python 定时服务模块
- import sched
- shelder = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)
- shelder.enter(2, 0, print_time, ())
- import time
- import sched
- def print_time():
- print 'now the time is:',time.time()
- def do_some_times():
- print 'begin time:',time.time()
- shelder.enter(2, 0, print_time, ())
- shelder.enter(2, 0, print_time, ())
- shelder.enter(5, 1, print_time, ())
- print 'end time:',time.time()
- do_some_times()
begin time: 1525682354.85
now the time is: 1525682356.86
now the time is: 1525682356.86
now the time is: 1525682359.86
end time: 1525682359.86
- from threading import Timer
- import time
- def print_time():
- print 'now the time is:',time.time()
- def print_times():
- print 'begin time is:',time.time()
- Timer(5, print_time,(())).start()
- Timer(10, print_time,(())).start()
- time.sleep(2)
- print 'end time is:',time.time()
- print_times()
begin time is: 1525682440.55
end time is: 1525682442.55
now the time is: 1525682445.55
now the time is: 1525682450.55
- from threading import Timer
- import time
- counttimes=3
- def print_time():
- global counttimes
- if counttimes > 0:
- print 'now the time is %d,%f:' % (counttimes,time.time())
- Timer(5, print_time,(())).start()
- counttimes -= 1
- def print_times():
- print 'begin time is:',time.time()
- Timer(5, print_time,(())).start()
- time.sleep(2)
- print 'end time is:',time.time()
- print_times()
begin time is: 1525682594.3
end time is: 1525682596.3
now the time is 3,1525682599.300889:
now the time is 2,1525682604.302403:
now the time is 1,1525682609.302912:
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