
Macro to declare member variables and methods for a singleton class. To use this, add the line juce_DeclareSingleton (MyClass, doNotRecreateAfterDeletion)
to the class's definition. Then put a macro juce_ImplementSingleton (MyClass) along with the class's
implementation code. It's also a very good idea to also add the call clearSingletonInstance() in your class's
destructor, in case it is deleted by other means than deleteInstance() Clients can then call the static method MyClass::getInstance() to get a pointer
to the singleton, or MyClass::getInstanceWithoutCreating() which will return nullptr if
no instance currently exists. e.g. @code class MySingleton
} ~MySingleton()
// this ensures that no dangling pointers are left when the
// singleton is deleted.
} juce_DeclareSingleton (MySingleton, false)
}; juce_ImplementSingleton (MySingleton) // example of usage:
MySingleton* m = MySingleton::getInstance(); // creates the singleton if there isn't already one. ... MySingleton::deleteInstance(); // safely deletes the singleton (if it's been created). @endcode If doNotRecreateAfterDeletion = true, it won't allow the object to be created more
than once during the process's lifetime - i.e. after you've created and deleted the
object, getInstance() will refuse to create another one. This can be useful to stop
objects being accidentally re-created during your app's shutdown code. If you know that your object will only be created and deleted by a single thread, you
can use the slightly more efficient juce_DeclareSingleton_SingleThreaded() macro instead
of this one. @see juce_ImplementSingleton, juce_DeclareSingleton_SingleThreaded
#define juce_DeclareSingleton(classname, doNotRecreateAfterDeletion) \
static classname* _singletonInstance; \
static juce::CriticalSection _singletonLock; \
static classname* JUCE_CALLTYPE getInstance() \
{ \
if (_singletonInstance == nullptr) \
const juce::ScopedLock sl (_singletonLock); \
if (_singletonInstance == nullptr) \
{ \
static bool alreadyInside = false; \
static bool createdOnceAlready = false; \
const bool problem = alreadyInside || ((doNotRecreateAfterDeletion) && createdOnceAlready); \
jassert (! problem); \
if (! problem) \
{ \
createdOnceAlready = true; \
alreadyInside = true; \
classname* newObject = new classname(); /* (use a stack variable to avoid setting the newObject value before the class has finished its constructor) */ \
alreadyInside = false; \
_singletonInstance = newObject; \
} \
} \
} \
return _singletonInstance; \
} \
static inline classname* JUCE_CALLTYPE getInstanceWithoutCreating() noexcept\
{ \
return _singletonInstance; \
} \
static void JUCE_CALLTYPE deleteInstance() \
{ \
const juce::ScopedLock sl (_singletonLock); \
if (_singletonInstance != nullptr) \
{ \
classname* const old = _singletonInstance; \
_singletonInstance = nullptr; \
delete old; \
} \
} \
void clearSingletonInstance() noexcept\
{ \
if (_singletonInstance == this) \
_singletonInstance = nullptr; \
} //==============================================================================
/** This is a counterpart to the juce_DeclareSingleton macro. After adding the juce_DeclareSingleton to the class definition, this macro has
to be used in the cpp file.
#define juce_ImplementSingleton(classname) \
classname* classname::_singletonInstance = nullptr; \
juce::CriticalSection classname::_singletonLock;



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