ArcGIS Server 开发实践之【Search类】
- 开发中整理的。不足之处还请谅解!
- -----------------------------------------------
- Class:Search
- 调用方式:require(["esri/dijit/Search",function(Search){......}]);
- /*描述:搜索小工具提供一种基于位置服务和地图、要素服务图层的搜索。这些指定的数据源在搜索框中搜索的内容。
- 如果用定位或地理服务时使用 findAddressCandidates方法。
- 搜索工具类似地理编辑工具。主要的不同时搜索工具提供附加的允许搜索和建议多种数据的功能。
- 注意:当使用一个空间参考的地图或其他的web墨卡托或者地理,要确保建立一个默认集合服务。
- 这将确保用户的位置返回相同的空间参考地图。*/
- ----------------------
- requrie(["esri/config"],function(esriConfig){
- esriConfig.defaults.geometryService="";
- });
- ----------------------
- 构造函数:
- new Search(options,srcNode) //使用给定DOM节点新建一个搜索工具
- ---------------------------------------
- Name 描述
- active 类用于描述的风格活跃的“搜索”按钮,生成的菜单项。
- arcgisSearch 代表节点搜索的实例小部件呈现。这是默认主题独特风格的小部件。
- hasButtonMode 类指示是否显示模式按钮
- hasMultipleSources 类指示是否正在使用多个来源
- menuHeader 类用于样式标题搜索结果的顶部菜单。
- moreResults 类用于指示是否显示额外的结果在生成的搜索弹出。
- noResultsBody Class used to style the body of how "No results" is displayed.类用于样式的身体如何显示“没有结果”。
- noResultsHeader Class used to style the header of how "No results" displays.类用于样式的标题显示“没有结果”。
- noResultsMenu Class used to style the menu if there are "No results".类用于样式菜单如果有“没有结果”。
- noResultsText The class used to style the "No results" text.类用于风格“没有结果”文本。
- noValueIcon This class is used used if wanting to display a warning icon when no value is entered into the search box.使用这个类使用时如果想显示一个警告图标没有值输入到搜索框。
- noValueText Class used to style the resulting dialog when no value is entered in the search box.类用于样式结果对话框时不搜索框中输入的值。
- popupHeader Class used to style the popupHeader in the search popup's "More results".
- resultsList Class used to style the popup's search results list.
- searchAnimate Class used to style how the search animation displays.
- searchBtn Class used to style the Search button.
- searchButtonText The class used to style how the "Search" button displays its text.
- searchClear The class used to style the "Clear search" (x) area of the widget.
- searchClearFloat Used to clear floats in the Search widget.
- searchClearIcon | esriIconCancel Class used to style the clear icon.
- searchCollapsed Class used to indicate whether the search is collapsed.
- searchExpandContainer Containing class for when the widget is expanded.
- searchExpanded Class used to indicate whether the search is expanded.
- searchGroup Class used to style the elements used for the input text and search.
- searchIcon | esriIconZoom Class used to style the search icon.
- .arcgisSearch .searchIcon {
- color:orange;
- font-size:20px;
- }
- searchInput Class used to style the search input box.
- searchInputGroup Class used to style the grouping of input elements.
- searchLoading Class used to indicate that the search is loading.
- searchMenu Class used to style the resulting search results menu.
- searchSubmit Class used to style the Search's submit button when collapsed.
- searchToggle Class used to style how the toggle button displays.
- searchToggleIcon | esriIconDownDir Class used to style the toggle icon.
- .arcgisSearch .esriIconDownDir{
- color: #ccc;
- }
- showMoreResults Class used to indicate if showing more results in the search result popup.
- showNoResults Class indicating whether to display "No results".
- showSources Class indicating whether to display sources.
- showSuggestions Class indicating whether to show suggestions for text input.
- sourceName Class used to style how the source name is displayed.
- sourcesMenu Class used to style the drop-down menu listing all available sources.
- suggestionsMenu Class used to style the drop-down menu for suggestions.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 属性
- name type Summary
- activeSourse object 只读属性的当前选中的源对象
- activeSourseIndex Number 当前选择的来源
- addLayersFromMap Boolean 指示是否自动添加层从地图上的所有功能。
- allPlaceholder String 这个默认的值用来在搜索多个值时提示输入文本信息
- autoNavigate Boolean 指示是否自动导航到所选择的结果。
- autoSelect Boolean Indicates whether to automatically select the first geocoded result.
- defaultSource Object (Read-only), the default source used for the Search widget.
- enableButtonMode Boolean Indicates whether to enable an option to collapse/expand the search into a button.
- enableHighlight Boolean Show the selected feature on the map using a default symbol determined by the source's geometry type.
- enableInfoWindow Boolean Indicates whether to display the infoWindow on feature click.
