3D Lut 电影级调色算法 附完整C代码
在前面的文章,我提到过VSCO Cam 的胶片滤镜算法实现是3d lut。
那么3d lut 到底是个什么东西呢?
长话短说,3d lut(全称 : 3D Lookup table )它是通过建立一个颜色映射表,对图像的色调进行重调的算法。
因为 RGB888(8+8+8=24位色):
有16M 种颜色,如果采用手工操作的方式一个一个颜色地换,那人还活不活了。
它就是3d lut,当然也有2d lut,1d lut。
调节亮度 可以认为是1d lut.
调节对比度 可以认为是 2d lut.
而调节整体的色调最佳肯定是3d lut.
当然2d lut 也是可以做到,但是精度就没有那么高了。
我之前也提到过,市面有不少app是采用2d LUT,毕竟精度不需要那么高。
但是在摄影界,影视后期这一行当里,3d lut是标配。
在VSCO Cam APP中滤镜效果每一档都是一个17*17*17的3d lut预设。
那么3d lut 的实现具体是什么算法呢?
当然据我所知,Trilinear_interpolation 是用得最广泛的一种。
有一次心血来潮,去翻了翻FFmpeg的代码,居然发现了它也有实现3d lut算法。
抽了点时间对FFmpeg中的3d lut 进行了整理。
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Clément Bœsch
- *
- * This file is part of FFmpeg.
- *
- * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
- /**
- * 3D Lookup table filter
- */
- #include "browse.h"
- #define USE_SHELL_OPEN
- #include "stb_image.h"
- /* ref:https://github.com/nothings/stb/blob/master/stb_image.h */
- #include "tiny_jpeg.h"
- /* ref:https://github.com/serge-rgb/TinyJPEG/blob/master/tiny_jpeg.h */
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdbool.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "timing.h"
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #ifndef _MAX_DRIVE
- #define _MAX_DRIVE 3
- #endif
- #ifndef _MAX_FNAME
- #define _MAX_FNAME 256
- #endif
- #ifndef _MAX_EXT
- #define _MAX_EXT 256
- #endif
- #ifndef _MAX_DIR
- #define _MAX_DIR 256
- #endif
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #endif
- #ifndef MIN
- #define MIN(a, b) ( (a) > (b) ? (b) : (a) )
- #endif
- #ifndef _NEAR
- #define _NEAR(x) ( (int) ( (x) + .5) )
- #endif
- #ifndef PREV
- #define PREV(x) ( (int) (x) )
- #endif
- #ifndef NEXT
- #define NEXT(x) (MIN( (int) (x) + 1, lut3d->lutsize - 1 ) )
- #endif
- #ifndef R
- #define R 0
- #endif
- #ifndef G
- #define G 1
- #endif
- #ifndef B
- #define B 2
- #endif
- #ifndef A
- #define A 3
- #endif
- #ifndef MAX_LEVEL
- #define MAX_LEVEL 64
- #endif
- enum interp_mode {
- };
- struct rgbvec {
- float r, g, b;
- };
- /* 3D LUT don't often go up to level 32 */
- typedef struct LUT3DContext {
- uint8_t rgba_map[];
- int step;
- struct rgbvec lut[MAX_LEVEL][MAX_LEVEL][MAX_LEVEL];
- int lutsize;
- } LUT3DContext;
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- int strcasecmp(const char *s1, char *s2) {
- while (toupper((unsigned char)*s1) == toupper((unsigned char)*s2++))
- if (*s1++ == 0x00)
- return ();
- return (toupper((unsigned char)*s1) - toupper((unsigned char) *--s2));
- }
- #endif
- static inline float lerpf(float v0, float v1, float f) {
- return (v0 + (v1 - v0) * f);
- }
- static inline struct rgbvec lerp(const struct rgbvec *v0, const struct rgbvec *v1, float f) {
