name-4 : begin release lock
// [173] thread-name-0 : wake
// [172] thread-name-4 : end release lock
// [173] thread-name-0 : get lock success
// thread-name-0: get lock success, now=2019-01-14 18:00:05
// [173] thread-name-0 : begin release lock
// [174] thread-name-6 : wake
// [173] thread-name-0 : end release lock
// [174] thread-name-6 : get lock success
// thread-name-6: get lock success, now=2019-01-14 18:00:08
// [174] thread-name-6 : begin release lock
// [175] thread-name-7 : wake
// [174] thread-name-6 : end release lock
// [175] thread-name-7 : get lock success
// thread-name-7: get lock success, now=2019-01-14 18:00:11
// [175] thread-name-7 : begin release lock
// [176] thread-name-3 : wake
// [175] thread-name-7 : end release lock
// [176] thread-name-3 : get lock success
// thread-name-3: get lock success, now=2019-01-14 18:00:14
// [176] thread-name-3 : begin release lock
// [177] thread-name-8 : wake
// [176] thread-name-3 : end release lock
// [177] thread-name-8 : get lock success
// thread-name-8: get lock success, now=2019-01-14 18:00:17
// [177] thread-name-8 : begin release lock
// [178] thread-name-2 : wake
// [177] thread-name-8 : end release lock
// [178] thread-name-2 : get lock success
// thread-name-2: get lock success, now=2019-01-14 18:00:20
// [178] thread-name-2 : begin release lock
// [179] thread-name-5 : wake
// [178] thread-name-2 : end release lock
// [179] thread-name-5 : get lock success
// thread-name-5: get lock success, now=2019-01-14 18:00:23
// [179] thread-name-5 : begin release lock
// [179] thread-name-5 : end release lock } }
package cc11001100.zookeeper.lock; import cc11001100.zookeeper.utils.ZooKeeperUtil;
import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode;
import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper;
import org.apache.zookeeper.data.Stat; import java.io.IOException;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; /**
* 可重入无羊群效应的分布式锁(公平锁)
* @author CC11001100
public class ReentrantDistributeLock implements DistributeLock { private final Thread currentThread; private String lockBasePath;
private String lockPrefix;
private String lockFullPath; private ZooKeeper zooKeeper;
private String myName;
private int myTicket; // 使用一个本机变量记载重复次数,这个值就不存储在zookeeper上了,
// 一则修改zk节点值还需要网络会慢一些,二是其它节点只需要知道有个节点当前持有锁就可以了,至于重入几次不关它们的事呀
private int reentrantCount = 0; public ReentrantDistributeLock(String lockBasePath, String lockName) throws IOException {
this.lockBasePath = lockBasePath;
this.lockPrefix = lockName;
this.lockFullPath = lockBasePath + "/" + lockName;
this.zooKeeper = ZooKeeperUtil.getZooKeeper();
this.currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
this.myName = currentThread.getName();
} private void createLockBasePath() {
try {
if (zooKeeper.exists(lockBasePath, null) == null) {
zooKeeper.create(lockBasePath, "".getBytes(), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
} catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException ignored) {
} @Override
public void lock() throws InterruptedException {
log("begin get lock"); // 如果reentrantCount不为0说明当前节点已经持有锁了,无需等待,直接增加重入次数即可
if (reentrantCount != 0) {
log("get lock success");
} // 说明还没有获取到锁,需要设置watcher监听上一个节点释放锁事件
try {
String path = zooKeeper.create(lockFullPath, "".getBytes(), ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL);
myTicket = extractMyTicket(path);
String previousNode = buildPathByTicket(myTicket - 1);
Stat exists = zooKeeper.exists(previousNode, event -> {
synchronized (currentThread) {
if (exists != null) {
synchronized (currentThread) {
log("get lock success");
} catch (KeeperException e) {
} private int extractMyTicket(String path) {
int splitIndex = path.lastIndexOf("/");
return Integer.parseInt(path.substring(splitIndex + 1).replace(lockPrefix, ""));
} private String buildPathByTicket(int ticket) {
return String.format("%s%010d", lockFullPath, ticket);
} @Override
public void unlock() {
log("begin release lock"); // 每次unlock的时候将递归次数减1,没有减到0说明还在递归中
if (reentrantCount != 0) {
log("end release lock");
} // 只有当重入次数为0的时候才删除节点,将锁释放掉
try {
zooKeeper.delete(buildPathByTicket(myTicket), -1);
} catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
log("end release lock");
} @Override
public void releaseResource() {
try {
// 将zookeeper连接释放掉
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} private void log(String msg) {
System.out.printf("[%s], ticket=%d, reentrantCount=%d, threadName=%s, msg=%s\n", now(), myTicket, reentrantCount, myName, msg);
} private String now() {
return LocalDateTime.now().format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
} }
package cc11001100.zookeeper.lock; import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /**
* 测试分布式可重入锁,每个锁随机重入,看是否会发生错误
* @author CC11001100
public class ReentrantDistributeLockTest { public static void main(String[] args) { int nodeNum = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < nodeNum; i++) {
new Thread(() -> {
DistributeLock lock = null;
try {
lock = new ReentrantDistributeLock("/zk-lock", "bar");
TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); int reentrantTimes = new Random().nextInt(10);
int reentrantCount = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < reentrantTimes; j++) {
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
while (reentrantCount-- > 0) {
} lock.unlock();
} catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
if (lock != null) {
}, "thread-name-" + i).start();
} // output:
// [2019-01-14 17:57:43], ticket=0, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:43], ticket=0, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-5, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:43], ticket=0, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:43], ticket=0, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:43], ticket=0, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-6, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:43], ticket=0, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-1, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:43], ticket=0, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:43], ticket=0, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:43], ticket=0, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-3, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:43], ticket=0, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-2, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:43], ticket=160, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=160, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-0, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=161, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-6, msg=wake
// [2019-01-14 17:57:44], ticket=161, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-6, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:45], ticket=161, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-6, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:45], ticket=161, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-6, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:45], ticket=161, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-6, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:45], ticket=161, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-6, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:45], ticket=161, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-6, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:45], ticket=161, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-6, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:45], ticket=161, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-6, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:45], ticket=161, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-6, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:45], ticket=161, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-6, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:45], ticket=162, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-5, msg=wake
