n jQuery, the fn property is just an alias to the prototype property.

The jQuery identifier (or $) is just a constructor function, and all instances created with it, inherit from the constructor's prototype.

A simple constructor function:

function Test() {
this.a = 'a';
Test.prototype.b = 'b'; var test = new Test();
test.a; // "a", own property
test.b; // "b", inherited property

A simple structure that resembles the architecture of jQuery:

(function() {
var foo = function(arg) { // core constructor
// ensure to use the `new` operator
if (!(this instanceof foo))
return new foo(arg);
// store an argument for this example
this.myArg = arg;
}; // create `fn` alias to `prototype` property
foo.fn = foo.prototype = {
init: function () {/*...*/}
}; // expose the library
window.foo = foo;
})(); // Extension: foo.fn.myPlugin = function () {
return this; // return `this` for chainability
}; foo("bar").myPlugin(); // alerts "bar"

What does jQuery.fn mean?的更多相关文章

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