Ladies and gentlemen, Good evening.
I'd rather use english, not mandarin.
Because during the road show, I felt so sorry.
When I opened my mouth I have to speak Chinese,
my colleagues Sidney or Haryu will translate for me.
They are right, but still I believe 20 to 30 percent were lost.
So every time I felt very anxious, I gave a word to myself.
Sooner or later I will speak English, So today is good time.
It is really a big day, It is a successful day.
It is an exciting day and It is also a day full of love.
Because it is may 22 and in Chinese it means "I love love".
It is the most loved day of the whole year, right?
Too many people did not applaud, Because I knew you cannot understand me.
It is not because my english is Chinglish.
acturely It is because my english is Suqian-English.
I think, in the past 40 years, There are two steps to me.
One is that I walked from a small village Suqian to Beijing which spent the first 20 years.
And then I spent another 20 years to walk from Beijing to New York.
What is our new target and what is our new goal.
I hope in the next 20 years In every city and every country in the world there must be our customers or our partners.
It is like a Thanksgiving day.
Please allow me to represent JD and our team to thank everyone here.
First of all, our shareholders, In about eight years ago,
when I first met Kathy, founder and CEO of Capital Today.
We met at around 10 o'clock in the eveing.
After talking, she wrote a letter to me. Just three letters:Chollima.
She was worried that other investors would come and talk to me, So she said,
go to Shanghai tomorrow morning and I will buy a ticket for you. I got it,
it is free. Which is the most important.
So when I got to Kathy's office at 10 in the mornig, Just two hours of negotiation.
She printed a letter and said Richard, please sign it.
So I got my first 10 million US dollars on that day.
She said, Richard I hope you can at least make 10 times for me.
I said no, because 10 times is nothing. I cas see some birghtness in her
eyes. Oh how many times will I get. I said it is top secret.
Five years later, I will let you know.
And in five years she once joined our board meeting.
She said Richard I remeber your word.
Five years age I knew it is a hundred times. I made it.
Today three of our long-time colleagues.
Qi Ge is our first colleague.
He worked for this company for over 15 years.
At that time he was only 16 years old.
It is legal. When they joined the team.
Here would be your family. They worked here, fell in love here,
married here and they got kids here.
They are called the JD family and JD baby. Our second generation.
For this IPO, I want to thank Sidey very much.
He really did a very great job.
and uncountable days and nights working with his team.
A lot of times workded till 4 o'clock or even 5 o'clock.
Went back home for one or two hours to rest. and came back to the office again.
A lot of nights, days and weekends.
Before the road show I only spent one percent of my time on the IPO.
I just did a lot of signatures.
So I did nothing and thank you Sidney.
he is the hero of our IPO process.
Another hero is Haoyu. He sid he missed his step at home playing with his kids.
With his kids means he is a little old.
I spent 20 years to walk from beijing to here.
But this guy only spent two weeks Form beijing to New York, Boston,
San Franciso and Chicago.
just with his walking sticks. He is the hero of our roadshow.
They are heros.
I think resources are limited at anywhere and anytime.
For goverments, for countries even for the world. But one thing is
unlimited, that is heros at JD.
I mean every colleague is a hero. We are a team.
We work together and we fight together. Thank you to our team and cheers.





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