Our lives stretched out ahead of us, like a perpetual sunrise.


Please respect yourself, respect your efforts, self-respect leads to self-displine.

And self-displine can lead to great achievements.

Don't believe in pessimism, if something doesn't come in the way you expect, just forge ahead, because if you think it is going to rain, it will.

So always anticipate some good things in life, maybe it comes true just in the coming corner.

Life is like a perpetual sunrise, let it be like the sublime sunrise.

Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.


From Clint Eastwood, who was born on May 31 1930, a famous American actor, film-maker, musician and political figure.

He had starred in many films, such as the Man with No Name, Unforgiven, Million Dollar Baby, and so on.

As an actor, he is very successfully, both in box office and in the awards he got.

But he didn't satisfy with his achievements as an actor, he also directed a lot of well-known films, like the Mystic River, Flags of Our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima, Jersey Boys, American Sniper, and the latest one Sully.

He was awarded the Italian Venice Film Festival Golden Lion for lifetime achievement in 2000 and the Legion of Honour medal in 2007.

Successful and the winner in life, isn't it?

Maybe he always practise in this way, that is just one of the secrets of his successes.

Envy? Definitely. I am really envious of his wonderful life.

I alawys seek for some upswings in my life, and I know why I always failed to make my dreams true, just for I didn't take things into my own hands, or sometimes I didn't catch hold of these things.

Just like my current state, there are obviously a lot of things I need to finish in the coming days, I can't concentrate my attention on my work, I always stop to browse the useless pages on the internet, or stop to write ssome ugly words.

What a pity, I see the problems, and I have the time to correct them, but I am reluctant to take effective actions.

Remember the space between anticipation and action is where we live with procrastination.

If we want to realize our anticipation, we must stride over the gap.

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