You got 20 percent of the answers right - that means one in every five.你20%的答案是对的,也就是说每5个中有1个是对的。

N-VAR 竹杖;中空的茎;甘蔗Cane is used to refer to the long, hollow, hard stems of plants such as bamboo. Strips of cane are often used to make furniture, and some types of cane can be crushed and processed to make sugar.

...cane furniture.


VERB 承认,供认,坦白(自己做错的事)If someone confesses to doing something wrong, they admit that they did it.

He had confessed to seventeen murders...


N-COUNT 无记名投票;无记名选举;无记名表决A ballot is a secret vote in which people select a candidate in an election, or express their opinion about something.

The result of the ballot will not be known for two weeks...


VERB 掩盖;隐藏If you conceal something, you cover it or hide it carefully.

Frances decided to conceal the machine behind a hinged panel...


V-RECIP-ERG (使)混合;调和;掺和If you blend substances together or if they blend, you mix them together so that they become one substance.

Blend the butter with the sugar and beat until light and creamy...



  1. Codeforces Gym 100269B Ballot Analyzing Device 模拟题

    Ballot Analyzing Device 题目连接: Description Election comm ...


    SQLSERVER中的ALL.PERCENT.CUBE关键字.ROLLUP关键字和GROUPING函数 先来创建一个测试表 USE [tempdb] GO )) GO INSERT INTO [#te ...

  3. io.sort.spill.percent调整

    引言 MapReduce作出保证:进入每个Reducer的数据行都是有序的(根据数据行的键值进行排序).MapReduce将Mapper的输出进行排序并传递给Reducer作为输入的过程称为Shuff ...

  4. percent的用法

    select*from test; 先查询所有的结果一共是8条记录 select top(50)  percent *from test; 则只查询该表中百分之50的结果集

  5. SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT 不按后面的order by 排序

    项目中,由于需要把3个状态的任务合并显示,并且按照任务由近及远的顺序排序,类似于下面的语句 order by taskid desc )m union all order by taskid desc ...

  6. most queries (more than 90 percent) never hit the database at all but only touch the cache layer Facebook shares so ...

  7. Android百分比布局支持库介绍——转)

    转载自 在此之前 ...


    08-29 20:01:47.402 18908-19364/com.tongyan.subway.inspect E/CrashHandler: java.lang.NullPointerExcep ...

  9. HDUOJ-------2719The Seven Percent Solution

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  1. Linux文件目录常用命令

    查看目录内容 ls 切换目录 cd 创建和删除操作 touch rm mkdir 拷贝和移动文件 cp mv 查看文件内容 cat more grep 其他 echo 重定向 > 和 >& ...

  2. 吴裕雄--天生自然 PHP开发学习:MySQL子句

    <?php $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","username","password","d ...

  3. 浅谈那些你不知道的C艹语法

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  4. ant design for vue 解决 vue.esm.js?c5de:628 [Vue warn]: Invalid prop: custom validator check failed for prop "defaultValue". 的错误

    错误重现: 在使用ant design for vue 的选择器插件的时候, 设置默认为为id(为数字) 报错: 解决办法: id为数字, 而defaultValue 的key 值必须为字符串, 将i ...

  5. GetCharWidth32

    #include <windows.h> #include<stdio.h> // 窗口函数的函数原形 LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc(HWND, U ...

  6. c#为什么要用事物

    一.事务的定义 所谓事务,它是一个操作集合,这些操作要么都执行,要么都不执行,它是一个不可分割的工作单位.典型的例子就像从网上银行系统的帐户A转帐到帐户B,它经过两个阶段:1.从帐户A取出款项.2.把 ...

  7. SQL Link Oracle

    转自: 做项目过程中常用到数据库同步,现把前一段时间做的一个项目部分,同步过程贴出来,供分享与自己参考! 本 ...

  8. python基础——认识(if __name__ == ‘__main__’:)

    我们在写代码时,经常会用到这一句:if __name__ == '__main__',那么加这一句有什么用呢?实际上,它起到到了一个代码保护功能,它能够让别人在导入你写的模块情况下,无法看到和运行if ...

  9. [GX/GZOI2019]宝牌一大堆(DP)

    出这种麻将题有意思吗? 乍看很难实则很水,就是麻将式DP,想必大家很熟悉了吧.首先把“国士无双”和“七对子”两种牌型判掉,然后观察牌胡的形式,发现每多一张牌实际上就是把1个面子变成1个杠子,然后可以直 ...

  10. [GX/GZOI2019]与或和(单调栈+按位运算)

    首先看到与或,很显然想到按照位拆分运算.然后就变成了0/1矩阵,要使矩阵在当前位与为1,则矩阵全为1,如果是或为1,则是矩阵不全为0,然后求全为0/1的矩阵个数即可.记录c[i][j]表示以a[i][ ...