2016/3/31 ①全选时 下面选项全选中 ② 下面不选中时 全选取消 ③在“” 中 转义字符的使用\ onclick=\"Checkpa(this,'flall')\"; ④区别于分别实现 重点在于两种情况合并实现
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<!-- <?php
@$key=$_POST["key"]; //造查询字符串
$st1=" 1=1";
$st2=" 1=1";
$st3=" 1=1";
$st4=" 1=1";
if (count($qytj)>0) {
$st1=" Area in ('$ss') ";
if (count($zltj)>0) {
$st2=" Renttype in ('$zz')";
if (count($fltj)>0) {
$st3=" HouseType in ('$ff')";
if ($key!="") { $st4=" KeyWord like '%$key%'";
$sqltj=" where".$st1." and ".$st2." and ".$st3." and ".$st4; ?> -->
<form action="hhcheck.php" method="post">
<input type="checkbox" id="qyall" name="qyall" onclick="CheckAll(this,'qy')" >全选
$db=new mysqli("localhost","root","123","test2");
!mysqli_connect_error()or die("连接失败");
$sqlqy="select distinct(Area) from House";
for ($i=0; $i <count($arrqy); $i++) {
echo "<div style='display:inline'><input type='checkbox' name='qy[]' class='qy' value='{$arrqy[$i][0]}' onclick=\"Checkpa(this,'qyall')\";>{$arrqy[$i][0]}</div> ";
<input type="checkbox" id="zlall" name="zlall" onclick="CheckAll(this,'zl')">全选
$db=new mysqli("localhost","root","123","test2");
!mysqli_connect_error()or die("连接失败");
$sqlzl="select distinct(Renttype) from House";
for ($i=0; $i <count($arrzl); $i++) {
echo "<div style='display:inline'><input type='checkbox' name='zl[]' class='zl' value='{$arrzl[$i][0]}'onclick=\"Checkpa(this,'zlall')\";>{$arrzl[$i][0]}</div> ";
<input type="checkbox" id="flall" name="fl[]" onclick="CheckAll(this,'fl')">全选
$db=new mysqli("localhost","root","123","test2");
!mysqli_connect_error()or die("连接失败");
$sqlfl="select distinct(HouseType) from House";
for ($i=0; $i <count($arrfl); $i++) {
echo "<div style='display:inline'><input type='checkbox' name='fl[]' class='fl' value='{$arrfl[$i][0]}' onclick=\"Checkpa(this,'flall')\";>{$arrfl[$i][0]}</div> ";
<input type="text" name="key">
<input type="submit" value="搜索">
<table border="1" width=100% cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
$db=new mysqli("localhost","root","123","test2");
!mysqli_connect_error()or die("连接失败");
$sql="select * from House ".$sqltj;
for($i=0; $i<count($arral); $i++){
echo "<tr>
} ?>
function CheckAll(ck,list)
{ //找到全选按钮的选中状态
var zt=ck.checked;
var all=document.getElementsByClassName(list);
for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) {
function Checkpa(pa,ids)
{ document.getElementById(ids).checked=
false; }
图1: 全选中
2016/3/31 ①全选时 下面选项全选中 ② 下面不选中时 全选取消 ③在“” 中 转义字符的使用\ onclick=\"Checkpa(this,'flall')\"; ④区别于分别实现 重点在于两种情况合并实现的更多相关文章
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