tesseract-ocr 第一课
git clone git://github.com/rmtheis/tess-two tess
cd tess
cd tess-two
android update project --path .
ant release
cd ..
cd eyes-two
android update project --path .
ant release
- tessdata/eng.config
- tessdata/eng.unicharset
- tessdata/eng.unicharambigs
- tessdata/eng.inttemp
- tessdata/eng.pffmtable
- tessdata/eng.normproto
- tessdata/eng.punc-dawg
- tessdata/eng.word-dawg
- tessdata/eng.number-dawg
- tessdata/eng.freq-dawg
- ASCII 或者 utf8 编码,没有BOM
- uinx行结尾符('\n')
- 文件尾空行(否则:将得到错误信息:last_char == '\n':Error:Assert failed..)
- 确保每个字符的最小数目的样本。10很好,但5只对少数字符有效。
- 常用字符的样本应更多:至少20个。
- 不要将所有非字母组合在一起。让文件更实际化。例如,“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 0123456789 !@#$%^&(),.{}<>/?”,这个就很糟糕。而这个则更好:“The (quick) brown {fox} jumps! over the $3,456.78<lazy> #90 dog & duck/goose, as 12.5% of E-mail from aspammer@website.com is spam?” ,这个给出了文本行查找码,来获取特定字符的基标语义。
- 当打印时,文本空格绝对安全。。。。。。
- 训练数据应该按字体分组。。。。。
- 没必要训练多个size的文本。。。。。
- 不要在一个image文件混合多种字体(确切的说:在单个.tr文件中),它将造成丢弃一些特征,导致识别错误
- 下载页的boxtiff文件将帮助你如何格式化你的训练数据。
- tesseract [lang].[fontname].exp[num].tif [lang].[fontname].exp[num] batch.nochop makebox
- tesseract eng.timesitalic.exp0.tif eng.timesitalic.exp0 batch.nochop makebox
- s 734 494 751 519 0
p 753 486 776 518 0
r 779 494 796 518 0
i 799 494 810 527 0
n 814 494 837 518 0
g 839 485 862 518 0
t 865 492 878 521 0
u 101 453 122 484 0
b 126 453 146 486 0
e 149 452 168 477 0
r 172 453 187 476 0
d 211 451 232 484 0
e 236 451 255 475 0
n 259 452 281 475 0
- D 101 504 131 535 0
e 135 502 154 528 0
r 158 503 173 526 0
, 197 498 206 510 0
, 206 497 214 509 0
s 220 501 236 526 0
c 239 501 258 525 0
h 262 502 284 534 0
n 288 501 310 525 0
e 313 500 332 524 0
l 336 501 347 534 0
l 352 500 363 532 0
e 367 499 386 524 0
” 389 520 407 532 0
- 第一个数(左)采用两行中最小的(197)
- 第二个数(下)采用两行中最小的(496)
- 第三个数(右)采用两行中最大的(214)
- 第四个数(上)采用两行中最大的(508)
- D 101 504 131 535 0
e 135 502 154 528 0
r 158 503 173 526 0
? 197 497 214 510 0
s 220 501 236 526 0
c 239 501 258 525 0
h 262 502 284 534 0
n 288 501 310 525 0
e 313 500 332 524 0
l 336 501 347 534 0
l 352 500 363 532 0
e 367 499 386 524 0
” 389 520 407 532 0
- tesseract fontfile.tif fontfile -l yournewlanguage batch.nochop makebox
- 过滤box文件,只保持你想要的字符。
- 运行tesseract来训练。
- 对于每种字体,从多个语言中cat出.tr文件,来获取你想要的字符休,并从你有的字体或字符中添加.tr文件
- 以相同的方式cat出已经过滤的box文件到.tr文件中,以便在unicharset_extractor中处理
- 运行训练过程的其它步骤
- tesseract fontfile.tif junk nobatch box.train
- tesseract fontfile.tif junk nobatch box.train.stderr
- Every character in the box file has a corresponding set of entries in
the .tr file (in order) like this
UnknownFont <utf8 code(s)> 2
mf <number of features>
x y length dir 0 0
... (there are a set of these determined by <number of features>
cn 1
ypos length x2ndmoment y2ndmoment- The mf features are polygon segments of the outline normalized to the
1st and 2nd moments.
x= x position [-]
y = y position [-0.25, 0.75]
length is the length of the polygon segment [0,1.0]
dir is the direction of the segment [0,1.0]- The cn feature is to correct for the moment normalization to
distinguish position and size (eg c vs C and , vs ')
- unicharset_extractor fontfile_1.box fontfile_2.box ...
- ';' 为非字母字符,小写字符,大小字符,而非数字。它的属性通过二进制数 10000表示(16进制的10表示 )
- 'b'是一个字母字符,小写字符。它的属性通过二进制数00011表示(3)
- 'W'是一个字母字符,大写字符。它的属性通过二进制数00101表示(5)
- '7'只是一个数字。它的属性通过二进制数01000表示(8)
- ‘=’非数字或字母字符。它的属性通过二进制数字00000表示(0)
- ; 10 Common 46
b 3 Latin 59
W 5 Latin 40
7 8 Common 66
= 0 Common 93
- <fontname> <italic> <bold> <fixed> <serif> <fraktur>
- timesitalic 1 0 0 1 0
- shapeclustering -F font_properties -U unicharset eng.timesitalic.exp0.tr
mftraining -F font_properties -U unicharset -O eng.unicharset eng.timesitalic.exp0.tr
- shapeclustering -F font_properties -U unicharset lang.fontname.exp0.tr lang.fontname.exp1.tr ...
- mftraining -F font_properties -U unicharset -O lang.unicharset lang.fontname.exp0.tr lang.fontname.exp1.tr ...
- cntraining lang.fontname.exp0.tr lang.fontname.exp1.tr ...
Name | Type | Description |
punc-dawg | dawg | A dawg made from punctuation patterns found around words. The "word" part is replaced by a single space. |
word-dawg | dawg | A dawg made from dictionary words from the language. |
number-dawg | dawg | A dawg made from tokens which originally contained digits. Each digit is replaced by a space character. |
freq-dawg | dawg | A dawg made from the most frequent words which would have gone into word-dawg. |
fixed-length-dawgs | dawg | Several dawgs of different fixed lengths —— useful for languages like Chinese. |
bigram-dawg | dawg | A dawg of word bigrams where the words are separated by a space and each digit is replaced by a ?. |
unambig-dawg | dawg | TODO: Describe. |
- wordlist2dawg frequent_words_list lang.freq-dawg lang.unicharset
wordlist2dawg words_list lang.word-dawg lang.unicharset
- v1
3 I I 0 2 u o 3
3 I - I 1 H 2
2 ' ' 1 " 1
2 ?? 6 1 ?? 1
1 m 2 r n 0
3 i i i 1 m 0
Value | Type | Description |
0 | NOT_AMBIG | the ngram pair is not ambiguous |
1 | REPLACE_AMBIG | ocred ngram should always be substituted with correct |
2 | DEFINITE_AMBIG | add correct ngram to the classifier results (1-1) |
3 | SIMILAR_AMBIG | use pairwise classifier for ocred/correct pair (1-1) |
4 | CASE_AMBIG | this is a case ambiguity (1-1) |
- combine_tessdata lang.
- tesseract image.tif output -l lang
- ambiguous_words
- cntraining
- combine_tessdata
- dawg2wordlist
- mftraining
- shapeclustering
- tesseract
- unicharset_extractor
- wordlist2dawg
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