

[kingbase@postgres ~]$ sh -x init
+++ readlink -f
++ dirname /home/kingbase/
+ script_locate_folder=/home/kingbase
+ '[' '!' -f /home/kingbase/sys_backup.conf ']'
+ '[' '!' -f /home/kingbase/../share/sys_backup.conf ']'
+ /bin/echo 'ERROR: sys_backup.conf does not exist'
ERROR: sys_backup.conf does not exist
+ exit 1 使用sh -x可以看到,sys_backup.sh第一步先在执行命令当前目录查找sys_backup.conf配置文件,然后再去查找sys_backup.conf文件.
优先使用的也是当前目录的sys_backup.conf配置文件 [kingbase@postgres share]$ ls -l /home/kingbase/
总用量 2343320
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kingbase kingbase 529 1月 10 15:28 ltrace.out
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kingbase kingbase 252 12月 6 16:48 my_test.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kingbase kingbase 10403 12月 13 18:21 nohup.out
drwx------ 23 kingbase kingbase 4096 1月 19 13:38 ora_data
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kingbase kingbase 2201 1月 10 15:26 strace.out
-rw------- 1 kingbase kingbase 8192 11月 10 19:05 sys_control
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kingbase kingbase 774611 12月 13 18:14 sys_menu.sql
drwxrwxr-x 3 kingbase kingbase 16 11月 10 01:12 V8R6C6B21 [kingbase@postgres share]$ pwd
[kingbase@postgres share]$ ls -l sys_backup.conf
-rw-rw-r-- 1 kingbase kingbase 1957 1月 16 18:32 sys_backup.conf
[kingbase@postgres share]$


参数名 参数说明
_target_db_style 选择性选项,可选single或cluster或single-pro。 single对应单机模式的目标数据库实例,cluster对应集群模式的目标数据库实例,single-pro对应集群模式的每个DB节点独立备份
_one_db_ip 一个数据库节点的IP或主机名,支持主机名、IPv4、IPv6地址
_repo_ip REPO备份节点的IP或主机名,支持主机名、IPv4、IPv6地址
_stanza_name 备份服务器的标签,仅在物理备份范畴内使用
_os_user_name 操作系统的用户名
_repo_path 实际保存备份集的目录
_repo_retention_full_count 保存全量备份的数目,超过此数目的全量备份将被自动移除
_crond_full_days 自动执行全量备份的间隔天数,0表示不执行
_crond_diff_days 自动执行差异备份的间隔天数,0表示不执行
_crond_incr_days 自动执行增量备份的间隔天数,0表示不执行
_crond_full_hour 自动执行全量备份的时间点,2表示凌晨2点
_crond_diff_hour 自动执行差异备份的时间点,3表示凌晨3点
_crond_incr_hour 自动执行增量备份的时间点,4表示凌晨4点
_band_width 网络限速,单位固定为 MB/s, 默认为0,代表不限速,配置文件仅接受纯数字
_os_ip_cmd 操作系统常见命令ip的全路径文件名
_os_rm_cmd 操作系统常见命令rm的全路径文件名
_os_sed_cmd 操作系统常见命令sed的全路径文件名
_os_grep_cmd 操作系统常见命令grep的全路径文件名
_single_data_dir 单机数据库节点的数据目录
_single_bin_dir 单机数据库节点的二进制目录
_single_db_user 单机数据库节点的数据库登录用户名
_single_db_port 单机数据库节点的端口
_use_scmd 使用通讯协议,默认使用securecmdd,可选使用ssh
_start_fast 是否快速启动备份,立即生成checkpoint,默认y
_compress_type 是否在备份时使用压缩存储,默认为none不压缩
_non_archived_space 在init过程中,检查未归档的WAL的容量,如果超过设置值,报错并退出init过程。单位固定为MB,可选 128 ~ 1024