- struct rgbvec v = {
- lerpf(v0->r, v1->r, f), lerpf(v0->g, v1->g, f), lerpf(v0->b, v1->b, f)
- };
- return (v);
- }
- /**
- * Get the nearest defined point
- */
- static inline struct rgbvec interp_nearest(const LUT3DContext *lut3d,
- const struct rgbvec *s) {
- return (lut3d->lut[_NEAR(s->r)][_NEAR(s->g)][_NEAR(s->b)]);
- }
- /**
- * Interpolate using the 8 vertices of a cube
- * @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilinear_interpolation
- */
- static inline struct rgbvec interp_trilinear(const LUT3DContext *lut3d,
- const struct rgbvec *s) {
- const int prev[] = {PREV(s->r), PREV(s->g), PREV(s->b)};
- const int next[] = {NEXT(s->r), NEXT(s->g), NEXT(s->b)};
- const struct rgbvec d = {s->r - prev[], s->g - prev[], s->b - prev[]};
- const struct rgbvec c000 = lut3d->lut[prev[]][prev[]][prev[]];
- const struct rgbvec c001 = lut3d->lut[prev[]][prev[]][next[]];
- const struct rgbvec c010 = lut3d->lut[prev[]][next[]][prev[]];
- const struct rgbvec c011 = lut3d->lut[prev[]][next[]][next[]];
- const struct rgbvec c100 = lut3d->lut[next[]][prev[]][prev[]];
- const struct rgbvec c101 = lut3d->lut[next[]][prev[]][next[]];
- const struct rgbvec c110 = lut3d->lut[next[]][next[]][prev[]];
- const struct rgbvec c111 = lut3d->lut[next[]][next[]][next[]];
- const struct rgbvec c00 = lerp(&c000, &c100, d.r);
- const struct rgbvec c10 = lerp(&c010, &c110, d.r);
- const struct rgbvec c01 = lerp(&c001, &c101, d.r);
- const struct rgbvec c11 = lerp(&c011, &c111, d.r);
- const struct rgbvec c0 = lerp(&c00, &c10, d.g);
- const struct rgbvec c1 = lerp(&c01, &c11, d.g);
- const struct rgbvec c = lerp(&c0, &c1, d.b);
- return (c);
- }
- /**
- * Tetrahedral interpolation. Based on code found in Truelight Software Library paper.
- * @see http://www.filmlight.ltd.uk/pdf/whitepapers/FL-TL-TN-0057-SoftwareLib.pdf
- */
- static inline struct rgbvec interp_tetrahedral(const LUT3DContext *lut3d,
- const struct rgbvec *s) {
- const int prev[] = {PREV(s->r), PREV(s->g), PREV(s->b)};
- const int next[] = {NEXT(s->r), NEXT(s->g), NEXT(s->b)};
- const struct rgbvec d = {s->r - prev[], s->g - prev[], s->b - prev[]};
- const struct rgbvec c000 = lut3d->lut[prev[]][prev[]][prev[]];
- const struct rgbvec c111 = lut3d->lut[next[]][next[]][next[]];
- struct rgbvec c;
- if (d.r > d.g) {
- if (d.g > d.b) {
- const struct rgbvec c100 = lut3d->lut[next[]][prev[]][prev[]];
- const struct rgbvec c110 = lut3d->lut[next[]][next[]][prev[]];
- c.r = ( - d.r) * c000.r + (d.r - d.g) * c100.r + (d.g - d.b) * c110.r + (d.b) * c111.r;
- c.g = ( - d.r) * c000.g + (d.r - d.g) * c100.g + (d.g - d.b) * c110.g + (d.b) * c111.g;
