
A. Lala Land and Apple Trees

敲码小技巧:故意添加两个苹果树(-1000000000, 0)和(1000000000, 0)(前者是位置,后者是价值)。

B. Amr and The Large Array



C. Amr and Chemistry





D. Guess Your Way Out! II



题目给出两种信息,一是[l,r]之间没有出口,二是有出口。如果题目说[l,r]有出口,其实等价与说[\(2^{h-1}\), l)和(r,\(2^h\))都没出口。所以第二种信息可以变为第一种。那么只有一种信息就简单了,排序然后贪心一下就可以了。

E. A Simple Task



To solve Problem E, making a balanced binary tree that each node discribe some same character which located contigeously is much better than 26 segment trees, though both of their time complexities are O(szqlogn). It must because of the quantity of balanced binary tree is usually much less than segment tree. However, if it is sorting a long substring, balanced binary tree would delete many nodes and insert no more than 26 nodes; but the quantity of segment tree would not reduce. ——nodgd

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