编译安装 logstash-output-jdbc
环境 mac
logstash-plugin install logstash-output-jdbc
1 安装rvm https://rvm.io/
curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
2 安装 jruby
rvm install jruby
3 应用 jruby
rvm use jruby
bjdeMacBook-Pro:logstash-output-jdbc cclient$ bundle install
/usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.4.2_1/lib/ruby/2.4./rubygems.rb::in `find_spec_for_exe': can't find gem bundler (>= .a) (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
from /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.4.2_1/lib/ruby/2.4./rubygems.rb::in `activate_bin_path'
from /usr/local/bin/bundle::in `<main>'
bjdeMacBook-Pro:logstash-output-jdbc cclient$ gem install bundler
Fetching: bundler-1.16..gem (%)
gem install bundler
git clone https://github.com/theangryangel/logstash-output-jdbc
cd logstash-output-jdbc
bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.........
Resolving dependencies........
Using rake 12.3.
Fetching ast 2.4.
Installing ast 2.4.
Using bundler 1.16.
Fetching numerizer 0.1.
Installing numerizer 0.1.
Fetching chronic_duration 0.10.
Installing chronic_duration 0.10.
Fetching clamp 0.6.
Installing clamp 0.6.
Fetching coderay 1.1.
Installing coderay 1.1.
Fetching concurrent-ruby 1.0. (java)
Installing concurrent-ruby 1.0. (java)
Fetching diff-lcs 1.3
Installing diff-lcs 1.3
Fetching multi_json 1.13.
Installing multi_json 1.13.
Fetching elasticsearch-api 5.0.
Installing elasticsearch-api 5.0.
Fetching multipart-post 2.0.
Installing multipart-post 2.0.
Fetching faraday 0.15.
Installing faraday 0.15.
Fetching elasticsearch-transport 5.0.
Installing elasticsearch-transport 5.0.
Fetching elasticsearch 5.0.
Installing elasticsearch 5.0.
Fetching ffi 1.9. (java)
Installing ffi 1.9. (java)
Fetching filesize 0.0.
Installing filesize 0.0.
Fetching fivemat 1.3.
Installing fivemat 1.3.
Fetching gem_publisher 1.5.
Installing gem_publisher 1.5.
Fetching gems 0.8.
Installing gems 0.8.
Fetching i18n 0.6.
Installing i18n 0.6.
Fetching insist 1.0.
Installing insist 1.0.
Fetching jar-dependencies 0.3.
Installing jar-dependencies 0.3.
Fetching jrjackson 0.4. (java)
Installing jrjackson 0.4. (java)
Fetching jruby-openssl 0.9. (java)
Installing jruby-openssl 0.9. (java)
Fetching kramdown 1.14.
Installing kramdown 1.14.
Fetching manticore 0.6. (java)
Installing manticore 0.6. (java)
Fetching minitar 0.5.
Installing minitar 0.5.
Fetching method_source 0.8.
Installing method_source 0.8.
Fetching slop 3.6.
Installing slop 3.6.
Fetching spoon 0.0.
Installing spoon 0.0.
Fetching pry 0.10. (java)
Installing pry 0.10. (java)
Fetching puma 2.16. (java)
Installing puma 2.16. (java)
Fetching rack 1.6.
Installing rack 1.6.
Fetching ruby-maven-libs 3.3.
Installing ruby-maven-libs 3.3.
Fetching ruby-maven 3.3.
Installing ruby-maven 3.3.
Fetching rubyzip 1.1.
Installing rubyzip 1.1.
Fetching rack-protection 1.5.
Installing rack-protection 1.5.
Fetching tilt 2.0.
Installing tilt 2.0.
Fetching sinatra 1.4.
Installing sinatra 1.4.
Fetching stud 0.0.
Installing stud 0.0.
Fetching thread_safe 0.3. (java)
Installing thread_safe 0.3. (java)
Fetching polyglot 0.3.
Installing polyglot 0.3.
Fetching treetop 1.4.
Installing treetop 1.4.
Fetching logstash-core 5.6. (java)
Installing logstash-core 5.6. (java)
jar dependencies for logstash-core-5.6.-java.gemspec . . .
Fetching logstash-core-plugin-api 2.1. (java)
Installing logstash-core-plugin-api 2.1. (java)
Fetching logstash-codec-plain 3.0.
