
using StackExchange.Redis;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ConsoleApp7
public class RedisHelper
public static readonly RedisHelper Instance = new RedisHelper(); private readonly object _syncRoot = new object(); /// <summary>
/// redis分布式锁
/// </summary>
private Redlock.CSharp.Redlock dlm_redlock { get; set; }
private RedisHelper()
{ } public ConnectionMultiplexer RedisConnectionManager
get; private set;
} private IDatabase _redisDatabase; public IDatabase RedisDatabase
return this._redisDatabase;
this._redisDatabase = value;
/// <summary>
/// 初始化
/// </summary>
/// <param name="configuration"></param>
public void Init(string configuration)
RedisConnectionManager = ConnectionMultiplexer
RedisDatabase = this.RedisConnectionManager.GetDatabase(); List<ConnectionMultiplexer> listCM = new List<ConnectionMultiplexer>();
foreach (var item in configuration.Split(','))
dlm_redlock = new Redlock.CSharp.Redlock(listCM[]);
catch (Exception ex)
// LogHelper.WriteLog(ex.Message, ex);
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 反初始化
/// </summary>
public void UnInit()
RedisDatabase = null;
if (RedisConnectionManager != null)
} public void HashIncrement(string mapName, string key)
RedisDatabase.HashIncrement(mapName, key);
} //public void StringIncrement(string key)
// RedisDatabase.StringIncrement(key);
//} /// <summary>
/// 以分布式锁的方式读取写入值到redis
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lockKey">锁定资源的key</param>
/// <param name="action">具体操作</param>
/// <param name="throwExecption">未获取到分布式锁是否抛出异常默认为是</param>
public void LockAction(string lockKey, Action<IDatabase> action, bool throwExecption = true)
if (action == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("参数action空异常");
Redlock.CSharp.Lock lockObject;
var locked = GetLock(lockKey, out lockObject);
//没有获取到锁 则进行等待,最多等待5秒
int total = ;
Random rdm = new Random();
int sleepTime = ;
while (!locked)
sleepTime = rdm.Next(, );
total += sleepTime;
locked = GetLock(lockKey, out lockObject);
if (total > )
if (!locked && throwExecption)
throw new Exception("获取redis分布式锁失败");
if (locked)
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
/// <summary>
/// 获取分布式锁
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lockKey">键</param>
/// <param name="lockObject">锁对象</param>
/// <returns>获取锁是否成功</returns>
private bool GetLock(string lockKey, out Redlock.CSharp.Lock lockObject)
return dlm_redlock.Lock(
"RedLock_" + lockKey,
new TimeSpan(, , ),//最多锁10s 则自动释放锁
out lockObject
} public void HSet(string mapName, string key, string value)
lock (this._syncRoot)
//this.RedisClient.HSet(mapName, GetBytes(key), GetBytes(value));
this.RedisDatabase.HashSet(mapName, key, value);
} public string HGet(string mapName, string key)
lock (this._syncRoot)
//byte[] value = this.RedisClient.HGet(mapName, GetBytes(key));
//if (value == null || value.Length == 0)
// return null;
//string str = GetString(value);
//return str;
string str = this.RedisDatabase.HashGet(mapName, key);
return str;
} public IDictionary<string, string> HGetAll(string mapName)
lock (this._syncRoot)
//byte[][] values = this.RedisClient.HGetAll(mapName);
//int count = values.Length / 2;
//IDictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>(count);
//for (int i = 0; i < values.Length;)
// string key = GetString(values[i++]);
// string value = GetString(values[i++]);
// dic[key] = value;
//} //return dic;
HashEntry[] entries = this.RedisDatabase.HashGetAll(mapName);
IDictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
for (int i = ; i < entries.Length; i++)