_one_db_ip="" # 需要进行备份的数据库节点IP地址.
_repo_ip="" # 备份文件存放的IP地址.可以为异机.
_stanza_name="kingbase" # 物理备份的标签.
_os_user_name="kingbase" # 安装数据库系统用户名.
_repo_path="/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo" # 备份存放路径.
_repo_retention_full_count=5 # 保留的全备数.默认为5.保留最近时间的5个全备.
_crond_full_days=7 # 执行全备备份的间隔天数,0表示不执行
_crond_diff_days=0 # 执行差异备份的间隔天数,0表示不执行
_crond_incr_days=1 # 执行增量备份的间隔天数,0表示不执行
_crond_full_hour=2 # 执行全量备份的时间点,2表示凌晨2点执行.
_crond_diff_hour=3 # 执行差异备份的时间点,3表示凌晨3点执行.
_crond_incr_hour=4 # 执行增量备份的时间点,4表示凌晨4点执行.

四、执行 init 初始化配置文件:

1. 场景1: ERROR: [087]: archive_mode must be enabled

未配置 archive_mode=of、archive_command='' 参数

[kingbase@postgres ~]$ init
# pre-condition: check the non-archived WAL files
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:jbiSTLyWOSvk9P6Rrum0V/H5PE52Fz48bO69ttVGvjU.
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:87:25:68:6f:0d:d4:b3:30:33:f1:2c:94:26:f3:5f:be.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
root@'s password:
# generate single sys_rman.conf...DONE
# update single archive_command with sys_rman.archive-push...DONE
# create stanza and check...(maybe 60+ seconds)
ERROR: check stanza failed, check log file /home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/Server/log/sys_rman_check.log [kingbase@postgres ~]$ cat /home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/Server/log/sys_rman_check.log
2023-01-19 16:01:57.397 P00 INFO: check command begin 2.27: --archive-timeout=600 --band-width=0 --config=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo/sys_rman.conf --exec-id=17446-c4a40c02 --log-level-console=info --log-level-file=info --log-path=/home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/Server/log --log-subprocess --kb1-path=/home/kingbase/ora_data --kb1-port=54321 --kb1-user=system --process-max=4 --repo1-path=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo --stanza=kingbase
ERROR: [087]: archive_mode must be enabled
2023-01-19 16:02:09.841 P00 INFO: check command end: aborted with exception [087]


# 在kingbase.conf文件配置

2. 场景2: ERROR: Configured repo-path [/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo] already exists



_repo_path=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo 目录已经存在.
1.修改 _repo_path='新的目录'
2.删除已存在的目录 _repo_path='/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo' 重新初始化.

3. 场景3: HINT: the kb1-path and kb1-port settings likely reference different clusters.