- c.b = ( - d.r) * c000.b + (d.r - d.g) * c100.b + (d.g - d.b) * c110.b + (d.b) * c111.b;
- } else if (d.r > d.b) {
- const struct rgbvec c100 = lut3d->lut[next[]][prev[]][prev[]];
- const struct rgbvec c101 = lut3d->lut[next[]][prev[]][next[]];
- c.r = ( - d.r) * c000.r + (d.r - d.b) * c100.r + (d.b - d.g) * c101.r + (d.g) * c111.r;
- c.g = ( - d.r) * c000.g + (d.r - d.b) * c100.g + (d.b - d.g) * c101.g + (d.g) * c111.g;
- c.b = ( - d.r) * c000.b + (d.r - d.b) * c100.b + (d.b - d.g) * c101.b + (d.g) * c111.b;
- } else {
- const struct rgbvec c001 = lut3d->lut[prev[]][prev[]][next[]];
- const struct rgbvec c101 = lut3d->lut[next[]][prev[]][next[]];
- c.r = ( - d.b) * c000.r + (d.b - d.r) * c001.r + (d.r - d.g) * c101.r + (d.g) * c111.r;
- c.g = ( - d.b) * c000.g + (d.b - d.r) * c001.g + (d.r - d.g) * c101.g + (d.g) * c111.g;
- c.b = ( - d.b) * c000.b + (d.b - d.r) * c001.b + (d.r - d.g) * c101.b + (d.g) * c111.b;
- }
- } else {
- if (d.b > d.g) {
- const struct rgbvec c001 = lut3d->lut[prev[]][prev[]][next[]];
- const struct rgbvec c011 = lut3d->lut[prev[]][next[]][next[]];
- c.r = ( - d.b) * c000.r + (d.b - d.g) * c001.r + (d.g - d.r) * c011.r + (d.r) * c111.r;
- c.g = ( - d.b) * c000.g + (d.b - d.g) * c001.g + (d.g - d.r) * c011.g + (d.r) * c111.g;
- c.b = ( - d.b) * c000.b + (d.b - d.g) * c001.b + (d.g - d.r) * c011.b + (d.r) * c111.b;
- } else if (d.b > d.r) {
- const struct rgbvec c010 = lut3d->lut[prev[]][next[]][prev[]];
- const struct rgbvec c011 = lut3d->lut[prev[]][next[]][next[]];
- c.r = ( - d.g) * c000.r + (d.g - d.b) * c010.r + (d.b - d.r) * c011.r + (d.r) * c111.r;
- c.g = ( - d.g) * c000.g + (d.g - d.b) * c010.g + (d.b - d.r) * c011.g + (d.r) * c111.g;
- c.b = ( - d.g) * c000.b + (d.g - d.b) * c010.b + (d.b - d.r) * c011.b + (d.r) * c111.b;
- } else {
- const struct rgbvec c010 = lut3d->lut[prev[]][next[]][prev[]];
- const struct rgbvec c110 = lut3d->lut[next[]][next[]][prev[]];
- c.r = ( - d.g) * c000.r + (d.g - d.r) * c010.r + (d.r - d.b) * c110.r + (d.b) * c111.r;
- c.g = ( - d.g) * c000.g + (d.g - d.r) * c010.g + (d.r - d.b) * c110.g + (d.b) * c111.g;
- c.b = ( - d.g) * c000.b + (d.g - d.r) * c010.b + (d.r - d.b) * c110.b + (d.b) * c111.b;
- }
- }
- return (c);
- }
- /**
- * Locale-independent conversion of ASCII isspace.
- */
- int _isspace(int c) {
- return (c == ' ' || c == '\f' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' ||
- c == '\v');
- }
- /**
- * Clip a signed integer value into the 0-65535 range.
- * @param a value to clip
- * @return clipped value
- */
- static uint16_t clip_uint16(int a) {
- if (a & (~0xFFFF))
- return ((~a) >> );
- else return (a);
- }
- /**
- * Clip a signed integer value into the 0-255 range.
