This tutorial works best if your router is broadcasting the SSID. Make sure you have "Broadcast SSID" set up on your router! This may not work with "private" SSID setups

Setting up WiFi in Occidentalis, is also pretty straight forward. You just need to add the name of your wireless network (its SSID) and your password to a configuration file.

Step 1.

Boot the Raspberry Pi without the WiFi adapter plugged in.

Step 2.

Open a Terminal session by clicking on the LXTerminal icon, and enter the following command into it:

Copy Code
  1. sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
Copy Code
  1. auto lo
  2. iface lo inet loopback
  3. iface eth0 inet dhcp
  4. allow-hotplug wlan0
  5. auto wlan0
  6. iface wlan0 inet dhcp
  7. wpa-ssid "ssid"
  8. wpa-psk "password"
If you are using a 'hidden' SSID, try the following (hat-tip to

Copy Code
  1. auto lo
  2. iface lo inet loopback
  3. iface eth0 inet dhcp
  4. auto wlan0
  5. allow-hotplug wlan0
  6. iface wlan0 inet dhcp
  7. wpa-scan-ssid 1
  8. wpa-ap-scan 1
  9. wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK
  10. wpa-proto RSN WPA
  11. wpa-pairwise CCMP TKIP
  12. wpa-group CCMP TKIP
  13. wpa-ssid "My Secret SSID"
  14. wpa-psk "My SSID PSK"
  15. iface default inet dhcp

Step 3.

This opens an editor screen of the wifi configuration file you need to change.

The two places where you need to make a change are on the last two lines. Change the file so that it looks like this:

Of course, you should put in your network and password! Note that you need to keep the double-quote characters around your wireless network name and password.

This kind of editor does not let you use the mouse. Instead, use the cursor keys to move around the file.

Step 4.

When you have finished press [ctrl]x. This will ask if you want to save the modified files.

Press 'Y' and then Return to save the file with the same name.

Step 5.

Shut down your Raspberry Pi, plug the WiFi adapter in and start it up again. You should find that the Raspberry Pi connects using the WiFi adapter as it boots up.

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