- enableLabel Boolean Indicates whether to enable showing a label for the geometry.
- enableSearchingAll Boolean Indicates whether to display the option to search "All" sources.
- enableSourcesMenu Boolean Indicates whether to enable the menu for selecting different sources.
- enableSuggestions Boolean Enable suggestions for the widget.
- enableSuggestionsMenu Boolean Indicates whether to display suggest results.
- expanded Boolean Indicates whether to set the state of the enableButtonMode to expanded (true) or collapsed (false).
- graphicsLayer Layer This is the specified graphicsLayer to use for the highlightGraphic and labelGraphic instead of
- highlightGraphic Graphic Read-only property indicating the highlighted location graphic.
- infoTemplate InfoTemplate A customized infoTemplate for the selected feature.
- labelGraphic Graphic Read-only graphic property for the text label.
- labelSymbol TextSymbol The text symbol for the label graphic.
- loaded Boolean Read-only property indicating whether the widget is loaded.
- locationToAddressDistance Number The default distance specified in meters used to reverse geocode (if not specified by source).
- map Map Reference to the map.
- maxResults Number The default maximum number of results returned by the widget if not specified by source.
- maxSuggestions Number The default maximum number of suggestions returned by the widget if not specified by source.
- minCharacters Number The default minimum number of characters needed for the search if not specified by source.
- searchResults Object[] Read-only property that returns an array of current results from the search.
- showInfoWindowOnSelect Boolean Indicates whether to show the infoWindow when a result is selected.
- sources Object[] An array of source objects used to find search results.
- suggestResults Object[] Read-only property that returns an array of current results from the suggest.
- suggestionDelay Number The millisecond delay after keyup and before making a suggest network request.
- theme String The CSS class selector used to uniquely style the widget.
- value String The current value of the search box input text string.
- visible Boolean Indicate whether to show the widget.
- zoomScale Number If the result does not have an associated extent, specify this number to use as the zoom scale for the result.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 方法:
- Name 返回类型 简述
- blur() None 滑动块工具的文本输入
- clear() None 清除当前的值,搜索结果,显示结果,几何图形或者几何图层
- collaspe() None 从按钮模式关闭小部件
- destory() None 清除搜索小部件
- expand() None 从按钮模式打开小部件
- get(name) Object|B 从搜索小部件获取属性的值。
- hide() None 隐藏搜索部件
- search(value?) Promise 根据指定的来源,search()查询功能层(s)和/或执行地址匹配使用Locator(s),并返回指定任何任何适用的结果。
- select(value) None 选择一个结果
- set(name,value) None 设置一个非只读属性值的部件
- show() 显示部件
- startup() 结束搜索的小部件
- suggest(value?) Promise 执行一个活动定位器上的suggest()请求或功能层。
- ===================================================================
- 事件
- blur Fired when the widget's text input loses focus.
- clear-search Fired when a result is cleared from the input box or a new result is selected.
- focus Fired when the widget's text input sets focus.
- load Fired when the search widget has fully loaded.
- search-results
- {
- activeSourceIndex: <Number>,
- errors: <Error[]>,
- numErrors: <Number>,
- numResults: <Number>,
- results: <Object[]>,
- value: <String>
- }
- Fires when the search method is called and returns its results.
- select-result
- {
- result: <Object>,
- source: <Object>,
- sourceIndex: <Number>
- }
- Fired when a search result is selected.
- suggest-results
- {
- activeSourceIndex: <Number>,
- errors: <Error[]>,
- numErrors: <Number>,
- numResults: <Number>,
- results: <Object[]>,
- value: <String>
- }
- Fired when the suggest method is called and returns its results.
- Constructor Details
- new Search(options, srcNode)
- Create a new Search widget using the given DOM node.
- Parameters:
- <Object> options Required Set of options used to specify Search options. This parameter is required but can be null or an empty object. See the options properties below for details.
- <Node | String> srcNode Required Reference or id of the HTML element where the widget should be rendered.
- options properties:
- <Number | String> activeSourceIndex Optional The currently selected source. The default is "all".
- <Boolean> addLayersFromMap Optional Indicates whether to automatically add all the feature layers from the map. The default value is false.
- <String> allPlaceholder Optional This is the default value used as a hint for input text when searching on multiple sources. The default value is "Find address or place".
- <Boolean> autoNavigate Optional Indicates whether to automatically navigate to the selected result. The default value is true.
- <Boolean> autoSelect Optional Indicates whether to automatically select the first geocoded result (not the first suggestion). The default value is true.
- <Boolean> enableButtonMode Optional Indicates whether to enable an option to collapse/expand the search into a button. The default value is false.
- <Boolean> enableHighlight Optional Indicates whether to show the selected feature on the map using the highlight symbol property. The default value is true.