- * @param a value to clip
- * @return clipped value
- */
- static uint8_t clip_uint8(int a) {
- if (a & (~0xFF))
- return ((~a) >> );
- else return (a);
- }
- static unsigned clip_uintp2(int a, int p) {
- if (a & ~(( << p) - ))
- return (-a >> & (( << p) - ));
- else return (a);
- }
- #define DEFINE_INTERP_FUNC_PLANAR(name, nbits, depth) \
- static int interp_ ## nbits ## _ ## name ## _p ## depth( const LUT3DContext * lut3d, uint8_t * indata_g, uint8_t * indata_b, uint8_t * indata_r, uint8_t * indata_a, uint8_t * outdata_g, uint8_t * outdata_b, uint8_t * outdata_r, uint8_t * outdata_a, int width, int height, int linesize ) \
- { \
- int x, y; \
- int direct = (outdata_g == indata_g); \
- uint8_t *grow = outdata_g ; \
- uint8_t *brow = outdata_b ; \
- uint8_t *rrow = outdata_r ; \
- uint8_t *arow = outdata_a ; \
- const uint8_t *srcgrow = indata_g ; \
- const uint8_t *srcbrow = indata_b ; \
- const uint8_t *srcrrow = indata_r ; \
- const uint8_t *srcarow = indata_a ; \
- const float scale = (.f / ( ( << (depth) ) - ) ) * (lut3d->lutsize - ); \
- for ( y = ; y < height; y++ ) { \
- uint ## nbits ## _t * dstg = (uint ## nbits ## _t *)grow; \
- uint ## nbits ## _t * dstb = (uint ## nbits ## _t *)brow; \
- uint ## nbits ## _t * dstr = (uint ## nbits ## _t *)rrow; \
- uint ## nbits ## _t * dsta = (uint ## nbits ## _t *)arow; \
- const uint ## nbits ## _t *srcg = (const uint ## nbits ## _t *)srcgrow; \
- const uint ## nbits ## _t *srcb = (const uint ## nbits ## _t *)srcbrow; \
- const uint ## nbits ## _t *srcr = (const uint ## nbits ## _t *)srcrrow; \
- const uint ## nbits ## _t *srca = (const uint ## nbits ## _t *)srcarow; \
- for ( x = ; x < width; x++ ) { \
- const struct rgbvec scaled_rgb = { srcr[x] * scale, \
- srcg[x] * scale, \
- srcb[x] * scale }; \
- struct rgbvec vec = interp_ ## name( lut3d, &scaled_rgb ); \
- dstr[x] = clip_uintp2( vec.r * (float) ( ( << (depth) ) - ), depth ); \
- dstg[x] = clip_uintp2( vec.g * (float) ( ( << (depth) ) - ), depth ); \
- dstb[x] = clip_uintp2( vec.b * (float) ( ( << (depth) ) - ), depth ); \
- if ( !direct && linesize ) \
- dsta[x] = srca[x]; \
- } \
- grow += linesize; \
- brow += linesize; \
- rrow += linesize; \
- arow += linesize; \
- srcgrow += linesize; \
- srcbrow += linesize; \
- srcrrow += linesize; \
- srcarow += linesize; \
- } \
- return ; \
- }
- DEFINE_INTERP_FUNC_PLANAR(tetrahedral, , )
- DEFINE_INTERP_FUNC_PLANAR(tetrahedral, , )
- DEFINE_INTERP_FUNC_PLANAR(tetrahedral, , )
- DEFINE_INTERP_FUNC_PLANAR(tetrahedral, , )
- DEFINE_INTERP_FUNC_PLANAR(tetrahedral, , )
- DEFINE_INTERP_FUNC_PLANAR(tetrahedral, , )
- #define DEFINE_INTERP_FUNC(name, nbits) \
- static int interp_ ## nbits ## _ ## name( LUT3DContext * lut3d, const uint8_t * indata, uint8_t * outdata, int width, int height, int linesize ) \
- { \
- int x, y; \
- const int direct = outdata == indata; \
- const int step = lut3d->step; \
- const uint8_t r = lut3d->rgba_map[R]; \
- const uint8_t g = lut3d->rgba_map[G]; \
- const uint8_t b = lut3d->rgba_map[B]; \
- const uint8_t a = lut3d->rgba_map[A]; \
- uint8_t *dstrow = outdata; \
- const uint8_t *srcrow = indata; \
- const float scale = (.f / ( ( << nbits) - ) ) * (lut3d->lutsize - ); \
- \
- for ( y = ; y < height; y++ ) { \
- uint ## nbits ## _t * dst = (uint ## nbits ## _t *)dstrow; \
