在这文章中我们将分享17+个最好的免费 Bootstrap 管理模板。你可以免费下载这些Twitter bootstrap 框架来开发网站后台。

SB Admin 2

SB Admin is a free to download Bootstrap admin template. This
template uses the defaul Bootstrap 3 styles along with a variety of
powerful j Query plugins to create a powerful framework for creating
admin panels, web apps, or back-end dashboards.


Responsive admin template


SIMINTA is a responsive admin dashboard template Using Twitter bootstrap Framework for admin and back end applications.


Binary admin dashboard template is 100% responsive using bootstrap framework i.e it will work smoothly on mobiles,loptops, desktops,etc.


BCORE  is fully Responsive admin template based on twitter bootstrap framework.


Free Admin Template with Twitter Bootstrap Bootstrap Admin template is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License


It can be used as a front-end toolkit for rapidly developing web
applications that are lightweight, faster, and mobile-friendly; a great
starting point.


Charisma is a full featured, free, premium quality, responsive, HTML5
admin template (or backend template) based on Bootstrap 3 from Twitter,
it comes with 9 different themes to suit your style and application type.


A generic admin theme built with Bootstrap free for both personal and commercial use.


Free Admin Template with Twitter Bootstrap

HTML5 Admin Template

Responsive HTML5 Admin Template using Bootstrap v3. HTML5 Admin
preserves bootstrap3′s modern flat design that gives you a better User
Interface to help you have more engaged user and a more pleasant
navigation throughout the back-end.


Free Bootstrap 3 Theme


A Modern and Clean Admin Template.


Just try Bootstrap admin templates and you’ll never refuse such opportunity to save your time again.

Dashboard Template

Dashboard is free admin template, responsive HTML5 layout including forms, tables, charts, graphs, and maps.


Dashboard – (Google map, weather, chart-js and piechart)


Free Responsive Admin Dashboard Template


Lumino is a clean, fresh admin panel template built on the Bootstrap
framework and available for free on Medialoot. This fully responsive
HTML5 template includes everything you need for your backend
administration panel.

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