HashEntry entry = entries[i];
string key = entry.Name;
string value = entry.Value;
dic[key] = value;
} return dic;
} //private readonly Random _radom = new Random(); public IDictionary<string, string> HScan(string mapName, string pattern, int size)
lock (this._syncRoot)
IEnumerable<HashEntry> entries = this.RedisDatabase.HashScan(
mapName, pattern, , CommandFlags.None);
if (entries == null)
throw new ApplicationException("HSCAN 命令出错,返回空");
IDictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (HashEntry entry in entries)
string key = entry.Name;
string value = entry.Value;
dic[key] = value;
if (--size <= )
} return dic;
} public int Del(string key)
lock (this._syncRoot)
//int value = this.RedisClient.HDel(mapName, GetBytes(key));
bool flag = this.RedisDatabase.KeyDelete(key);
return flag ? : ;
} public void StringSet(string key, string value, TimeSpan? expiry = null)
lock (this._syncRoot)
//int value = this.RedisClient.HDel(mapName, GetBytes(key));
this.RedisDatabase.StringSet(key, value, expiry);
} public string StringGet(string key)
lock (this._syncRoot)
//int value = this.RedisClient.HDel(mapName, GetBytes(key));
RedisValue value = this.RedisDatabase.StringGet(key);
string sv = (string)value;
return sv;
} public int HDel(string mapName, string key)
lock (this._syncRoot)
//int value = this.RedisClient.HDel(mapName, GetBytes(key));
bool flag = this.RedisDatabase.HashDelete(mapName, key);
return flag ? : ;
} public void SAdd(string setName, string value)
lock (this._syncRoot)
bool flag = this.RedisDatabase.SetAdd(setName, value);
} public long SAdd(string setName, IList<string> values)
lock (this._syncRoot)
RedisValue[] rvs = values.Select(p => (RedisValue)p).ToArray();
long count = this.RedisDatabase.SetAdd(setName, rvs);
return count;
} public IList<string> SIntersect(IList<string> setNames)
lock (this._syncRoot)
RedisKey[] keys = setNames.Select(p => (RedisKey)(p)).ToArray();
RedisValue[] values = this.RedisDatabase.SetCombine(SetOperation.Intersect, keys);
IList<string> list = values.Select(p => (string)p).ToList();
return list;
} public IList<string> SScan(string sname, string pattern, int offset, int count)
IList<string> list = new List<string>();
lock (this._syncRoot)
IEnumerable<RedisValue> iter = this.RedisDatabase.SetScan(sname, pattern, );
foreach (var item in iter)
if (offset > )
if (count > )
return list;
} public long SCard(string setName)
long result = this.RedisDatabase.SetLength(setName);
return result;
} public bool KeyExpire(string key, TimeSpan? ts)
lock (this._syncRoot)
bool flag = this.RedisDatabase.KeyExpire(key, ts);
return flag;
} public bool KeyExists(string key)
lock (this._syncRoot)
bool flag = this.RedisDatabase.KeyExists(key);
return flag;
} public string HGet(string assetsStatusMap)
throw new NotImplementedException();
} //private string GetString(byte[] bytes)
// return _encoding.GetString(bytes);
//} //private byte[] GetBytes(string str)
// return _encoding.GetBytes(str);
//} public long LPush(string key, string value)
lock (this._syncRoot)
return this.RedisDatabase.ListLeftPush(key, value);
} public long RPush(string key, string value)
lock (this._syncRoot)
return this.RedisDatabase.ListRightPush(key, value);
} public string[] LRange(string key, long start, long stop)
lock (this._syncRoot)
var vals = this.RedisDatabase.ListRange(key, start, stop);
return vals.Select(p => (string)p).ToArray();
} public void LRemove(string key, string value, int count)
lock (this._syncRoot)
this.RedisDatabase.ListRemove(key, value, count);