- const uint ## nbits ## _t *src = (const uint ## nbits ## _t *)srcrow; \
- for ( x = ; x < width * step; x += step ) { \
- const struct rgbvec scaled_rgb = { src[x + r] * scale, \
- src[x + g] * scale, \
- src[x + b] * scale }; \
- struct rgbvec vec = interp_ ## name( lut3d, &scaled_rgb ); \
- dst[x + r] = clip_uint ## nbits( vec.r * (float) ( ( << nbits) - ) ); \
- dst[x + g] = clip_uint ## nbits( vec.g * (float) ( ( << nbits) - ) ); \
- dst[x + b] = clip_uint ## nbits( vec.b * (float) ( ( << nbits) - ) ); \
- if ( !direct && step == ) \
- dst[x + a] = src[x + a]; \
- } \
- dstrow += linesize; \
- srcrow += linesize; \
- } \
- return ; \
- }
- DEFINE_INTERP_FUNC(trilinear, )
- DEFINE_INTERP_FUNC(tetrahedral, )
- DEFINE_INTERP_FUNC(trilinear, )
- DEFINE_INTERP_FUNC(tetrahedral, )
- static int skip_line(const char *p) {
- while (*p && _isspace(*p))
- p++;
- return (!*p || *p == '#');
- }
- #ifndef NEXT_LINE
- #define NEXT_LINE(loop_cond) do { \
- if ( !fgets( line, sizeof(line), f ) ) { \
- printf( "Unexpected EOF\n" ); fclose( f ); if ( lut3d ) free( lut3d ); \
- return NULL; \
- } \
- } while ( loop_cond )
- #endif
- #ifndef MAX_LINE_SIZE
- #define MAX_LINE_SIZE 512
- #endif
- /* Basically r g and b float values on each line, with a facultative 3DLUTSIZE
- * directive; seems to be generated by Davinci */
- LUT3DContext *parse_dat(char *filename) {
- FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
- if (f == NULL) return NULL;
- LUT3DContext *lut3d = NULL;
- char line[MAX_LINE_SIZE];
- int i, j, k, size;
- int lutsize = size = ;
- NEXT_LINE(skip_line(line));
- if (!strncmp(line, "3DLUTSIZE ", )) {
- size = strtol(line + , NULL, );
- if (size < || size > MAX_LEVEL) {
- printf("Too large or invalid 3D LUT size\n");
- fclose(f);
- return (NULL);
- }
- lutsize = size;
- NEXT_LINE(skip_line(line));
- }
- if (size != && lut3d == NULL) {
- lut3d = (LUT3DContext *) calloc(, sizeof(LUT3DContext));
- }
- lut3d->lutsize = lutsize;
- for (k = ; k < size; k++) {
- for (j = ; j < size; j++) {
- for (i = ; i < size; i++) {
- struct rgbvec *vec = &lut3d->lut[k][j][i];
- if (k != || j != || i != )
- NEXT_LINE(skip_line(line));
- if (sscanf(line, "%f %f %f", &vec->r, &vec->g, &vec->b) != ) {
- fclose(f);
- free(lut3d);
- return (NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(f);
- return (lut3d);
- }
- LUT3DContext *parse_cube(char *filename) {
- FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
- if (f == NULL) return NULL;
- char line[MAX_LINE_SIZE];
- float min[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
- float max[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
- int lutsize = ;
- LUT3DContext *lut3d = NULL;
- while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {
- if (!strncmp(line, "LUT_3D_SIZE ", )) {
- int i, j, k;
- const int size = strtol(line + , NULL, );
- if (size < || size > MAX_LEVEL) {
- printf("Too large or invalid 3D LUT size\n");
- fclose(f);
- return (NULL);
- }
- lutsize = size;
- if (size != && lut3d == NULL) {
- lut3d = (LUT3DContext *) calloc(, sizeof(LUT3DContext));
- }
- lut3d->lutsize = lutsize;
- for (k = ; k < size; k++) {
- for (j = ; j < size; j++) {
- for (i = ; i < size; i++) {
- struct rgbvec *vec = &lut3d->lut[i][j][k];
- do {
- try_again:
- if (!strncmp(line, "DOMAIN_", )) {
