1.displaymath 单行数学环境,不带编号。

This\ is\ displaymath\ envirment.\ I\ don
't\ have\ a\ tag

  2.equation 单行数学环境,全文按序编号。

This\ is\ equation\ envirment.\ I\ have\ a\ tag

  3.itemize 条目环境,按小圆点排列。

\item This is
\item itemize environment

  4.enmerate 枚举环境,按数字序号排列。

\item This is
\item enumerate enviroment

  5.quotation 引用环境,将输入看作纯文本,有大缩进。

This is quotation environment. I have big indent, and output plaintext.

  6.verbatim 复读环境,字体特殊,将输入看作纯文本。

This is verbatim enviroment.I also output plaintext.

  7.tabular 表格环境。

Aloha&This is tabular environment & I can have many rows\\
I am BJ&Hello World &I love you\\
&I can make multiple lines & I can even enter $\int$


  8.description 描述环境,将输入看作纯文本。

\item[This is describe environment.]
\item[It seems cool.]

  9.matrix 矩阵环境,使用时要加载amsmath包,并用美元括住。编译器会将matrix看作数学符号处理。

I& am& a\\
Matrix& I& am\\
seen& as& a\ symbol

  10.table 浮动表格环境,浮动体位置更灵活。

& I& just\\
& like & tabular\\
& environment&but more complete
\caption{This is a floating table.}

  11.preamble 引言环境。

\title{This is a preamble}

  12.figure 图片环境。




}\\ 注意这里必须要空一行,这和tex的对齐方式有关,留待日后


\multicolumn{2}{}&&\multicolumn{2}{|c}{Predicted Classes}\\ \cline{3-4}
\multicolumn{2}{}&&\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{zero }& nonzero\\
Real&zero&975&5\\ \cline{2-4}
Class&nonzero&53&927\\ \hline

  15.一个伪代码的实例(Naive Bayes)

\caption{Training Naive Bayes Classifier}
\textbf{Input:} The training set with the labels $\mathcal{D}=\{(\mathbf{x}_i,y_i)\}.$
\STATE $\mathcal{V}\leftarrow$ the set of distinct words and other tokens found in $\mathcal{D}$\\
\FOR{each target value $c$ in the labels set $\mathcal{C}$}
\STATE $\mathcal{D}_c\leftarrow$ the training samples whose labels are $c$\\
\STATE $P(c)\leftarrow\frac{|\mathcal{D}_c|}{|\mathcal{D}|}$\\
\STATE $T_c\leftarrow$ a single document by concatenating all training samples in $\mathcal{D}_c$\\
\STATE $n_c\leftarrow |T_c|$
\FOR{each word $w_k$ in the vocabulary $\mathcal{V}$}
\STATE $n_{c,k}\leftarrow$ the number of times the word $w_k$ occurs in $T_c$\\
\STATE $P(w_k|c)=\frac{n_{c,k}+1}{n_c+|\mathcal{V}|}$


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