
func Router(rg *gin.RouterGroup){
rg.GET("/getsupplier", facility.GetSupplierList)//查询
rg.POST("/addsupplier", facility.AddSupplier)//添加
rg.POST("/editsupplier", facility.EditSupplier)//编辑
rg.GET("/deletesupplier", facility.DeleteSupplier)//删除
fun GetSupplierList(ctx *gin.Context){
  result := dal.GetSupplierList()
  ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, &gin.H){
    "data": result,
} //添加
func AddSupplier(ctx *gin.Context){
  var supplier model.FacilitySupplier
if err := ctx.ShouldBindJSON(&supplier); err != nil{
staff := fModel.GetStaff(ctx)
staff := staff.StaffName
code, result := dal.Addsupplier(&supplier, staffName)
  ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, &gin.H){
"code": code,
    "data": result,
} //编辑
func EditSupplier(ctx *gin.Context){
  var supplier model.FacilitySupplier
if err := ctx.ShouldBindJSON(&supplier); err != nil{
ctx.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})
staff := fModel.GetStaff(ctx)
staff := staff.StaffName
code, result := dal.Editsupplier(&supplier, staffName)
  ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, &gin.H){
"code": code,
    "data": result,
} //删除
fun GetSupplierList(ctx *gin.Context){
  id, _ := strconv.Atoi(ctx.Query("id"))
code, message := dal.DeleteSupplier(id)
  ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, &gin.H){
    "code": code,
"message": message,
func GetSupplierList()([]model.FacilitySupplier){
var results []model.FacilitySupplier
tx := fiorm.BeginTransaction()
defer tx.EndTransaction()
selSQL := `select * from table`
selQ := tx.NewQuery()
return results
} //添加
func AddSupplier(parm * model.FacilitySupplier ,staffName string)(int ,string){
var code int
var message string
tx := fiorm.BeginTransaction()
defer tx.EndTransaction()
facilitySupplier := model.FacilitySupplier{
insertQ := tx.NewQuery()
if tx.Error != nil{
code =
message = "写入失败"
return code, message
code =
message = "写入成功"
return code, message
} //编辑
func EditSupplier(parm * model.FacilitySupplier ,staffName string)(int ,string){
var code int
var message string
conn := fiorm.NewQuery()
ID := param.ID
Name := name
CreateTime := currentTime
sql := `update facility_supplier set id = ? ,name = ? , create_time = ?`
if tx.Error != nil{
code =
message = "编辑失败"
return code, message
code =
message = "编辑成功"
return code, message
} //删除
func DeleteSupplier(id int)(int ,string){
var code int
var message string
delSQL := `delete from facility_supplier where id = ?`
conn := fiorm.NewQuery()
conn.Exec(delSAQL, id)
if tx.Error != nil{
code =
message = "删除失败"
return code, message
code =
message = "删除成功"
return code, message
type FacilitySupplier struct{
ID int `gorm:"primary_key,column:id" json:"id"`
Name null.String `gorm:"column:name" json:"name"`
CreateTime time.Time `gorm:"column:create_time" json:"create_time"`
} func (f * FacilitySupplier) TableName() string{
return "table"


fun Test(ctx *gin.Context){
  code, result := dal.Test()
  ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, &gin.H){
"code": code,
    "data": result,
func Test () (int,[]model.Category) {
var code int
var facilitycategory []model.FacilityCategory
var results []model.Category
tx := fiorm.BeginTransaction()
defer tx.EndTransaction()
selSQL :=`SELECT * FROM facility_category`
selQ := tx.NewQuery()
if tx.Error != nil {
code =
return code, results
}else {
var category model.Category
for i := ; i < len(facilitycategory);i++{
if facilitycategory[i].ParentFacilityCategoryID == {
var list = test1(facilitycategory, facilitycategory[i].ID)
category.ID = facilitycategory[i].ID
category.FacilityCategoryName = facilitycategory[i].FacilityCategoryName
category.Childern = list
results = append(results,category)
code =
return code, results
} func test1 (arr []model.FacilityCategory,id int)(arrt []model.Category) {
var category model.Category
for i :=;i<len(arr); i++{
if arr[i].ParentFacilityCategoryID == id{
var res = test1(arr, arr[i].ID)
category.ID = arr[i].ID
category.FacilityCategoryName = arr[i].FacilityCategoryName
category.Childern =res
arrt = append(arrt,category)
type Category struct {
ID int `json:"facility_category_id"`
FacilityCategoryName string `json:"facility_category_name"`
Childern []Category


