library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all; library edclib;
use edclib.pkg_xxxlib.all; -- package from company
8 --! pipelined comb-chain for cic_filter
entity cic_diffcell is
Width : natural := ; --! width
M : natural := --! difference fifo depth
RST : in std_logic; --! Async Reset
C : in std_logic; --! Clock
R : in std_logic; --! needed to clear registers during sw-reset
CEI : in std_logic; --! new data on input
DIN : in std_logic_vector(Width- downto ); --! data in
CEO : out std_logic; --! new data on output
DOUT : out std_logic_vector(Width- downto ) --! data out
end cic_diffcell; 27 --! pipelined comb-chain for cic_filter
architecture asic of cic_diffcell is
type data_type is array (natural range <>) of std_logic_vector( Width- downto ); --! set of registers
signal reg : data_type(M downto ); --! delay register (index 0 means DIN)
signal diff : std_logic_vector( Width- downto ); --! subtraction begin reg() <= din when r='' else (Width- => '', others => ''); 37 --! stage delay
gdel: for i in to M generate
UDEL : REGDCE generic map(Width) port map(RST,C,CEI,reg(i-),reg(i));
end generate; 42 --subtract
diff <= std_logic_vector( signed(din) - signed(reg(m)) ) when r='' else (others => ''); 45 --Output-Reg (Sysclk delay)
UOREG: REGDCE generic map(Width) port map(RST,C,CEI, diff, DOUT); 48 --CE-chain
UCE: FFD port map(RST,C,CEI,CEO); end asic;
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