NPOI.dll 用法。单元格,样式,字体,颜色,行高,宽度。读写excel
NPOI.dll 用法。单元格,样式,字体,颜色,行高,宽度。读写excel
1.25 NPOI.dll |
using System; |
using System.Collections.Generic; |
using System.ComponentModel; |
using System.Data; |
using System.Drawing; |
using System.Linq; |
using System.Text; |
using System.Windows.Forms; |
using System.Data.SqlClient; |
using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel; |
using NPOI.HPSF; |
using NPOI.POIFS.FileSystem; |
using NPOI.HSSF.Util; |
using NPOI.SS.UserModel; |
using System.IO; |
using SqlHelPerXHC; |
using NPOI.HSSF.Record.CF; |
namespace Excl |
{ |
public partial class Form1 : Form |
{ |
// 官网使用说明 |
public Form1() |
{ |
InitializeComponent(); |
} |
#region 定义单元格常用到样式的枚举 |
public enum stylexls |
{ |
头, |
url, |
时间, |
数字, |
钱, |
百分比, |
中文大写, |
科学计数法, |
默认 |
} |
#endregion |
#region 定义单元格常用到样式 |
static ICellStyle Getcellstyle(IWorkbook wb, stylexls str) |
{ |
ICellStyle cellStyle = wb.CreateCellStyle(); |
//定义几种字体 |
//也可以一种字体,写一些公共属性,然后在下面需要时加特殊的 |
IFont font12 = wb.CreateFont(); |
font12.FontHeightInPoints = 10; |
font12.FontName = "微软雅黑" ; |
IFont font = wb.CreateFont(); |
font.FontName = "微软雅黑" ; |
//font.Underline = 1;下划线 |
IFont fontcolorblue = wb.CreateFont(); |
fontcolorblue.Color = HSSFColor.OLIVE_GREEN.BLUE.index; |
fontcolorblue.IsItalic = true ; //下划线 |
fontcolorblue.FontName = "微软雅黑" ; |
//边框 |
cellStyle.BorderBottom = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.DOTTED; |
cellStyle.BorderLeft = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.HAIR; |
cellStyle.BorderRight = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.HAIR; |
cellStyle.BorderTop = NPOI.SS.UserModel.BorderStyle.DOTTED; |
//边框颜色 |
cellStyle.BottomBorderColor = HSSFColor.OLIVE_GREEN.BLUE.index; |
cellStyle.TopBorderColor = HSSFColor.OLIVE_GREEN.BLUE.index; |
//背景图形,我没有用到过。感觉很丑 |
//cellStyle.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.OLIVE_GREEN.BLUE.index; |
//cellStyle.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.OLIVE_GREEN.BLUE.index; |
cellStyle.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.WHITE.index; |
// cellStyle.FillPattern = FillPatternType.NO_FILL; |
cellStyle.FillBackgroundColor = HSSFColor.MAROON.index; |
//水平对齐 |
cellStyle.Alignment = NPOI.SS.UserModel.HorizontalAlignment.LEFT; |
//垂直对齐 |
cellStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.CENTER; |
//自动换行 |
cellStyle.WrapText = true ; |
//缩进;当设置为1时,前面留的空白太大了。希旺官网改进。或者是我设置的不对 |
cellStyle.Indention = 0; |
//上面基本都是设共公的设置 |
//下面列出了常用的字段类型 |
switch (str) |
{ |
case stylexls.头: |
// cellStyle.FillPattern = FillPatternType.LEAST_DOTS; |
cellStyle.SetFont(font12); |
break ; |
case stylexls.时间: |
IDataFormat datastyle = wb.CreateDataFormat(); |
cellStyle.DataFormat = datastyle.GetFormat( "yyyy/mm/dd" ); |
cellStyle.SetFont(font); |
break ; |
case stylexls.数字: |
cellStyle.DataFormat = HSSFDataFormat.GetBuiltinFormat( "0.00" ); |
cellStyle.SetFont(font); |
break ; |
case stylexls.钱: |
IDataFormat format = wb.CreateDataFormat(); |
cellStyle.DataFormat = format.GetFormat( "¥#,##0" ); |