fun GetSupplierList(ctx *gin.Context){
PageSize,_ := strconv.Atoi(ctx.Query("pagesize"))
PageIndex,_ := strconv.Atoi(ctx.Query("pageindex"))
Name := ctx.Query("name")
Type := strconv.Atoi(ctx.Query("type"))
Param := model.FacilitySupplierParam{
PageSize: PageSize,
PageIndex: PageIndex,
Name: Name,
Type: Type,
  code, result := dal.GetSupplierList(&Param)
  ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, &gin.H){
"code": code,
    "data": result,
func GetSupplierList(param *model.FacilitySupplierParam)(int, model.SupplierListModel){
var code int
pageSize := param.PageSize
pageIndex := param.PageIndex
Name := param.Name
Type := param.Type
var facilitySupplier []model.FacilitySupplier
var results model.SupplierListModel
var count model.Count
tx := fiorm.BeginTransaction()
defer tx.EndTransaction()
selSQL := `select * from facility_supplier where = `
if Name != ""{
selSQL += "and name = ' " + Name +" ' "
if Type > {
selSQL += "and type = ' " + strconv.Itoa(Type) +" ' "
selSQL += `LIMIT ?,? `
selQ := tx.NewQuery()
selQ.Raw(selSQL,(pageIndex-)*pageSize, pageSize).Scan(&facilitySupplier)
countSQL := `select count() as count from facility_supplier where =`
if Name != ""{
countSQL += "and name = ' " + Name +" ' "
if Type > {
countSQL += "and type = ' " + strconv.Itoa(Type) +" ' "
countQ := tx.NewQuery()
if tx.Error != nil{
code =
return code, results
results.ICurPage = pageIndex
results.IPageSize = pageSize
results.TotalItems = count.Count
if count.Count != {
if(count.Count % pageSize) == {
results.TotalPages = count.Count / pageSize
results.TotalPages = count.Count / pageSize +
results.TotalPages =
results.Items = facilitySupplier
code =
return code, results
type FacilitySupplierParam struct{
PageSize int `json:"pagesize"`
PageIndex int `json:"pageindex"`
Name int `json:"name"`
Type int `json:"type"`
} //分页查询
type SupplierListModel struct{
ICurPage int //当前页索引
IPageSize int //每页的记录数
TotalPages int //总页数
TotalItems int //总记录数
Items []FacilitySupplier
} //字段
type FacilitySupplier struct{
CreateTime time.Time `create_time`
CreateUser string `create_user`
ID int `facility_supplier_id`
Name null.string `name`
Type null.Int `type`
Company null.string `company`
} //总数
type Count struct{
Count int


func ServeExcel(c *gin.Context) { file := xlsx.NewFile()
sheet, err := file.AddSheet(fmt.Sprintf("Sheet1"))
if err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
columns := []string {"city_id","city_name","latitude","longtitude"}
newHeader := sheet.AddRow()
for _, col := range columns {
rows := dal.Test()
for i := ; i < len(rows); i++ {
newRow := sheet.AddRow()
cell := []string {rows[i].CityID,rows[i].CityName , rows[i].Latitude.String ,rows[i].Longtitude.String}
for _, cells := range cell {
var b bytes.Buffer
if err := file.Write(&b); err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
downloadName := time.Now().UTC().Format("data-20060102150405.xlsx")
c.Header("Content-Description", "File Transfer")
c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+downloadName)
c.Data(http.StatusOK, "application/octet-stream", b.Bytes())
func Test()([]model.City){ tx := fiorm.BeginTransaction()
defer tx.EndTransaction()
var city []model.City
ctSQL := `SELECT * FROM city `
ctQ := tx.NewQuery()
return city

type City struct{
CityID string `gorm:"primary_key;column:city_id" json:"city_id"`
CityName string `gorm:"column:city_name" json:"city_name"`
Latitude null.string `gorm:"column:latitude" json:"latitude"`
Longtitude null.string `gorm:"column:longtitude" json:"longtitude"`

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