[kingbase@postgres ~]$ init
# pre-condition: check the non-archived WAL files
root@'s password:
# generate single sys_rman.conf...DONE
# update single archive_command with sys_rman.archive-push...DONE
# create stanza and check...(maybe 60+ seconds)
ERROR: create stanza failed, check log file /home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/Server/log/sys_rman_stanza-create.log
[kingbase@postgres ~]$ cat /home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/Server/log/sys_rman_stanza-create.log
2023-01-19 16:01:48.647 P00 INFO: stanza-create command begin 2.27: --band-width=0 --config=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo/sys_rman.conf --exec-id=17435-9cf03a4d --log-level-console=info --log-level-file=info --log-path=/home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/Server/log --log-subprocess --kb1-path=/home/kingbase/ora_data --kb1-port=54321 --kb1-user=system --process-max=4 --repo1-path=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo --stanza=kingbase
2023-01-19 16:01:57.158 P00 INFO: stanza-create for stanza 'kingbase' on repo1
2023-01-19 16:01:57.351 P00 INFO: stanza-create command end: completed successfully (8751ms)
2023-01-19 16:15:19.487 P00 INFO: stanza-create command begin 2.27: --band-width=0 --config=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo/sys_rman.conf --exec-id=18215-51df97d6 --log-level-console=info --log-level-file=info --log-path=/home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/Server/log --log-subprocess --kb1-path=/home/kingbase/ora_data --kb1-port=54321 --kb1-user=system --process-max=4 --repo1-path=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo --stanza=kingbase
2023-01-19 16:15:30.568 P00 INFO: stanza-create for stanza 'kingbase' on repo1
2023-01-19 16:15:31.069 P00 INFO: stanza-create command end: completed successfully (11587ms)
2023-01-19 16:24:43.158 P00 INFO: stanza-create command begin 2.27: --band-width=0 --config=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo/sys_rman.conf --exec-id=18872-d06fff97 --log-level-console=info --log-level-file=info --log-path=/home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/Server/log --log-subprocess --kb1-path=/home/kingbase/ora_data --kb1-port=54321 --kb1-user=system --process-max=4 --repo1-path=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo --stanza=kingbase
2023-01-19 16:24:43.599 P00 INFO: stanza-create for stanza 'kingbase' on repo1
2023-01-19 16:24:43.703 P00 INFO: stanza-create command end: completed successfully (602ms)
2023-01-19 16:38:40.530 P00 INFO: stanza-create command begin 2.27: --band-width=0 --config=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo/sys_rman.conf --exec-id=19774-3cfc3082 --log-level-console=info --log-level-file=info --log-path=/home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/Server/log --log-subprocess --kb1-path=/home/kingbase/ora_data --kb1-port=54321 --kb1-user=system --process-max=4 --repo1-path=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo --stanza=kingbase
2023-01-19 16:38:52.681 P00 INFO: stanza-create for stanza 'kingbase' on repo1
2023-01-19 16:38:53.040 P00 INFO: stanza-create command end: completed successfully (12555ms)
2023-01-19 16:42:55.417 P00 INFO: stanza-create command begin 2.27: --band-width=0 --config=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo/sys_rman.conf --exec-id=20238-e619c305 --log-level-console=info --log-level-file=info --log-path=/home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/Server/log --log-subprocess --kb1-path=/home/kingbase/ora_data --kb1-port=54321 --kb1-user=system --process-max=4 --repo1-path=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo --stanza=kingbase
2023-01-19 16:43:00.698 P00 INFO: stanza-create for stanza 'kingbase' on repo1
2023-01-19 16:43:00.841 P00 INFO: stanza-create command end: completed successfully (5430ms)
2023-01-19 16:51:57.076 P00 INFO: stanza-create command begin 2.27: --band-width=0 --config=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo/sys_rman.conf --exec-id=20987-a35b7df2 --log-level-console=info --log-level-file=info --log-path=/home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/Server/log --log-subprocess --kb1-path=/home/kingbase/ora_data --kb1-port=54321 --kb1-user=system --process-max=4 --repo1-path=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo --stanza=kingbase
ERROR: [058]: version '12' and path '/home/kingbase/./ora_data' queried from cluster do not match version '12' and '/home/kingbase/ora_data' read from '/home/kingbase/ora_data/global/sys_control'
HINT: the kb1-path and kb1-port settings likely reference different clusters.
2023-01-19 16:52:11.082 P00 INFO: stanza-create command end: aborted with exception [058]