cellStyle.SetFont(font); |
break ; |
case stylexls.url: |
fontcolorblue.Underline = 1; |
cellStyle.SetFont(fontcolorblue); |
break ; |
case stylexls.百分比: |
cellStyle.DataFormat = HSSFDataFormat.GetBuiltinFormat( "0.00%" ); |
cellStyle.SetFont(font); |
break ; |
case stylexls.中文大写: |
IDataFormat format1 = wb.CreateDataFormat(); |
cellStyle.DataFormat = format1.GetFormat( "[DbNum2][$-804]0" ); |
cellStyle.SetFont(font); |
break ; |
case stylexls.科学计数法: |
cellStyle.DataFormat = HSSFDataFormat.GetBuiltinFormat( "0.00E+00" ); |
cellStyle.SetFont(font); |
break ; |
case stylexls.默认: |
cellStyle.SetFont(font); |
break ; |
} |
return cellStyle; |
} |
#endregion |
//从数据库读取数据写入到excel中 |
private void btnwrite_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) |
{ |
#region 创建数据库,表,设置单元的宽度 |
//创建数据库 |
IWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); |
//创建表 |
ISheet sh = wb.CreateSheet( "zhiyuan" ); |
//设置单元的宽度 |
sh.SetColumnWidth(0, 15 * 256); |
sh.SetColumnWidth(1, 35 * 256); |
sh.SetColumnWidth(2, 15 * 256); |
sh.SetColumnWidth(3, 10 * 256); |
#endregion |
int i = 0; |
#region 练习合并单元格 |
sh.AddMergedRegion( new NPOI.SS.Util.CellRangeAddress(0, 0, 0, 3)); |
IRow row0 = sh.CreateRow(0); |
row0.Height = 20 * 20; |
ICell icell1top0 = row0.CreateCell(0); |
ICell icell1top1 = row0.CreateCell(1); |
ICell icell1top2 = row0.CreateCell(2); |
ICell icell1top3 = row0.CreateCell(3); |
icell1top0.CellStyle = Getcellstyle(wb, stylexls.头); |
icell1top0.SetCellValue( "标题合并单元" ); |
#endregion |
i++; |
#region 设置表头 |
IRow row1 = sh.CreateRow(1); |
row1.Height = 20 * 20; |
ICell icell1top = row1.CreateCell(0); |
icell1top.CellStyle = Getcellstyle(wb, stylexls.头); |
icell1top.SetCellValue( "网站名" ); |
ICell icell2top = row1.CreateCell(1); |
icell2top.CellStyle = Getcellstyle(wb, stylexls.头); |
icell2top.SetCellValue( "网址" ); |
ICell icell3top = row1.CreateCell(2); |
icell3top.CellStyle = Getcellstyle(wb, stylexls.头); |
icell3top.SetCellValue( "百度快照" ); |
ICell icell4top = row1.CreateCell(3); |
icell4top.CellStyle = Getcellstyle(wb, stylexls.头); |
icell4top.SetCellValue( "百度收录" ); |
#endregion |
i++; |
#region 读取数据库写入表 |
string sql = "select top 100 urlnam,url,bdtim,bdsl from zhiyuan" ; |
using (SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReaderText(sql, null )) |
{ |
if (dr.HasRows) |
{ |
while (dr.Read()) |
{ |
//创建行 |
IRow row = sh.CreateRow(i); |
row.Height = 18 * 20; |
//创建第1列 |
ICell icell = row.CreateCell(0); |
icell.CellStyle = Getcellstyle(wb, stylexls.默认); |
icell.SetCellValue(dr.GetValue(0).ToString()); |
//创建第2列 |
ICell icell1 = row.CreateCell(1); |
icell1.CellStyle = Getcellstyle(wb, stylexls.url); |
icell1.SetCellValue(dr.GetValue(1).ToString()); |
HSSFHyperlink link = new HSSFHyperlink(HyperlinkType.URL); |
link.Address = (dr.GetValue(1).ToString()); |
icell1.Hyperlink = (link); |
//创建第3列 |
ICell icell2 = row.CreateCell(2); |
icell2.CellStyle = Getcellstyle(wb, stylexls.时间); |
icell2.SetCellValue(dr.IsDBNull(2) ? Convert.ToDateTime( "1990-1-1" ) : dr.GetDateTime(2)); |
