create function fn_find(@find varchar(8000), @str varchar(8000), @n smallint)
returns int
if @n < 1 return (0)
declare @start smallint, @count smallint, @index smallint, @len smallint
set @index = charindex(@find, @str)
if @index = 0 return (0)
else select @count = 1, @len = len(@find)
while @index > 0 and @count < @n
set @start = @index + @len
select @index = charindex(@find, @str, @start), @count = @count + 1
if @count < @n set @index = 0
return (@index)
go declare @str varchar(100)
set @str='A,B,C,D,A,B,C,D,C,D,B,A,C,E' select dbo.fn_find('A',@str,1) as one, dbo.fn_find('A',@str,2) as two, dbo.fn_find('A',@str,3) as three, dbo.fn_find('A',@str,4) as four
one two three four
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 9 23 0


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