- <Boolean> enableInfoWindow Optional Indicates whether to display the infoWindow on feature click. The default value is true. See the enableInfoWindow property for additional information on this.
- <Boolean> enableLabel Optional Indicates whether to enable showing a label for the geometry.The default value is false.
- <Boolean> enableSearchingAll Optional Indicates whether to display the option to search "All" sources. Default is true.
- <Boolean> enableSourcesMenu Optional Indicates whether to enable the menu for selecting different sources. The default value is true.
- <Boolean> enableSuggestions Optional Indicates whether or not to enable suggest on the widget. The default value is true.
- NOTE: This is available if working with a 10.3 geocoding service that has suggest capability loaded or a 10.3 feature layer that supports pagination, i.e. supportsPagination = true.
- <Boolean> enableSuggestionsMenu Optional Indicates whether to display suggest results. The default value is true.
- <Boolean> expanded Optional Indicates whether to set the state of the enableButtonMode to expanded (true) or collapsed (false). The default value is false.
- <Layer> graphicsLayer Optional This the specified graphicsLayer to use for the highlightGraphic and labelGraphic instead of
- <Symbol> highlightSymbol Optional The symbol used for highlightGraphic. Defaults to PictureMarkerSymbol.
- <InfoTemplate> infoTemplate Optional A customized infoTemplate for the selected feature.
- NOTE: Do not specify a wildcard "${*}" for this specific infoTemplate as it will return all fields in addition to search-specific fields.
- <TextSymbol> labelSymbol Optional The text symbol for the label graphic.
- <Number> locationToAddressDistance Optional The default distance specified in meters used to reverse geocode, (if not specified by source). The default value is 1500.
- <Map> map Optional Reference to the map. If no map is specified, the value is null.
- <Number> maxResults Optional The default maximum number of results returned by the widget if not specified by source. The default value is 6.
- <Number> maxSuggestions Optional The default maximum number of suggestions returned by the widget if not specified by source. The default value is 6. NOTE: If working with the default ArcGIS Online Geocoding service, the default remains at 5.
- <Number> minCharacters Optional The default minimum amount of characters needed for the search if not specified by source. The default value is 1.
- <Boolean> showInfoWindowOnSelect Optional Indicates whether to show the infoWindow when a result is selected. The default value is true. See the showInfoWindowOnSelect property for additional information on this.
- <Object[]> sources Optional An array of source objects used to find search results. Refer to the sources property for additional information on this.
- <Number> suggestionDelay Optional The millisecond delay after keyup and before making a suggest network request. The default value is 150.
- <String> theme Optional The CSS class selector used to uniquely style the widget. The default value is arcgisSearch.
- <String> value Optional Current value of the search box input text string. The default value is "".
- <Boolean> visible Optional Indicates whether to show the Search widget. Default value is true.
- <Number> zoomScale Optional If the result does not have an associated extent, specify this number to use as the zoom scale for the result. The default value is 1000.
- ================================================================================
- Sample:
- require([
- "esri/map","esri/dijit/Search",....],function(Map,Search,....){
- var map=new Map(....);
- var s=new Search({
- map:map
- },"search");
- )};
- =============================================================
- 具体的方法简介
- <object[]>sources
- 源对象数组用于查找搜索结果。 支持多种地理编码服务除了搜索功能层。参见下面对象规格表结构的源对象。
- 默认的源对象
- Default sourses[]
- [
- {