[kingbase@postgres ~]$ ps -ef|grep kingbase| grep -v grep
root 10486 10288 0 13:38 pts/0 00:00:00 su - kingbase
kingbase 10487 10486 0 13:38 pts/0 00:00:01 -bash
root 15073 10325 0 15:30 pts/2 00:00:00 su - kingbase
kingbase 15074 15073 0 15:30 pts/2 00:00:00 -bash
kingbase 18637 1 0 16:24 ? 00:00:00 /home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/KESRealPro/V008R006C006B0021/Server/bin/kingbase -D ora_data
kingbase 18638 18637 0 16:24 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: logger
kingbase 18641 18637 0 16:24 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: checkpointer
kingbase 18642 18637 0 16:24 ? 00:00:02 kingbase: background writer
kingbase 18643 18637 0 16:24 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: walwriter
kingbase 18644 18637 0 16:24 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: autovacuum launcher
kingbase 18645 18637 0 16:24 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: archiver last was 0000000100000000000000E8.00000028.backup
kingbase 18646 18637 0 16:24 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: stats collector
kingbase 18647 18637 0 16:24 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: ksh writer
kingbase 18648 18637 0 16:24 ? 00:00:02 kingbase: ksh collector
kingbase 18649 18637 0 16:24 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: kwr collector
kingbase 18650 18637 0 16:24 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: job bgworker
kingbase 18651 18637 0 16:24 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: logical replication launcher
kingbase 19322 10487 0 16:34 pts/0 00:00:00 ps -ef
[kingbase@postgres ~]$ # 使用绝对路径启动数据库
[kingbase@postgres ~]$ sys_ctl -D /home/kingbase/ora_data/ start
waiting for server to start....2023-01-19 16:35:00.108 CST [19369] LOG: sepapower extension initialized
2023-01-19 16:35:00.253 CST [19369] LOG: starting KingbaseES V008R006C006B0021 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46), 64-bit
2023-01-19 16:35:00.254 CST [19369] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 54321
2023-01-19 16:35:00.254 CST [19369] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::", port 54321
2023-01-19 16:35:00.263 CST [19369] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/tmp/.s.KINGBASE.54321"
2023-01-19 16:35:00.511 CST [19369] LOG: redirecting log output to logging collector process
2023-01-19 16:35:00.511 CST [19369] HINT: Future log output will appear in directory "sys_log".
server started
[kingbase@postgres ~]$ ps -ef|grep kingbase| grep -v grep
root 10486 10288 0 13:38 pts/0 00:00:00 su - kingbase
kingbase 10487 10486 0 13:38 pts/0 00:00:01 -bash
root 15073 10325 0 15:30 pts/2 00:00:00 su - kingbase
kingbase 15074 15073 0 15:30 pts/2 00:00:00 -bash
kingbase 19369 1 11 16:34 ? 00:00:00 /home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/KESRealPro/V008R006C006B0021/Server/bin/kingbase -D /home/kingbase/ora_data
kingbase 19370 19369 0 16:34 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: logger
kingbase 19373 19369 0 16:34 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: checkpointer
kingbase 19374 19369 0 16:34 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: background writer
kingbase 19375 19369 0 16:34 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: walwriter
kingbase 19376 19369 0 16:34 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: autovacuum launcher
kingbase 19377 19369 0 16:34 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: archiver
kingbase 19378 19369 0 16:34 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: stats collector
kingbase 19379 19369 0 16:34 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: ksh writer
kingbase 19380 19369 0 16:34 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: ksh collector
kingbase 19381 19369 0 16:34 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: kwr collector
kingbase 19382 19369 1 16:34 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: job bgworker
kingbase 19383 19369 0 16:34 ? 00:00:00 kingbase: logical replication launcher
kingbase 19389 10487 0 16:35 pts/0 00:00:00 ps -ef # 再次执行init 初始化成功
[kingbase@postgres ~]$ init
# pre-condition: check the non-archived WAL files
root@'s password:
# generate single sys_rman.conf...DONE
# update single archive_command with sys_rman.archive-push...DONE
# create stanza and check...(maybe 60+ seconds)
# create stanza and check...DONE
# initial first full backup...(maybe several minutes)
# initial first full backup...DONE
# Initial sys_rman OK.
' start' should be executed when need back-rest feature.

4. 场景4(集群使用ssh通信未使用sys_securecmdd通信): ERROR: can not access the host /tmp/sys_rman by root

sys_backup.conf文件配置参数 _use_scmd=off(未使用sys_securecmdd通信)

[kingbase@postgres ~]$ cat sys_backup.conf |grep _use_scmd
[kingbase@postgres ~]$ init
# pre-condition: check the non-archived WAL files
ERROR: can not access the /tmp/sys_rman by root

解决方法: 修改sshd_config 文件参数 PermitRootLogin yes,重启sshd服务.

