本文记录 dotnet 8.0.4 版本修复的 WPF 的触摸模块安全问题,此问题影响所有的 .NET 版本,修复方法是更新 SDK 和运行时

宣布安全漏洞地址: https://github.com/dotnet/wpf/issues/9003

安全漏洞宣布地址: https://github.com/dotnet/announcements/issues/303

漏洞代号: CVE-2024-21409

核心更改: https://github.com/dotnet/wpf/commit/c15b5c68cd74ae28bc99af539d05880658c45024

影响模块: 触摸模块

开发者侧的修复方法: 升级 .NET SDK 或运行时版本,携带此更新的版本分别如下

  • .NET 6 : 6.0.29
  • .NET 7 : 7.0.18
  • .NET 8 : 8.0.4

微软系统更新 Microsoft Update 将会自动推送以上版本的 .NET Core 更新,以及相应的 .NET Framework 质量更新


    // The CComObject<CPimcManager> destructor is the only function which calls into this
// FinalRelease code.
// In all successful usage of CPimcManager: 1) Managed WPF code uses CoCreateInstance
// to acquire an IPimcManager2 interface to a brand-new CPimcManager instance (created by
// the ATL CComCreator<T>::CreateInstance machinery), meaning FinalConstruct by-definition
// completes successfully, meaning "m_managerLock" is therefore guaranteed to be locked;
// 2) Managed WPF code then runs through its full end-to-end usage of the CPimcManager
// object (generally managed by the code in PenThreadWorker.cs); 3) When/if the managed WPF
// code determines that the CPimcManager object is no longer needed, it sends a
// RELEASE_MANAGER_EXT message (see UnsafeNativeMethods.ReleaseManagerExternalLock()) which
// unlocks "m_managerLock"; 4) Now that it is unlocked, the CComObject<CPimcManager> object
// can be destroyed when/if its refcount drops to zero, and this FinalRelease function will
// run at that time.
// So in all successful usage cases, it is guaranteed that "m_managerLock" is already
// unlocked when this code runs (because if it was still locked, the lock itself would have
// prevented the refcount from reaching zero, and would have prevented this function from
// ever running).
// That said, in unsuccessful usage cases, the ATL CComCreator<T>::CreateInstance machinery
// can fail, meaning it will destroy the brand-new CPimcManager instance before returning
// an error back to the CreateInstance caller. Destroying the brand-new instance triggers
// the CComObject<CPimcManager> destructor and therefore calls into this function during
// the CComCreator<T>::CreateInstance operation itself.
// The final step in CComCreator<T>::CreateInstance is a QI which queries the newly-created
// object for whatever interface has been requested by the caller. This operation is the
// main way that CComCreator<T>::CreateInstance can fail. For example, this QI is
// guaranteed to fail whenever the CoCreateInstance caller targets the CPimcManager CLSID
// but passes in a "random" IID that has nothing to do with IPimcManager2 or anything else
// that CPimcManager implements.
// (In CPimcManager construction, outside of pathological cases (e.g., where a small heap
// allocation in OS code fails due to out-of-memory), there are no other known ways that
// the CComCreator<T>::CreateInstance sequence can fail; so the QI failure is the only
// failure mode that is known to be of general interest.)
// The QI failure can only occur after the preceding FinalConstruct call has completed
// successfully (since any FinalConstruct failure would have caused
// CComCreator<T>::CreateInstance to abort without ever trying the QI); since
// CPimcManager::FinalConstruct always locks the "m_managerLock", this implies that the
// "m_managerLock" is guaranteed to be locked when this code runs (which is exactly
// opposite to what happens in all successful usage cases as discussed above).
// In this case, it is crucial to unlock "m_managerLock" before allowing this CPimcManager
// object to be destroyed. Without the unlock, this CPimcManager object would be destroyed
// while the associated CStdIdentity in the OS code still holds a reference to it; during
// any future apartment unload, the OS code would release this reference, and the release
// would be a use-after-free at that point.
// Note that the crucial unlock causes overactive ATL debug asserts to fire if a chk build
// of this DLL is used; specifically:
// - The code in the CComObject<CPimcManager> destructor always stomps the refcount to
// 0xc0000001 (i.e., "-(LONG_MAX/2)"), meaning this CPimcManager object's refcount is
// always 0xc0000001 when this code runs; unlocking "m_managerLock" will cause the refcount
// to drop by one (because, as discussed above, the crucial operation which prevents
// use-after-free problems will release the associated CStdIdentity's reference to this
// CPimcManager object, and in this way releases the reference that was added when
// "managerLock" was locked during FinalConstruct); as a result, unlocking "m_managerLock"
// will move this CPimcManager object's refcount through a "0xc0000001 -> 0xc0000000"
// transition.
// - Both of the CComObjectRootEx<T>::InternalRelease specializations contain debug asserts
// which will fire whenever the refcount drops below 0xc0000001, so this transition always
// triggers a debug assert when using a chk build of this DLL.
// - That said, all evidence strongly suggests that this is just an overactive assert in
// the ATL code (probably just indicating that it is rare for FinalConstruct to add
// "self-references" like it does for CPimcManager (since these self-references generally
// prevent the server object from being destroyed unless a manual action like the
// RELEASE_MANAGER_EXT message is taken later on), meaning it is rare to have a situation
// where FinalRelease needs to release self-references that were acquired in
// FinalConstruct, meaning this is a rare enough case that the ATL authors either didn't
// test it or didn't think it was common enough to warrant adjusting the assert).
// Since this change is being made in servicing, attempt to change behavior as little as
// possible in the "successful usage" cases where "m_managerLock" is already unlocked,
// while still ensuring that FinalRelease will always run the crucial unlock in all
// "unsuccessful usage" cases.

以下是 new Bing 对上面注释的解释

这段代码注释讨论的是一个关于 CPimcManager 类的析构函数(destructor)的问题。让我来解释一下:

  1. 首先,我们有一个 CPimcManager 类,它的析构函数(destructor)被称为 FinalRelease
  2. 在成功使用 CPimcManager 的情况下,以下步骤发生:
    • 托管的 WPF 代码使用 CoCreateInstance 来获取一个指向全新 CPimcManager 实例的 IPimcManager2 接口(由 ATL CComCreator<T>::CreateInstance 机制创建)。
    • 这意味着 FinalConstruct 已经成功完成,也就是说,“m_managerLock”已经被锁定。
    • 然后,托管的 WPF 代码通过发送 RELEASE_MANAGER_EXT 消息(参见 UnsafeNativeMethods.ReleaseManagerExternalLock())来解锁 “m_managerLock”,表示不再需要 CPimcManager 对象。
    • 现在,“m_managerLock”已经解锁,CComObject<CPimcManager> 对象可以在其引用计数降至零时被销毁,此时 FinalRelease 函数将运行。
  3. 因此,在所有成功的使用情况下,当此代码运行时,“m_managerLock”已经解锁(因为如果它仍然被锁定,锁本身将阻止引用计数达到零,从而阻止此函数运行)。
  4. 但是,在不成功的使用情况下,ATL CComCreator<T>::CreateInstance 机制可能会失败,这意味着它将在将错误返回给 CreateInstance 调用者之前销毁全新的 CPimcManager 实例。
  5. 销毁全新实例会触发 CComObject<CPimcManager> 析构函数,因此在 CComCreator<T>::CreateInstance操作本身期间会调用此函数。
  6. CComCreator<T>::CreateInstance 的最后一步是查询新创建的对象,以获取已重新定义的任何接口。

总之,这段注释详细描述了 CPimcManager 类的析构函数在不同使用情况下的行为和保证。

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