Installing logstash-codec-plain 3.0.
Fetching rspec-support 3.7.
Installing rspec-support 3.7.
Fetching rspec-core 3.7.
Installing rspec-core 3.7.
Fetching rspec-expectations 3.7.
Installing rspec-expectations 3.7.
Fetching rspec-mocks 3.7.
Installing rspec-mocks 3.7.
Fetching rspec 3.7.
Installing rspec 3.7.
Fetching rspec-wait 0.0.
Installing rspec-wait 0.0.
Fetching logstash-devutils 1.3. (java)
Installing logstash-devutils 1.3. (java)
Using logstash-output-jdbc 5.3. (java) from source at `.`
Fetching parser
Installing parser
Fetching powerpack 0.1.
Installing powerpack 0.1.
Fetching rainbow 2.2.
Installing rainbow 2.2. with native extensions
Fetching ruby-progressbar 1.9.
Installing ruby-progressbar 1.9.
Fetching unicode-display_width 1.4.
Installing unicode-display_width 1.4.
Fetching rubocop 0.41.
Installing rubocop 0.41.
Bundle complete! Gemfile dependencies, gems now installed.
Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.
Post-install message from jar-dependencies: if you want to use the executable lock_jars then install ruby-maven gem before using lock_jars $ gem install ruby-maven -v '~> 3.3.11' or add it as a development dependency to your Gemfile gem 'ruby-maven', '~> 3.3.11' if you want to use the executable lock_jars then install ruby-maven gem before using lock_jars $ gem install ruby-maven -v '~> 3.3.11' or add it as a development dependency to your Gemfile gem 'ruby-maven', '~> 3.3.11'
bundle exec rake install_jars
bundle exec rake pre_release_checks
gem build logstash-output-jdbc.gemspec
bundle exec rake install_jars
jar dependencies for logstash-output-jdbc-5.3.-java.gemspec . . .
bjdeMacBook-Pro:logstash-output-jdbc cclient$ bundle exec rake pre_release_checks
rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'pre_release_checks' (see --tasks)
/Users/cclient/.rvm/gems/jruby- `<main>'
/Users/cclient/.rvm/gems/jruby- `(root)'
/Users/cclient/.rvm/gems/jruby- `kernel_load'
/Users/cclient/.rvm/gems/jruby- `run'
/Users/cclient/.rvm/gems/jruby- `exec'
/Users/cclient/.rvm/gems/jruby- `run'
/Users/cclient/.rvm/gems/jruby- `invoke_command'
/Users/cclient/.rvm/gems/jruby- `dispatch'
/Users/cclient/.rvm/gems/jruby- `dispatch'
/Users/cclient/.rvm/gems/jruby- `block in start'
/Users/cclient/.rvm/gems/jruby- `start'
/Users/cclient/.rvm/gems/jruby- `<main>'
/Users/cclient/.rvm/gems/jruby- `<eval>'
/Users/cclient/.rvm/gems/jruby- `<main>'
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
bjdeMacBook-Pro:logstash-output-jdbc cclient$
bjdeMacBook-Pro:logstash-output-jdbc cclient$ gem build logstash-output-jdbc.gemspec
WARNING: license value 'Apache License (2.0)' is invalid. Use a license identifier from
http://spdx.org/licenses or 'Nonstandard' for a nonstandard license.
Did you mean 'Apache-2.0'?
WARNING: open-ended dependency on stud (>= ) is not recommended
if stud is semantically versioned, use:
add_runtime_dependency 'stud', '~> 0'
WARNING: open-ended dependency on logstash-codec-plain (>= ) is not recommended
if logstash-codec-plain is semantically versioned, use:
add_runtime_dependency 'logstash-codec-plain', '~> 0'
WARNING: open-ended dependency on jar-dependencies (>= , development) is not recommended
if jar-dependencies is semantically versioned, use:
add_development_dependency 'jar-dependencies', '~> 0'
WARNING: See http://guides.rubygems.org/specification-reference/ for help
Successfully built RubyGem
Name: logstash-output-jdbc
Version: 5.3.
File: logstash-output-jdbc-5.3.-java.gem
logstash-output-jdbc-5.3.0-java.gem 便是我们要的
logstash-plugin install logstash-output-jdbc-5.3.0-java.gem
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