 class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
RedisHelper redis = null;
redis = RedisHelper.Instance;
string RedisServer = "";
string KEY = "";
if (!redis.KeyExists(KEY))
redis.HSet(KEY, "", "");
redis.HSet(KEY, "", "");
redis.HSet(KEY, "", "");
var a = redis.HGet(KEY, "");//获取值 55
var b = redis.Del(KEY);//返回1表示删除成功--根据redis键值删除
var c = redis.HDel(KEY, ""); //根据redis键值和存入数据的key删除指定的值
} }




static void Main(string[] args)
RedisHelper redis = null;
redis = RedisHelper.Instance;
string RedisServer = "";
string KEY = "";
// List<string> listCode = new List<string>() { "111", "2222" };//第一次存入
List<string> listCode = new List<string>() { "", "" };//第二次存入
RedisHelper.Instance.SAdd(KEY, listCode);
var b = redis.Del(KEY);//返回1表示删除成功--根据redis键值删除


static void Main(string[] args)
RedisHelper redis = null;
redis = RedisHelper.Instance;
string RedisServer = "";
string key = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
redis.HashIncrement("Test", key + "_" + "");
redis.HashIncrement("Test", key + "_" + "");


 IDictionary<string, string> dicInfo = redis.HGetAll("");
foreach (string item in dicInfo.Keys)
{ }


  static void Main(string[] args)
RedisHelper redis = null;
redis = RedisHelper.Instance;
string RedisServer = "";
string KEY = "";
if (!redis.KeyExists(KEY))
redis.HSet(KEY, "", ""); }
var a = redis.HGet(KEY, "");//获取值 55
TimeSpan sp = new TimeSpan(, , );//设置key值的时效为2分钟,2分钟后会自动删除redis里key及数据
RedisHelper.Instance.KeyExpire(KEY, sp);



 static void Main(string[] args)
RedisHelper redis = null;
redis = RedisHelper.Instance;
string RedisServer = "";
//string KEY = "RPush";
//RedisHelper.Instance.RPush(KEY, "914");//每次新增的数据都在尾部
//RedisHelper.Instance.RPush(KEY, "915");
//RedisHelper.Instance.RPush(KEY, "916");
string KEY = "LPush";
RedisHelper.Instance.LPush(KEY, "");//每次新增的数据都在头部
RedisHelper.Instance.LPush(KEY, "");
RedisHelper.Instance.LPush(KEY, ""); }


static void Main(string[] args)
RedisHelper redis = null;
redis = RedisHelper.Instance;
string RedisServer = "";
string KEY = "Test:11";
redis.LPush(KEY, "");
string KEY2 = "Test:22";
redis.LPush(KEY2, "");


 static void Main(string[] args)
RedisHelper redis = null;
redis = RedisHelper.Instance;
string RedisServer = "";
string KEY = "LPush";
// Redis Lrange 返回列表中指定区间内的元素,区间以偏移量 START 和 END 指定。
//其中 0 表示列表的第一个元素, 1 表示列表的第二个元素,以此类推。 你也可以使用负数下标,
//以 -1 表示列表的最后一个元素, -2 表示列表的倒数第二个元素,以此类推。
string[] vals = RedisHelper.Instance.LRange(KEY, , -);//916,915,914
string[] vals2 = RedisHelper.Instance.LRange(KEY, , -);//915,914
string[] vals3 = RedisHelper.Instance.LRange(KEY, , -);//
string[] vals4 = RedisHelper.Instance.LRange(KEY, , -);// }


 static void Main(string[] args)
RedisHelper redis = null;
redis = RedisHelper.Instance;
string RedisServer = "";
string KEY = "LPush";
RedisHelper.Instance.LRemove(KEY, "", ); //删除916这条数据


一是keys命令,简单粗暴,由于Redis单线程这一特性,keys命令是以阻塞的方式执行的,keys是以遍历的方式实现的复杂度是 O(n),Redis库中的key越多,查找实现代价越大,产生的阻塞时间越长。

  static void Main(string[] args)
RedisHelper redis = null;
redis = RedisHelper.Instance;
string RedisServer = "";
string KEY = "";
List<string> list = new List<string>() { "", "", "", "" };
redis.SAdd(KEY, list);
int PageIndex = ;
int PageSize = ;
IList<string> values = RedisHelper.Instance.SScan(
PageIndex * PageSize,
long count = RedisHelper.Instance.SCard(KEY);//总条数


 /// <summary>
/// redis锁定key
/// </summary>
private static string LOCK_KEY = "FavoriteFunctionTask"; /// <summary>
/// redis排它锁key
/// </summary>
private static string EXCLUSIVE_LOCK = LOCK_KEY + "_LOCK";
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args"></param>
static void Main(string[] args)
RedisHelper redis = null;
redis = RedisHelper.Instance;
string RedisServer = "";
RedisHelper.Instance.LockAction(LOCK_KEY, db =>
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RedisHelper.Instance.StringGet(EXCLUSIVE_LOCK)))
RedisHelper.Instance.StringSet(EXCLUSIVE_LOCK, "", TimeSpan.FromMinutes());
}, false);


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