- float *vals = NULL;
- if (!strncmp(line + , "MIN ", ))
- vals = min;
- else if (!strncmp(line + , "MAX ", ))
- vals = max;
- if (!vals) {
- fclose(f);
- free(lut3d);
- return (NULL);
- }
- sscanf(line + , "%f %f %f", vals, vals + , vals + );
- //printf("min: %f %f %f | max: %f %f %f\n", min[0], min[1], min[2], max[0], max[1], max[2]);
- goto try_again;
- }
- } while (skip_line(line));
- if (sscanf(line, "%f %f %f", &vec->r, &vec->g, &vec->b) != ) {
- fclose(f);
- free(lut3d);
- return (NULL);
- }
- vec->r *= max[] - min[];
- vec->g *= max[] - min[];
- vec->b *= max[] - min[];
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- fclose(f);
- return (lut3d);
- }
- /* Assume 17x17x17 LUT with a 16-bit depth */
- LUT3DContext *parse_3dl(char *filename) {
- FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
- if (f == NULL) return NULL;
- char line[MAX_LINE_SIZE];
- int i, j, k;
- const int size = ;
- const float scale = * * ;
- int lutsize = size;
- LUT3DContext *lut3d = (LUT3DContext *) calloc(, sizeof(LUT3DContext));
- lut3d->lutsize = lutsize;
- NEXT_LINE(skip_line(line));
- for (k = ; k < size; k++) {
- for (j = ; j < size; j++) {
- for (i = ; i < size; i++) {
- int r, g, b;
- struct rgbvec *vec = &lut3d->lut[k][j][i];
- NEXT_LINE(skip_line(line));
- if (sscanf(line, "%d %d %d", &r, &g, &b) != ) {
- fclose(f);
- free(lut3d);
- return (NULL);
- }
- vec->r = r / scale;
- vec->g = g / scale;
- vec->b = b / scale;
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(f);
- return (lut3d);
- }
- /* Pandora format */
- LUT3DContext *parse_m3d(char *filename) {
- FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r");
- if (f == NULL) return NULL;
- float scale;
- int i, j, k, size, in = -, out = -;
- char line[MAX_LINE_SIZE];
- uint8_t rgb_map[] = {, , };
- while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) {
- if (!strncmp(line, "in", ))
- in = strtol(line + , NULL, );
- else if (!strncmp(line, "out", ))
- out = strtol(line + , NULL, );
- else if (!strncmp(line, "values", )) {
- const char *p = line + ;
- #define SET_COLOR(id) do { \
- while ( _isspace( *p ) ) \
- p++; \
- switch ( *p ) { \
- case 'r': rgb_map[id] = ; break; \
- case 'g': rgb_map[id] = ; break; \
- case 'b': rgb_map[id] = ; break; \
- } \
- while ( *p && !_isspace( *p ) ) \
- p++; \
- } \
- while ( )
- break;
- }
- }
- if (in == - || out == -) {
- printf("in and out must be defined\n");
- fclose(f);
- return (NULL);
- }
- if (in < || out < ||
- printf("invalid in (%d) or out (%d)\n", in, out);
- fclose(f);
- return (NULL);
- }
- for (size = ; size * size * size < in; size++);
- {}
- int lutsize = size;
- scale = .f / (out - );
- LUT3DContext *lut3d = NULL;
- if (size != ) {
- lut3d = (LUT3DContext *) calloc(, sizeof(LUT3DContext));
- }
- lut3d->lutsize = lutsize;
- for (k = ; k < size; k++) {
- for (j = ; j < size; j++) {
- for (i = ; i < size; i++) {
- struct rgbvec *vec = &lut3d->lut[k][j][i];
- float val[];
- if (sscanf(line, "%f %f %f", val, val + , val + ) != ) {
- fclose(f);
- free(lut3d);
- return (NULL);
- }
- vec->r = val[rgb_map[]] * scale;
- vec->g = val[rgb_map[]] * scale;
- vec->b = val[rgb_map[]] * scale;
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(f);
- return (lut3d);
- }
- LUT3DContext *lut3d_load(char *filename) {