//创建第4列 |
ICell icell3 = row.CreateCell(3); |
icell3.CellStyle = Getcellstyle(wb, stylexls.默认); |
icell3.SetCellValue(dr.IsDBNull(3) ? 0 : dr.GetInt32(3)); |
i++; |
} |
} |
} |
#endregion |
using (FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite( "xxx.xls" )) |
{ |
wb.Write(fs); |
MessageBox.Show( "Excel已经写入成功!" ); |
} |
} |
//这个函数可以不看。 |
private void CreateRow(IRow row, int j, SqlDataReader dr, ICellStyle cellstyle) |
{ |
if (dr.GetFieldType(j).Name == "Int32" ) |
{ |
row.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(dr.IsDBNull(j) ? 0 : dr.GetInt32(j)); |
} |
else if (dr.GetFieldType(j).Name == "Int16" ) |
{ row.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(dr.IsDBNull(j) ? 0 : dr.GetInt16(j)); } |
else if (dr.GetFieldType(j).Name == "Int64" ) |
{ row.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(dr.IsDBNull(j) ? 0 : dr.GetInt64(j)); } |
else if (dr.GetFieldType(j).Name == "String" ) |
{ row.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(dr.IsDBNull(j) ? "" : dr.GetString(j)); } |
else if (dr.GetFieldType(j).Name == "DateTime" ) |
{ |
ICell cell = row.CreateCell(j); |
cell.CellStyle = cellstyle; |
cell.SetCellValue(dr.IsDBNull(j) ? Convert.ToDateTime( "1990-1-1" ) : dr.GetDateTime(j)); |
} |
else if (dr.GetFieldType(j).Name == "Double" ) |
{ row.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(dr.IsDBNull(j) ? 0 : dr.GetDouble(j)); } |
else if (dr.GetFieldType(j).Name == "Byte[]" ) |
{ row.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(dr.IsDBNull(j) ? 0 : dr.GetByte(j)); } |
else if (dr.GetFieldType(j).Name == "Decimal" ) |
{ row.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(dr.IsDBNull(j) ? 0 : dr.GetDouble(j)); } |
else |
{ |
row.CreateCell(j).SetCellValue(dr.IsDBNull(j) ? "" : dr.GetValue(j).ToString()); |
} |
} |
#region 读取excel |
private void btnreade_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) |
{ |
//先创建文件流 |
if (DialogResult.OK == openFileDialog1.ShowDialog()) |
{ |
using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(openFileDialog1.FileName)) |
{ |
//申明数据库对像 |
IWorkbook wk = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); |
//获取数据库中的每个表 |
for ( int i = 0; i < wk.NumberOfSheets; i++) |
{ |
//申明表 |
ISheet wk1 = wk.GetSheetAt(i); |
txtout.AppendText( "====================" + wk1.SheetName + "================\r\n" ); |
//获取表的行 |
for ( int j = 0; j < wk1.LastRowNum + 1; j++) |
{ |
//申明行 |
IRow row = wk1.GetRow(j); |
for ( int k = 0; k < row.LastCellNum + 1; k++) |
{ |
txtout.AppendText( string .Format( "{0}\t" , row.GetCell(k) == null ? "" : row.GetCell(k).ToString())); |
} |
txtout.AppendText( "\r\n" ); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
#endregion |
#region 把excel转成htm |
private void button1_Click( object sender, EventArgs e) |
{ |
if (DialogResult.OK == openFileDialog1.ShowDialog()) |
{ |
string str = htmlxsl.Gethtmlxls(openFileDialog1.FileName); |
using (FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite( "1.htm" )) |