- locator:new Locator("//"),
- singleLineFieldName:"SingleLine",
- outFields:["Addr_type"],
- name:i18n.widgets.Search.main.esriLocationName,
- localSearchOptions:{
- minScale:300000,
- maxScale:500000
- },
- placeholder:i18n,widget.Search.main.placeholder,
- highlighSymbol:new PictureMarkerSymbol(this.basePath+"/images/search-pointer.png",36,36).setOffset(9,18)
- }
- ]
- --------------------------------------------------
- 具体的示例
- var sourse=[
- {
- locator:,
- singleLineFieldName:"SingleLine",
- name:"Custom Geocoding Service",
- localSearchOptions:{
- minScale:300000,
- distance:50000
- },
- placeholder:"Search Geocoder",
- maxResults:3,
- maxSuggestions:6,
- enableSuggestions:false,
- minCharacters:0
- },{
- featureLayer:new FeatureLayer(""),
- searchFisds:["Name","Party"],
- suggestionTemplate:"${Name},Party:${Party}",
- exactMatch:false,
- outFields:["*"],
- name:"Senators",
- lableSymbol:textSymbol,
- placeholder:"Senator Nmae",
- maxResults:6,
- maxSuggestions:true,
- minCharacters:0,
- searchQuaryParams:{distance:5000},
- },
- {
- featureLayer:new FeatureLayer(),{
- outFields:["*"]
- });
- placeholder:"esri",
- name:"A FeatureLayer",
- prefix:"",
- suffix:"",
- maxResults:1,
- maxSuggestions:6,
- searchExtent:null,
- exactMath:fasle,
- searchFields:[],//默认为 FeatureLayer.displayField
- displayField:"",//默认为 FeatureLayer.displayField
- labelSymbol:new TextSymbol(),
- minCharacters:0
- }
- ];
- ===========================================
- 设置源的一些方法
- 1. Set source(s) on creation
- var s=new Search({
- sources:[]
- });
- s.startup();
- 2.Add to sources
- var s=new Search();
- var sources=s.get("sources");
- sources.push({//new sources}) ;
- s.set("sources",sources);
- s.startup();
- 3.set sources
- var s=new Search();
- var sources=[my sources];
- s.set("sources",sources);
- s.startup();
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- 规范:
- 1、local Search Options
- distance //指定一个搜索位置的距离,默认值为12000
- minScale //位置搜索时指定比例尺至小于指定值。默认为15000
- 2.sources
- autoNavigate //同时适用于定位器和功能层。这表明是否自动导航到选定的结果一旦选中。默认是正确的。
- categories //一个字符串数组限制到一个或多个类别的结果。例如“密集的地方”或“机场”。只适用于当使用世界地理编码服务。查看世界地理编码服务文档了解更多信息。
- countryCode //只用于使用定位器的来源。这个会对搜索结果到指定的国家代码。例如,“US”美国和瑞典“SE”。只适用于世界地理服务。
- displayField //只适用于要素图层源。结果显示正在使用的字段。默认的显示图层的第一个字段。
- enableHighlight //同时适用于定位器和功能层。这表明是否在地图上显示一个图形使用highlightSymbol选中的源。默认值是正确的。
- enableInfoWindow //同时适用于定位器和功能层。它显示一个信息窗口,单击选择的结果。默认是正确的。
- enableLabel //同时适用于定位器和功能层。这表明是否在地图上显示一个文本标签使用labelSymbol选中的源。默认值是错误的。
- enableSuggestions//同时适用于定位器和功能层。这表明是否启用建议小部件的用户输入。默认值是正确的。 注意:这是可用的,如果使用10.3地理编码服务,建议功能层,支持分页加载或10.3特性,即supportsPagination = true。
- exactMathch //只适用于功能层源。这只搜索值完全匹配的返回结果。默认是假的。
- featureLayer //这只适用于地图服务功能层。功能层是在搜索查询。如果搜索功能层,这是必需的。
- infoTemplate //用于选择结果。同时适用于定位和功能层。
- labelSymbol //TextSymbol用于标签所选择的结果。这同时适用于定位器和功能层。
- localSearchOptions//只适用于在使用定位器的来源。这是用于设置为当地的距离和minScale搜索来源。有关详细信息,请参阅下面的localSearchOptions表。
- locationToAddressDistance//默认的距离米为反向地理编码。
- locator //这只适用于定位器的来源。这是用于搜索定位任务。这是必需的,默认为世界地理编码服务。
- maxResualts //同时适用于定位器和功能层。这个数字显示返回结果的最大数目。默认值是6。
- maxSuggestions //同时适用于定位器和功能层。这个数字表示建议的最大数量换取小部件的输入。默认值为15。
- minCharacters //同时适用于定位器和功能层。这个数字显示所需的最小字符数在查询一个建议。默认值是1。
- name //同时适用于定位器和功能层。这是来源显示的名称。
- outFields //这个字符串数组同时适用于定位器和功能层。它指定的字段返回搜索结果。
- placeholder //同时适用于定位器和功能层。这是用来提示源输入文本。不支持的IE9和下面。
- prefix //同时适用于定位器和功能层。指定该前缀的输入搜索文本。
- searchExtent //程度上对象的数组,同时适用于定位器和功能层。设置这个如果要限制搜索结果在某种程度上
- searchFields //只适用于功能层。它是一个字符串值数组搜索结果在这些领域的功能层
- searchQueryParams//定义了一个查询的默认选项,当搜索功能层。有些选项可能会覆盖搜索部件包括以下几点:
- outSpatialReference
- returnGeometry
- num
- outFields
- where
- maxAllowableOffset
- objectIds
- suggestionTemplate //一个模板字符串用于显示多个字段顺序定义。这仅适用于功能层和优先于displayField来源。
- useMapExtent //指示是否限制搜索结果在地图的程度上。
- zoomScale //适用于指定的源。如果结果没有一个关联的程度,指定要使用这个号码的缩放尺度结果。
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现在我们需要对gpsdata.csv文件中的数据进行筛选,然后将符合条件的数据输出到output.json文件中,第一种方式当然是在之前的代码中进行修改,但是如果我们不想修改原来的代码就能得到我们期望 ...