- package mapset
- // Iterator defines an iterator over a Set, its C channel can be used to range over the Set's
- // elements.
- type Iterator struct {
- C <-chan interface{}
- stop chan struct{}
- }
- // Stop stops the Iterator, no further elements will be received on C, C will be closed.
- func (i *Iterator) Stop() {
- // Allows for Stop() to be called multiple times
- // (close() panics when called on already closed channel)
- defer func() {
- recover()
- }()
- close(i.stop)
- // Exhaust any remaining elements.
- for range i.C {
- }
- }
- // newIterator returns a new Iterator instance together with its item and stop channels.
- func newIterator() (*Iterator, chan<- interface{}, <-chan struct{}) {
- itemChan := make(chan interface{})
- stopChan := make(chan struct{})
- return &Iterator{
- C: itemChan,
- stop: stopChan,
- }, itemChan, stopChan
- }
- func (set *threadSafeSet) Iterator() *Iterator {
- iterator, ch, stopCh := newIterator()
- go func() {
- set.RLock()
- L:
- for elem := range set.s {
- select {
- case <-stopCh:
- break L
- case ch <- elem:
- }
- }
- close(ch)
- set.RUnlock()
- }()
- return iterator
- }
- type YourType struct {
- Name string
- }
- func ExampleIterator() {
- set := NewSetFromSlice([]interface{}{
- &YourType{Name: "Alise"},
- &YourType{Name: "Bob"},
- &YourType{Name: "John"},
- &YourType{Name: "Nick"},
- })
- var found *YourType
- it := set.Iterator()
- for elem := range it.C {
- if elem.(*YourType).Name == "John" {
- found = elem.(*YourType)
- it.Stop()
- }
- }
- fmt.Printf("Found %+v\n", found)
- // Output: Found &{Name:John}
- }
- func (set *threadSafeSet) Iter() <-chan interface{} {
- ch := make(chan interface{})
- go func() {
- set.RLock()
- for elem := range set.s {
- ch <- elem
- }
- close(ch)
- set.RUnlock()
- }()
- return ch
- }
2、理解chan chan类型
- import (
- "time"
- "fmt"
- )
- func main() {
- // make the request chan chan that both go-routines will be given
- requestChan := make(chan chan string)
- // start the goroutines
- go goroutineC(requestChan)
- go goroutineD(requestChan)
- // sleep for a second to let the goroutines complete
- time.Sleep(time.Second)
- }
- func goroutineC(requestChan chan chan string) {
- // make a new response chan
- responseChan := make(chan string)
- // send the responseChan to goRoutineD
- requestChan <- responseChan
- // read the response
- response := <-responseChan
- fmt.Printf("Response: %v\n", response)
- }
- func goroutineD(requestChan chan chan string) {
- // read the responseChan from the requestChan
- responseChan := <-requestChan
- // send a value down the responseChan
- responseChan <- "wassup!"
- }
chan chan类型有非常大的用处,如实现每分钟百万流量的处理。
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