{ |
byte [] b = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(str); |
fs.Write(b, 0, b.Length); |
} |
} |
} |
#endregion |
} |
} |
生成htm的类 |
using System.Text; |
using NPOI.HSSF.UserModel; |
using NPOI.HPSF; |
using NPOI.POIFS.FileSystem; |
using NPOI.HSSF.Util; |
using NPOI.SS.UserModel; |
using System.IO; |
using SqlHelPerXHC; |
using NPOI.HSSF.Record.CF; |
namespace Excl |
{ |
public static class htmlxsl |
{ |
private static ISheet sht; |
public static string Gethtmlxls( string path) |
{ |
IWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook( new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)); |
sht = wb.GetSheet( "zhiyuan" ); |
//取行Excel的最大行数 |
int rowsCount = sht.LastRowNum; |
//为保证Table布局与Excel一样,这里应该取所有行中的最大列数(需要遍历整个Sheet)。 |
//为少一交全Excel遍历,提高性能,我们可以人为把第0行的列数调整至所有行中的最大列数。 |
int colsCount = sht.GetRow(0).LastCellNum; |
int colSpan; |
int rowSpan; |
bool isByRowMerged; |
StringBuilder table = new StringBuilder(rowsCount * 32); |
table.Append( "<table border='1px'>" ); |
for ( int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowsCount; rowIndex++) |
{ |
table.Append( "<tr>" ); |
for ( int colIndex = 0; colIndex < colsCount; colIndex++) |
{ |
GetTdMergedInfo(rowIndex, colIndex, out colSpan, out rowSpan, out isByRowMerged); |
//如果已经被行合并包含进去了就不输出TD了。 |
//注意被合并的行或列不输出的处理方式不一样,见下面一处的注释说明了列合并后不输出TD的处理方式。 |
if (isByRowMerged) |
{ |
continue ; |
} |
table.Append( "<td" ); |
if (colSpan > 1) |
table.Append( string .Format( " colSpan={0}" , colSpan)); |
if (rowSpan > 1) |
table.Append( string .Format( " rowSpan={0}" , rowSpan)); |
table.Append( ">" ); |
table.Append(sht.GetRow(rowIndex).GetCell(colIndex)); |
//列被合并之后此行将少输出colSpan-1个TD。 |
if (colSpan > 1) |
colIndex += colSpan - 1; |
table.Append( "</td>" ); |
} |
table.Append( "</tr>" ); |
} |
table.Append( "</table>" ); |
return table.ToString(); |
} |
/// <summary> |
/// 获取Table某个TD合并的列数和行数等信息。与Excel中对应Cell的合并行数和列数一致。 |
/// </summary> |
/// <param name="rowIndex">行号</param> |
/// <param name="colIndex">列号</param> |
/// <param name="colspan">TD中需要合并的行数</param> |
/// <param name="rowspan">TD中需要合并的列数</param> |
/// <param name="rowspan">此单元格是否被某个行合并包含在内。如果被包含在内,将不输出TD。</param> |
/// <returns></returns> |
private static void GetTdMergedInfo( int rowIndex, int colIndex, out int colspan, out int rowspan, out bool isByRowMerged) |
{ |
colspan = 1; |
rowspan = 1; |
isByRowMerged = false ; |
int regionsCuont = sht.NumMergedRegions; |
NPOI.SS.Util.CellRangeAddress region; |
for ( int i = 0; i < regionsCuont; i++) |
{ |
region = sht.GetMergedRegion(i); |
if (region.FirstRow == rowIndex && region.FirstColumn == colIndex) |
{ |
colspan = region.LastColumn - region.FirstColumn + 1; |
rowspan = region.LastRow - region.FirstRow + 1; |
return ; |
} |
else if (rowIndex > region.FirstRow && rowIndex <= region.LastRow && colIndex >= region.FirstColumn && colIndex <= region.LastColumn) |
{ |
isByRowMerged = true ; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
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