Quiz 6a Question 7————An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python
First, complete the following class definition:
class BankAccount:
def __init__(self, initial_balance):
"""Creates an account with the given balance."""
def deposit(self, amount):
"""Deposits the amount into the account."""
def withdraw(self, amount):
Withdraws the amount from the account. Each withdrawal resulting in a
negative balance also deducts a penalty fee of 5 dollars from the balance.
def get_balance(self):
"""Returns the current balance in the account."""
def get_fees(self):
"""Returns the total fees ever deducted from the account."""
The deposit
and withdraw
each change the account balance. The withdraw
also deducts a fee of 5 dollars from the balance if the withdrawal (before any fees) results in a negative balance. Since we also have the method get_fees
you will need to have a variable to keep track of the fees paid.
Here's one possible test of the class. It should print the values 10 and 5, respectively, since the withdrawal incurs a fee of 5 dollars.
my_account = BankAccount(10)
print my_account.get_balance(), my_account.get_fees()
class BankAccount:
def __init__(self, initial_balance):
self.balance = initial_balance
self.fee = [0] """Creates an account with the given balance.""" def deposit(self, amount):
"""Deposits the amount into the account."""
self.balance = self.balance + amount
return self.balance
def withdraw(self, amount):
Withdraws the amount from the account. Each withdrawal resulting in a
negative balance also deducts a penalty fee of 5 dollars from the balance.
self.balance = self.balance - amount
if self.balance < 0:
self.balance = self.balance - 5
self.fee[0] += 1 def get_balance(self):
"""Returns the current balance in the account."""
return self.balance
def get_fees(self):
"""Returns the total fees ever deducted from the account."""
return self.fee[0]*5
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