# 查看 sshd_config 文件 PermitRootLogin 参数
[root@postgres ~]# cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep PermitRootLogin
PermitRootLogin no
# the setting of "PermitRootLogin without-password". # 更改 sshd_config 文件 PermitRootLogin yes
# 重启sshd服务 systemctl restart sshd.service
在次执行 init 成功 [kingbase@postgres ~]$ init
# pre-condition: check the non-archived WAL files
root@'s password:
# generate single sys_rman.conf...DONE
# update single archive_command with sys_rman.archive-push...DONE
# create stanza and check...(maybe 60+ seconds)
# create stanza and check...DONE
# initial first full backup...(maybe several minutes)
# initial first full backup...DONE
# Initial sys_rman OK.
' start' should be executed when need back-rest feature. [kingbase@postgres ~]$ start
# pre-condition: check the non-archived WAL files
Enable some sys_rman in crontab-daemon
0 2 */7 * * kingbase /home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/Server/bin/sys_rman --config=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo/sys_rman.conf --stanza=kingbase --archive-copy --type=full backup >> /home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/Server/log/sys_rman_backup_full.log 2>&1
0 4 */1 * * kingbase /home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/Server/bin/sys_rman --config=/home/kingbase/kbbr_repo/sys_rman.conf --stanza=kingbase --archive-copy --type=incr backup >> /home/kingbase/V8R6C6B21/ES/V8/Server/log/sys_rman_backup_incr.log 2>&1
[kingbase@postgres ~]$

注意:除以上常见错误外,如果遇到新的错误,可以使用sh -x 执行脚本,输出详细过程,便于定位解决问题. init输出示例:

sh -x init输出出现以下内容,说明使用ssh通信

+ ssh -t -o ConnectTimeout=30 -o PreferredAuthentications=prohibit-password root@ 'ssh root@ date>/dev/null 2>/dev/null'
+ _remote2local_rt=255
+ ssh -n -o ConnectTimeout=30 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PreferredAuthentications=prohibit-password -- root@ mkdir /tmp/sys_rman/
+ ssh -n -o ConnectTimeout=30 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PreferredAuthentications=prohibit-password -- root@ touch /tmp/sys_rman/_t-E_s_t


4. 场景5(集群使用sys_securecmdd通信未使用ssh通信): ERROR: can not access the host /tmp/sys_rman by root

sys_backup.conf文件配置参数 _use_scmd=on(使用sys_securecmdd通信)

[kingbase@postgres ~]$ cat sys_backup.conf |grep _use_scmd
[kingbase@postgres ~]$ init
# pre-condition: check the non-archived WAL files
ERROR: can not access the /tmp/sys_rman by root


1. 使用sys_securecmdd测试节点是否可以正常连接:
[kingbase@postgres ~]$ ./sys_securecmd root@ date
Sat Mar 4 16:29:32 CST 2023
[kingbase@postgres ~]$ ./sys_securecmd root@ date
Sat Mar 4 16:29:35 CST 2023
[kingbase@postgres ~]$ ./sys_securecmd kes_v8r6c7b12@ date
Sat Mar 4 16:29:47 CST 2023
[kingbase@postgres ~]$ ./sys_securecmd kes_v8r6c7b12@ date
Sat Mar 4 16:29:50 CST 2023
2. 如果测试不通过,说明sys_securecmdd配置有问题,需要重新配置sys_securecmdd服务:


# 使用sys_HAscmdd.sh停止服务
[kingbase@postgres ~]# ./ stop
Removed /etc/systemd/system/ # 使用 init重新初始化
[kingbase@postgres ~]# ./ init
successfully initialized the sys_securecmdd, please use "./ start" to start the sys_securecmdd # 使用 start启动服务
[kingbase@postgres ~]# ./ start
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/securecmdd.service. # 使用systemctl status securecmdd.service查询服务是否正常运行
[kingbase@postgres ~]# systemctl status securecmdd.service
● securecmdd.service - KingbaseES - sys_securecmdd daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/securecmdd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2023-03-04 16:34:08 CST; 12s ago
Main PID: 132528 (sys_securecmdd)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 12498)
Memory: 664.0K
CGroup: /system.slice/securecmdd.service
└─132528 sys_securecmdd: /home/kes_v8r6c7b12/securecmdd/bin/sys_securecmdd -f /etc/.kes/securecmdd_config [listener] 0 of 128-256 startups Mar 04 16:34:08 node2 systemd[1]: Started KingbaseES - sys_securecmdd daemon.
3. 再次执行初始化备份:

使用sh -x init,查看输出结果是否出现sys_securecmd,有sys_securecmd说明使用sys_securecmd进行通信。

+ '[' Xon == Xon ']'
+ return 1
+ _return_rt=1
+ '[' X1 == X1 ']'
+ /home/kes_v8r6c7b12/cluster/kingbase/bin/sys_securecmd -t -o ConnectTimeout=30 -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey kes_v8r6c7b12@ '/home/kes_v8r6c7b12/cluster/kingbase/bin/sys_securecmd kes_v8r6c7b12@ date>/dev/null 2>/dev/null'
+ _remote2local_rt=0
+ /home/kes_v8r6c7b12/cluster/kingbase/share/sys_securecmd -q -n -o ConnectTimeout=30 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey -- kes_v8r6c7b12@ mkdir /tmp/sys_rman/
+ /home/kes_v8r6c7b12/cluster/kingbase/share/sys_securecmd -q -n -o ConnectTimeout=30 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey -- kes_v8r6c7b12@ touch /tmp/sys_rman/_t-E_s_t
+ '[' X0 '!=' X0 ']'
+ '[' X0 == X0 ']'
+ '[' X0 == X0 ']'
+ _log 'local -> kes_v8r6c7b12@ remote-login pwd-less OK.'
+ /bin/echo 'local -> kes_v8r6c7b12@ remote-login pwd-less OK.'
+ return 0

5. 关于sshd_config文件PermitRootLogin参数:


参数类别 是否允许ssh登陆 登录方式 交互shell
yes 允许 没有限制 没有限制
without-password 允许 除密码以外 没有限制
forced-commands-only 允许 仅允许使用密钥 仅允许已授权的命令
no 不允许 N/A N/A
prohibit-password 不允许 不允许密码登录 允许免密


  1. KingbaseES V8R6C5B041 sys_backup.sh单实例备份案例

    ​ 数据库版本: test=# select version(); version ---------------------------------------------------------- ...

  2. KingbaseES R6 集群修改ssh端口执行sys_backup.sh备份案例

    数据库环境:** test=# select version(); version ---------------------------------------------------------- ...

  3. KingbaseES V8R6备份恢复案例之--删除test数据库后sys_backup.sh备份

    案例说明: KingbaseES V8R6通过sys_backup.sh执行物理备份,默认sys_backup.sh执行备份初始化时,需要连接test数据库进行身份的认证:在一些生产环境为了安全需求, ...

  4. KingbaseES R3集群备库执行sys_backup.sh物理备份案例

    案例说明: KingbaseES R3的后期版本支持通过sys_backup.sh执行sys_rman的物理备份,实际上是调用了sys_rman_v6的工具做物理备份.本案例是在备库上执行集群的备份, ...

  5. KingbaseES V8R6C5单实例sys_backup.sh备份案例

    ​ 案例说明: KingbaseES V8R6C5版本中使用了securecmdd工具,用于主机节点间的通讯,默认端口8890.备份工具sys_backup.sh默认使用了securecmdd工具,对 ...

