pat advanced 1139. First Contact (30)
- 解法暴力
- 因为有 0000, -0000 这样的数据,所以用字符串处理
- 同性的时候,遍历好朋友时会直接遍历到对方,这个时候应该continue
using namespace std;
//因为有 0000, -0000 这样的数据,所以用字符串处理
int n, m;
unordered_map<string, unordered_set<string>> relations;
bool is_same_gender(string id1, string id2)
if ((id1[0] == '-' && id2[0] == '-') || (id1[0] != '-' && id2[0] != '-')) return true;
return false;
struct result
string id1;
string id2;
result(string _x, string _y)
if (_x[0] == '-') id1 = _x.substr(1);
else id1 = _x;
if (_y[0] == '-') id2 = _y.substr(1);
else id2 = _y;
void print()
cout << id1 << " " << id2 << endl;
bool operator<(const result&r)const
return id1 == r.id1 ? id2 < r.id2: id1 < r.id1 ;
int main()
while (scanf("%d %d", &n, &m) != EOF)
char id1[6], id2[6];
while (m--)
scanf("%s %s", id1, id2);
int q;
scanf("%d", &q);
while (q--)
vector<result> res; res.clear();
scanf("%s %s", id1, id2);
for (unordered_set<string>::iterator i = relations[id1].begin(); i != relations[id1].end(); i++)
if (!is_same_gender(id1, (*i)) || (*i) == string(id2)) continue;
for (unordered_set<string>::iterator j = relations[id2].begin(); j != relations[id2].end(); j++)
if (!is_same_gender(id2, (*j)) || (*j) == string(id1)) continue;
if (relations[(*i)].find(*j) != relations[(*i)].end())
res.push_back(result((*i), (*j)));
sort(res.begin(), res.end());
printf("%d\n", res.size());
for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++)
return 0;
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