- int ret = ;
- const char *ext;
- if (!filename) {
- return ();
- }
- LUT3DContext *lut3d = NULL;
- ext = strrchr(filename, '.');
- if (!ext) {
- printf("Unable to guess the format from the extension\n");
- goto end;
- }
- ext++;
- if (!strcasecmp(ext, "dat")) {
- lut3d = parse_dat(filename);
- } else if (!strcasecmp(ext, "3dl")) {
- lut3d = parse_3dl(filename);
- } else if (!strcasecmp(ext, "cube")) {
- lut3d = parse_cube(filename);
- } else if (!strcasecmp(ext, "m3d")) {
- lut3d = parse_m3d(filename);
- } else {
- printf("Unrecognized '.%s' file type\n", ext);
- ret = -;
- }
- if (!ret && !lut3d->lutsize) {
- printf("3D LUT is empty\n");
- }
- end:
- return (lut3d);
- }
- typedef int (action_planar_func)(const LUT3DContext *lut3d, uint8_t *indata_g, uint8_t *indata_b, uint8_t *indata_r,
- uint8_t *indata_a, uint8_t *outdata_g, uint8_t *outdata_b, uint8_t *outdata_r,
- uint8_t *outdata_a, int width, int height, int linesize);
- static int apply_planar_lut(char *filename, uint8_t *indata_g, uint8_t *indata_b, uint8_t *indata_r,
- uint8_t *indata_a, uint8_t *outdata_g, uint8_t *outdata_b, uint8_t *outdata_r,
- uint8_t *outdata_a, int width, int height, int linesize, int depth, int interpolation
- ) {
- action_planar_func *interp_func = ;
- LUT3DContext *lut3d = lut3d_load(filename);
- if (lut3d == NULL)
- return (-);
- lut3d->step = depth;
- int planar = ; \
- #define SET_PLANAR_FUNC(name) do { \
- if ( planar ) { \
- switch ( depth ) { \
- case : interp_func = interp_8_ ## name ## _p8; break; \
- case : interp_func = interp_16_ ## name ## _p9; break; \
- case : interp_func = interp_16_ ## name ## _p10; break; \
- case : interp_func = interp_16_ ## name ## _p12; break; \
- case : interp_func = interp_16_ ## name ## _p14; break; \
- case : interp_func = interp_16_ ## name ## _p16; break; \
- } \
- } \
- } while ( )
- switch (interpolation) {
- SET_PLANAR_FUNC(nearest);
- break;
- SET_PLANAR_FUNC(trilinear);
- break;
- SET_PLANAR_FUNC(tetrahedral);
- break;
- default:
- assert();
- }
- interp_func(lut3d, indata_g, indata_b, indata_r,
- indata_a, outdata_g, outdata_b, outdata_r,
- outdata_a, width, height, linesize);
- return ();
- }
- typedef int (action_func)(LUT3DContext *lut3d, const uint8_t *indata, uint8_t *outdata, int width, int height,
- int linesize);
- static int
- apply_lut(char *filename, const uint8_t *indata, uint8_t *outdata, int width, int height, int linesize, int depth,
- int interpolation, int is16bit) {
- action_func *interp_func = ;
- LUT3DContext *lut3d = lut3d_load(filename);
- if (lut3d == NULL)
- return (-);
lut3d->rgba_map[0] = 0;
lut3d->rgba_map[1] = 1;
lut3d->rgba_map[2] = 2;
lut3d->rgba_map[3] = 3;- lut3d->step = depth;
- #define SET_FUNC(name) do { \
- if ( is16bit ) { interp_func = interp_16_ ## name; \
- } else { interp_func = interp_8_ ## name; } \
- } while ( )
- switch (interpolation) {
- SET_FUNC(nearest);
- break;
- SET_FUNC(trilinear);
- break;
- SET_FUNC(tetrahedral);
- break;
- default:
- assert();
- }
- interp_func(lut3d, indata, outdata, width, height, linesize);
- free(lut3d);
- return ();
- }
- char saveFile[];
- unsigned char *loadImage(const char *filename, int *Width, int *Height, int *Channels) {
- return (stbi_load(filename, Width, Height, Channels, ));
- }
