Johny and Margaret are playing "pebbles".
Initially there is a certain number of pebbles on a table, grouped in n piles.
The piles are next to each other, forming a single row.
The arrangement of stones satisfies an additional property that each pile consists of at least as many pebbles as the one to the left (with the obvious exception of the leftmost pile).
The players alternately remove any number of pebbles from a single pile of their choice.
They have to take care, though, not to make any pile smaller than the one left to it.
In other words, the piles have to satisfy the initial property after the move as well.
When one of the players cannot make a move (i.e. before his move there are no more pebbles on the table), he loses.
Johny always starts, to compensate for Margaret's mastery in this game.
In fact Margaret is so good that she always makes the best move, and wins the game whenever she has a chance.
Therefore Johny asks your help - he would like to know if he stands a chance of beating Margaret with a particular initial arrangement.
Write a programme that determines answers to Johny's inquiries.
In the first line of the standard input there is a single integer u (1<=u<=10) denoting the number of initial pebble arrangements to analyse.
The following 2u lines contain descriptions of these arrangements; each one takes exactly two lines.
The first line of each description contains a single integer n,1<=n<=1000 - the number of piles.
The second line of description holds non-negative integers separated by single spaces and denoting the numbers of pebbles in successive piles, left to right.
These numbers satisfy the following inequality a1<=a2...<=an.
The total number of pebbles in any arrangement does not exceed 1000.
Precisely lines should be printed out on the standard output.
The -th of these lines (for ) should hold the word TAK (yes in Polish), if Johny can win starting with the -th initial arrangement given in the input, or the word NIE (no in Polish), if Johny is bound to lose that game, assuming optimal play of Margaret.
2 2
1 2 4
using namespace std;
int a[],ans,n;
int main()
{int T,i;
while (T--)
for (i=;i<=n;i++)
for (i=n;i>=;i-=)
if (ans) cout<<"TAK"<<endl;
else cout<<"NIE"<<endl;
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1115: [POI2009]石子游戏Kam Time Limit: 10 Sec Memory Limit: 162 MBSubmit: 883 Solved: 545[Submit][Stat ...
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1115: [POI2009]石子游戏Kam Time Limit: 10 Sec Memory Limit: 162 MB Description 有N堆石子,除了第一堆外,每堆石子个数都不少于前 ...
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[BZOJ1115][POI2009]石子游戏Kam Description 有N堆石子,除了第一堆外,每堆石子个数都不少于前一堆的石子个数.两人轮流操作每次操作可以从一堆石子中移走任意多石子,但是要 ...
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题目链接:BZOJ - 1115 题目分析 首先看一下阶梯博弈: 阶梯博弈是指:初始有 n 堆石子,每次可以从任意的第 i 堆拿若干石子放到第 i - 1 堆.最终不能操作的人失败. 解法:将奇数位的 ...
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Description 有N堆石子,除了第一堆外,每堆石子个数都不少于前一堆的石子个数.两人轮流操作每次操作可以从一堆石子中移走任意多石子,但是要保证操作后仍然满足初始时的条件谁没有石子可移时输掉游戏 ...
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