  6. init进程 && 解析Android启动脚本init.rc && 修改它使不启动android && init.rc中启动一个sh文件

    Android启动后,系统执行的第一个进程是一个名称为init 的可执行程序.提供了以下的功能:设备管理.解析启动脚本.执行基本的功能.启动各种服务.代码的路径:system/core/init,编译 ...

  7. 安卓系统启动脚本init.rc说明文件readme.txt翻译

    本说明文件位于system/core/init/readme.txt 本文参考深入解析安卓系统一书,进行翻译,版权部分归书的作者  刘超,资深Android专家,系统架构师. 博客地址:http:// ...

  8. root.sh脚本支持checkpoints文件实现重复运行

    安装集群GRID/GI一般包括三个过程:首先,运行OUI/RunInstaller输入集群配置信息,其次,拷贝/编译集群文件,最后,以root用户运行root.sh脚本配置集群/启动集群,其中运行ro ...

  9. 使用“npm init”初始化项目

    使用npm init初始化项目 为什么要使用npm init初始化项目 在node开发中使用npm init会生成一个pakeage.json文件,这个文件主要是用来记录这个项目的详细信息的,它会将我 ...

  10. CentOS 升级 openSSH+ sh脚本自动运维

     升级前后对比 openSSH作为linux远程连接工具,容易受到攻击,必须更新版本来解决,低版本有如下等漏洞: OpenSSH 远程代码执行漏洞(CVE-2016-10009) OpenSSH au ...


  1. Laravel入坑指南(10)——事件Event

    不知不觉,我们已经来到了第10小节.这一小节,我们一起讨论关于"事件"这个话题.众所周知,从二进制到汇编,再到高等级语言,这一路发展下来,代码都是顺序执行的,那么事件是什么?这个事 ...

  2. EnumColorProfiles WcsGetDefaultColorProfile WcsSetDefaultColorProfile的使用

    #include <Windows.h> #include <Icm.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> ...

  3. [攻防世界][Reverse]xxxorrr

    将目标文件拖入IDA 反汇编main函数 __int64 __fastcall main(int a1, char **a2, char **a3) { int i; // [rsp+Ch] [rbp ...

  4. python Apscheduler持久化

    from pytz import utc from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler from apschedu ...

  5. 第120篇: DOM编程(常用操作、动态脚本、样式及动态表格)

    好家伙,我回来了, 本篇为<JS高级程序设计>第十四章"DOM编程"学习笔记   1.DOM编程 我们知道DOM是HTML文档的编程接口, 我们可以通过HTML代码实现 ...

  6. KVM整理

    管理命令: virsh list --all 查看所有虚拟机状态 virsh start vm1 VM1开机 virsh shutdown vm1 VM1关机 virsh destroy vm1 强制 ...

  7. 基于 BDD 理论的 Nebula 集成测试框架重构(下篇)

    本文首发于 Nebula Graph 公众号 NebulaGraphCommunity,Follow 看大厂图数据库技术实践. 在上篇文章中,我们介绍了 Nebula Graph 的集成测试的演进过程 ...

  8. Spark任务性能调优总结

    一.shuffle调优 大多数Spark作业的性能主要就是消耗在了shuffle环节,因为该环节包含了大量的磁盘IO.序列化.网络数据传输等操作.因此,如果要让作业的性能更上一层楼,就有必要对shuf ...

  9. 方便快速的看到C/C++代码汇编 objdump 英特尔语法

    目录 概述 Objdump 所有参数 其他的 概述 因为奇怪的考试要求,最近经常有奇怪的问题,例如为什么(++a)+(++a)=14 发现反编译出汇编之后,就能解释很多奇怪的问题 Objdump 一次 ...

  10. Java 交换两个变量的值

    1 //交换两个变量的值 2 // 1 3 int nu1 = 10; 4 int nu2 = 20; 5 6 System.out.println("nu1 = "+nu1+&q ...