- void saveImage(const char *filename, int Width, int Height, int Channels, unsigned char *Output) {
- memcpy(saveFile + strlen(saveFile), filename, strlen(filename));
- *(saveFile + strlen(saveFile) + ) = ;
- if (!tje_encode_to_file(saveFile, Width, Height, Channels, true, Output)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "save JPEG fail.\n");
- return;
- }
- browse(saveFile);
- #endif
- }
- void splitpath(const char *path, char *drv, char *dir, char *name, char *ext) {
- const char *end;
- const char *p;
- const char *s;
- if (path[] && path[] == ':') {
- if (drv) {
- *drv++ = *path++;
- *drv++ = *path++;
- *drv = '\0';
- }
- } else if (drv)
- *drv = '\0';
- for (end = path; *end && *end != ':';)
- end++;
- for (p = end; p > path && *--p != '\\' && *p != '/';)
- if (*p == '.') {
- end = p;
- break;
- }
- if (ext)
- for (s = end; (*ext = *s++);)
- ext++;
- for (p = end; p > path;)
- if (*--p == '\\' || *p == '/') {
- p++;
- break;
- }
- if (name) {
- for (s = p; s < end;)
- *name++ = *s++;
- *name = '\0';
- }
- if (dir) {
- for (s = path; s < p;)
- *dir++ = *s++;
- *dir = '\0';
- }
- }
- void getCurrentFilePath(const char *filePath, char *saveFile) {
- char drive[_MAX_DRIVE];
- char dir[_MAX_DIR];
- char fname[_MAX_FNAME];
- char ext[_MAX_EXT];
- splitpath(filePath, drive, dir, fname, ext);
- size_t n = strlen(filePath);
- memcpy(saveFile, filePath, n);
- char *cur_saveFile = saveFile + (n - strlen(ext));
- cur_saveFile[] = '_';
- cur_saveFile[] = ;
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- printf("lut 3d demo\n ");
- printf("blog:http://cpuimage.cnblogs.com/ \n ");
- if (argc < ) {
- printf("usage: %s 3dlut image \n ", argv[]);
- printf("eg: %s 3DLUT d:\\image.jpg \n ", argv[]);
- return ();
- }
- char *lutfile = argv[];
- char *szfile = argv[];
- getCurrentFilePath(szfile, saveFile);
- int Width = ;
- int Height = ;
- int Channels = ;
- unsigned char *inputImage = NULL;
- double startTime = now();
- inputImage = loadImage(szfile, &Width, &Height, &Channels);
- double nLoadTime = calcElapsed(startTime, now());
- printf("load time: %d ms.\n ", (int) (nLoadTime * ));
- if ((Channels != ) && (Width != ) && (Height != )) {
- unsigned char *outputImg = (unsigned char *) stbi__malloc(Width * Channels * Height * sizeof(unsigned char));
- if (inputImage) {
- memcpy(outputImg, inputImage, Width * Channels * Height);
- } else {
- printf("load: %s fail!\n ", szfile);
- }
- startTime = now();
- int is16bit = ;
- int interp_mode = INTERPOLATE_TETRAHEDRAL;
- apply_lut(lutfile, inputImage, outputImg, Width, Height, Width * Channels, Channels, interp_mode,
- is16bit);
- double nProcessTime = calcElapsed(startTime, now());
- printf("process time: %d ms.\n ", (int) (nProcessTime * ));
- startTime = now();
- saveImage("_done.jpg", Width, Height, Channels, outputImg);
- double nSaveTime = calcElapsed(startTime, now());
- printf("save time: %d ms.\n ", (int) (nSaveTime * ));
- if (outputImg) {
- stbi_image_free(outputImg);
- }
- if (inputImage) {
- stbi_image_free(inputImage);
- }
- } else {
- printf("load: %s fail!\n", szfile);
- }
- getchar();
- printf("press any key to exit. \n");
- return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
- }
lut3d 3d预设文件 图片路径
例如: lut3d ../god.cube ../sample.jpg
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