1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  4. import psycopg2
  5. import json
  6. from geojson import loads, Feature, FeatureCollection
  8. # Database Connection Info
  9. db_host = "localhost"
  10. db_user = "pluto"
  11. db_passwd = "stars"
  12. db_database = "py_geoan_cb"
  13. db_port = ""
  15. # connect to DB
  16. conn = psycopg2.connect(host=db_host, user=db_user,
  17. port=db_port, password=db_passwd, database=db_database)
  19. # create a cursor
  20. cur = conn.cursor()
  22. # the PostGIS buffer query
  23. buffer_query = """SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(
  24. ST_Buffer(wkb_geometry, 100,'quad_segs=8'),4326))
  25. AS geom, name
  26. FROM geodata.schools"""
  28. # execute the query
  29. cur.execute(buffer_query)
  31. # return all the rows, we expect more than one
  32. dbRows = cur.fetchall()
  34. # an empty list to hold each feature of our feature collection
  35. new_geom_collection = []
  37. # loop through each row in result query set and add to my feature collection
  38. # assign name field to the GeoJSON properties
  39. for each_poly in dbRows:
  40. geom = each_poly[0]
  41. name = each_poly[1]
  42. geoj_geom = loads(geom)
  43. myfeat = Feature(geometry=geoj_geom, properties={'name': name})
  44. new_geom_collection.append(myfeat)
  46. # use the geojson module to create the final Feature Collection of features created from for loop above
  47. my_geojson = FeatureCollection(new_geom_collection)
  49. # define the output folder and GeoJSon file name
  50. output_geojson_buf = "../geodata/out_buff_100m.geojson"
  52. # save geojson to a file in our geodata folder
  53. def write_geojson():
  54. fo = open(output_geojson_buf, "w")
  55. fo.write(json.dumps(my_geojson))
  56. fo.close()
  58. # run the write function to actually create the GeoJSON file
  59. write_geojson()
  61. # close cursor
  62. cur.close()
  64. # close connection
  65. conn.close()


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