D-Bus 1.13.14

Typedefs | Functions

Address parsing

D-Bus low-level public API

Parsing addresses of D-Bus servers. More...

typedef struct DBusAddressEntry DBusAddressEntry
Opaque type representing one of the semicolon-separated items in an address.
void dbus_address_entries_free (DBusAddressEntry **entries)
Frees a NULL-terminated array of address entries. More...
const char * dbus_address_entry_get_method (DBusAddressEntry *entry)
Returns the method string of an address entry. More...
const char * dbus_address_entry_get_value (DBusAddressEntry *entry, const char *key)
Returns a value from a key of an entry. More...
dbus_bool_t dbus_parse_address (const char *address, DBusAddressEntry ***entry_result, int *array_len, DBusError *error)
Parses an address string of the form: More...
char * dbus_address_escape_value (const char *value)
Escapes the given string as a value in a key=value pair for a D-Bus address. More...
char * dbus_address_unescape_value (const char *value, DBusError *error)
Unescapes the given string as a value in a key=value pair for a D-Bus address. More...

Detailed Description

Parsing addresses of D-Bus servers.


Function Documentation


DBUS_EXPORT void dbus_address_entries_free ( DBusAddressEntry ** entries )

Frees a NULL-terminated array of address entries.


  • Parameters

    ​ entries the array.

Definition at line 192 of file dbus-address.c.

References dbus_free(), and NULL.


const DBUS_EXPORT char * dbus_address_entry_get_method ( DBusAddressEntry * entry )

Returns the method string of an address entry.

For example, given the address entry "tcp:host=example.com" it would return the string "tcp"


例如,给定地址项目“ tcp:host = example.com”,它将返回字符串“ tcp”

  • Parameters

    ​ entry the entry.

  • Returns

    a string describing the method. This string must not be freed.

Definition at line 230 of file dbus-address.c.

References DBusAddressEntry::method.

Referenced by _dbus_server_listen_platform_specific(), _dbus_server_listen_socket(), _dbus_transport_open_platform_specific(), and _dbus_transport_open_socket().


const DBUS_EXPORT char * dbus_address_entry_get_value ( DBusAddressEntry * entry,
const char * key

Returns a value from a key of an entry.

For example, given the address "tcp:host=example.com,port=8073" if you asked for the key "host" you would get the value "example.com"

The returned value is already unescaped.


例如,给定地址“ tcp:host = example.com,port = 8073”,如果您要求键“ host”,则将获得值“ example.com”


  • Parameters

    ​ entry the entry.

    ​ key the key.

  • Returns

    the key value. This string must not be freed.

Definition at line 247 of file dbus-address.c.

References _dbus_assert, _dbus_list_get_first_link(), _dbus_list_get_next_link, _dbus_string_equal_c_str(), DBusList::data, DBusAddressEntry::keys, NULL, and DBusAddressEntry::values.

Referenced by _dbus_server_listen_platform_specific(), _dbus_server_listen_socket(), _dbus_transport_open(), _dbus_transport_open_platform_specific(), and _dbus_transport_open_socket().


DBUS_EXPORT char * dbus_address_escape_value ( const char * value )

Escapes the given string as a value in a key=value pair for a D-Bus address.


  • Parameters

    ​ value the unescaped value

  • Returns

    newly-allocated escaped value or NULL if no memory

Definition at line 586 of file dbus-address.c.

References _dbus_address_append_escaped(), _dbus_string_free(), _dbus_string_init(), _dbus_string_init_const(), _dbus_string_steal_data(), and NULL.


DBUS_EXPORT char * dbus_address_unescape_value ( const char * value,
DBusError * error

Unescapes the given string as a value in a key=value pair for a D-Bus address.

Note that dbus_address_entry_get_value() returns an already-unescaped value.

将给定的字符串取消转义为D-Bus地址的key = value对中的值。


  • Parameters

    ​ value the escaped value

    ​ error error to set if the unescaping fails

  • Returns

    newly-allocated unescaped value or NULL if no memory

Definition at line 620 of file dbus-address.c.

References _dbus_string_init(), _dbus_string_init_const(), and NULL.


DBUS_EXPORT dbus_bool_t dbus_parse_address ( const char * address,
DBusAddressEntry *** entry_result,
int * array_len,
DBusError * error

Parses an address string of the form:


See the D-Bus specification for complete docs on the format.

When connecting to an address, the first address entries in the semicolon-separated list should be tried first.





  • Parameters

    address the address.
    entry_result return location to an array of entries.
    array_len return location for array length.
    error address where an error can be returned.
  • Returns

    TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 366 of file dbus-address.c.

References _dbus_string_init_const(), DBUS_ERROR_BAD_ADDRESS, dbus_set_error(), and NULL.

Referenced by dbus_server_listen().

Generated by 1.8.16


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