Percona Server 5.6.33-79.0 发布
Percona Server 5.6.33-79.0 发布了,该版本基于 MySQL 5.6.33,包含了所有的 bug 修复,是Percona Server 5.6 系列中的正式版本。该版本主要是修复bug,主要更新如下:
Percona Server has implemented support for per-column
compression for the XtraDB storage engine. This also features compression dictionary support, to improve compression ratio for relatively short individual rows, such as JSON data.A new TokuDB
option has been introduced to address two TokuDB shortcomings, the renaming of data files on table/index rename, and the ability to group data files together within a directory that represents a single database. This feature is disabled by default.
Bug 修复
After fixing bug #1540338, system table engine validation check is no longer skipped for tables that don’t have an explicit
clause in aCREATE TABLE
statement. If MySQL upgrade statements are replicated, and slave does not have the MyISAM set as a default storage engine, then theCREATE TABLE mysql.server
statement would attempt to create an InnoDB table and fail becausemysql_system_tables.sql
script omitted explicit engine setting for this table. Bug fixed #1600056.Audit Log Plugin malformed record could be written after
was set toON
modes. Bug fixed #1613650.A race condition between HandlerSocket and server shutdown could lead to a server stall if shutdown was issued immediately after HandlerSocket startup. Bug fixed #1617198.
HandlerSocket could access freed memory on startup. Bug fixed #1617998.
Workloads with statements that take non-transactional locks (
, global read lock, and similar) could have caused deadlocks when running under Thread Pool with high priority queue enabled andthread_pool_high_prio_mode
set to transactions. Fixed by placing such statements into the high priority queue even with the abovethread_pool_high_prio_mode
setting. Bugs fixed #1619559 and #1374930.Fixed memory leaks in Audit Log Plugin. Bug fixed #1620152 (upstream #71759).
Server could crash due to a glibc bug in handling short-lived detached threads. Bug fixed #1621012 (upstream #82886).
table data if accessed through a name that is not full uppercase. Bug fixed #1552428.Fixed memory leaks in HandlerSocket. Bug fixed #1617949.
was not behaving consistently and it would hang in some cases. Bug fixed #1621046 (upstream #45679).Cipher
was listed in the list of supported ciphers but it wasn’t supported. Bug fixed #1622034 (upstream #82935).悦德财富:https://www.yuedecaifu.comSuccessful doublewrite recovery was showed as a warning in the error log. Bug fixed #1622985.
couldn’t be set to0
if it was already set to that value. Bug fixed #1625501(upstream #69396).LRU manager thread could run too long on a server shutdown, causing a server crash. Bug fixed #1626069.
was not recognized by Percona Server as a valid row format. Bug fixed #1626206.InnoDB
didn’t remove its table from the background statistics processing queue. Bug fixed #1626441 (upstream #71761).Upstream merge for #81657 to 5.6 was incorrect. Bug fixed #1626936 (upstream #83124).
Fixed multi-threaded slave thread leaks that happened in case of thread create failure. Bug fixed #1619622(upstream #82980).
Shutdown waiting for a purge to complete was undiagnosed for the first minute. Bug fixed #1616785.
Unnecessary InnoDB change buffer merge attempts are now skipped upon reading disk pages of non-applying types. Bug fixed #1618393 (upstream #75235).
其他 bugs fixed: #1614439, #1614949, #1616392 (upstream #82798), #1624993 (#736), #1613647, #1626002 (upstream #83073), #904714, #1610102, #1610110, #1613663, #1613728, #1613986, #1614885, #1615959, #1615970, #1616333, #1616404, #1616768, #1617150, #1617216, #1617267, #1618478, #1618811, #1618819, #1619547, #1619572, #1620583, #1622449, #1622456, #1622977, #1623011, #1624992 (#1014), #1625176, #1625187, #1626500, #1628417, #964, and #735.
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