UiDevice提供对设备状态信息的访问。 也可以使用此类来模拟设备上的用户操作,例如按键盘或按Home和Menu按钮。UiDevice类的完整源码 UiDevice.java

废话不多说,我们首先根据用法来来看看Android Uiautomator 访问设备的原理。

 device = UiDevice.getInstance(getInstrumentation());
device.pressHome(); // Bring up the default launcher by searching for a UI component
// that matches the content description for the launcher button.
UiObject allAppsButton = device
.findObject(new UiSelector().description("Apps")); // Perform a click on the button to load the launcher.


 /** Private constructor. Clients should use {@link UiDevice#getInstance(Instrumentation)}. */
private UiDevice(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
mInstrumentation = instrumentation;
UiAutomation uiAutomation = instrumentation.getUiAutomation();
mUiAutomationBridge = new InstrumentationUiAutomatorBridge(
instrumentation.getContext(), uiAutomation);
// Enable multi-window support for API level 21 and up
// Subscribe to window information
AccessibilityServiceInfo info = uiAutomation.getServiceInfo();
info.flags |= AccessibilityServiceInfo.FLAG_RETRIEVE_INTERACTIVE_WINDOWS;
* Retrieves a singleton instance of UiDevice
* @return UiDevice instance
public static UiDevice getInstance(Instrumentation instrumentation) {
if (sInstance == null) {
sInstance = new UiDevice(instrumentation);
return sInstance;



* Returns the display size in dp (device-independent pixel)
* The returned display size is adjusted per screen rotation. Also this will return the actual
* size of the screen, rather than adjusted per system decorations (like status bar).
* @return a Point containing the display size in dp
public Point getDisplaySizeDp() {
Display display = getAutomatorBridge().getDefaultDisplay();
Point p = new Point();
DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
float dpx = p.x / metrics.density;
float dpy = p.y / metrics.density;
p.x = Math.round(dpx);
p.y = Math.round(dpy);
return p;
* Gets the width of the display, in pixels. The width and height details
* are reported based on the current orientation of the display.
* @return width in pixels or zero on failure
public int getDisplayWidth() {
Display display = getDefaultDisplay();
Point p = new Point();
return p.x;


* Returns a UiObject which represents a view that matches the specified selector criteria.
* @param selector
* @return UiObject object
public UiObject findObject(UiSelector selector) {
return new UiObject(this, selector);

获取到屏幕上布局对象以后,操作无外乎就是点击、长按、滑动 以及键盘等操作。

* Simulates a short press on the HOME button.
* @return true if successful, else return false
* @since API Level 16
public boolean pressHome() {
return getAutomatorBridge().getInteractionController().sendKeyAndWaitForEvent(
} /**
* Perform a click at arbitrary coordinates specified by the user
* @param x coordinate
* @param y coordinate
* @return true if the click succeeded else false
* @since API Level 16
public boolean click(int x, int y) {
Tracer.trace(x, y);
if (x >= getDisplayWidth() || y >= getDisplayHeight()) {
return (false);
return getAutomatorBridge().getInteractionController().clickNoSync(x, y);
* Performs a swipe from one coordinate to another using the number of steps
* to determine smoothness and speed. Each step execution is throttled to 5ms
* per step. So for a 100 steps, the swipe will take about 1/2 second to complete.
* @param startX
* @param startY
* @param endX
* @param endY
* @param steps is the number of move steps sent to the system
* @return false if the operation fails or the coordinates are invalid
* @since API Level 16
public boolean swipe(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, int steps) {
Tracer.trace(startX, startY, endX, endY, steps);
return getAutomatorBridge().getInteractionController()
.swipe(startX, startY, endX, endY, steps);

不难看出,所有的操作都离不开 uiAutomatorBridge。在该类的方法getInteractionController()获取InteractionController 对象。InteractionController类将用户的键盘事件注入到android系统中,与系统进行交互。稍后会做详细的介绍。


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