// [2019-01-14 17:57:45], ticket=161, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-6, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:45], ticket=162, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-5, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:46], ticket=162, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-5, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:46], ticket=162, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-5, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:46], ticket=163, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=wake
// [2019-01-14 17:57:46], ticket=163, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=4, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=4, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=5, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=5, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=4, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=4, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=164, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-2, msg=wake
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=163, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-8, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:47], ticket=164, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-2, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:48], ticket=164, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-2, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:48], ticket=165, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=wake
// [2019-01-14 17:57:48], ticket=164, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-2, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:48], ticket=165, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=165, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=165, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=165, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=165, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=165, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=165, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=165, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=165, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=165, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=165, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=165, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=165, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=165, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=166, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-1, msg=wake
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=165, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-9, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:49], ticket=166, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-1, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:50], ticket=166, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-1, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:50], ticket=167, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=wake
// [2019-01-14 17:57:50], ticket=166, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-1, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:50], ticket=167, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=167, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=167, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=167, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=167, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=167, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=167, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=167, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=167, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=167, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=167, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=167, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=167, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=167, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=168, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-3, msg=wake
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=167, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-4, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:51], ticket=168, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-3, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:52], ticket=168, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-3, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:52], ticket=168, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-3, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:52], ticket=168, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-3, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:52], ticket=168, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-3, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:52], ticket=168, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-3, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:52], ticket=168, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-3, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:52], ticket=168, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-3, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:52], ticket=168, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-3, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:52], ticket=168, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-3, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:52], ticket=169, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=wake
// [2019-01-14 17:57:52], ticket=168, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-3, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:52], ticket=169, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=4, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=4, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=4, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=4, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=4, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=4, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=4, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=4, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=5, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=5, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin get lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=6, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=get lock success
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=6, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=5, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=5, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=4, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=4, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=3, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=2, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=end release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=1, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=begin release lock
// [2019-01-14 17:57:53], ticket=169, reentrantCount=0, threadName=thread-name-7, msg=end release lock } }
- Zookeeper笔记之基于zk的分布式配置中心
一.场景 & 需求 集群上有很多个节点运行同一个任务,这个任务会有一些可能经常改变的配置参数,要求是当配置参数改变之后能够很快地同步到每个节点上,如果将这些配置参数放在本地文件中则每次都要修改 ...
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import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework; import o ...
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小结: 1. 锁的实现方式,按照应用的实现架构,可能会有以下几种类型: 如果处理程序是单进程多线程的,在 python下,就可以使用 threading 模块的 Lock 对象来限制对共享变量的同步访 ...
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