
class Solution:
def dfs(self, A, rows, cols, i, j):
if not (0 <= i < rows and 0 <= j < cols):
elif A[i][j] == 0:
A[i][j] = 0
self.dfs(A, rows, cols, i + 1, j)
self.dfs(A, rows, cols, i - 1, j)
self.dfs(A, rows, cols, i, j + 1)
self.dfs(A, rows, cols, i, j - 1) def numEnclaves(self, A: List[List[int]]) -> int:
rows = len(A)
cols = len(A[0])
for j in range(0, cols):
if A[0][j] == 1:
self.dfs(A, rows, cols, 0, j)
if A[rows - 1][j] == 1:
self.dfs(A, rows, cols, rows - 1, j) for i in range(0, rows):
if A[i][0] == 1:
self.dfs(A, rows, cols, i, 0)
if A[i][cols - 1] == 1:
self.dfs(A, rows, cols, i, cols - 1) ans = 0
for row in A:
for a in row:
if a == 1:
ans += 1
return ans


import queue
class Solution:
def bfs(self, A, rows, cols, i, j):
q = queue.Queue()
A[i][j] = 0
q.put((i, j))
while not q.empty():
p = q.get()
if 0 <= p[0] + 1 < rows and A[p[0] + 1][p[1]] == 1:
A[p[0] + 1][p[1]] = 0
q.put((p[0] + 1, p[1]))
if 0 <= p[0] - 1 < rows and A[p[0] - 1][p[1]] == 1:
A[p[0] - 1][p[1]] = 0
q.put((p[0] - 1, p[1]))
if 0 <= p[1] + 1 < cols and A[p[0]][p[1] + 1] == 1:
A[p[0]][p[1] + 1] = 0
q.put((p[0], p[1] + 1))
if 0 <= p[1] - 1 < cols and A[p[0]][p[1] - 1] == 1:
A[p[0]][p[1] - 1] = 0
q.put((p[0], p[1] - 1)) def numEnclaves(self, A: List[List[int]]) -> int:
rows = len(A)
cols = len(A[0])
for j in range(0, cols):
if A[0][j] == 1:
self.bfs(A, rows, cols, 0, j)
if A[rows - 1][j] == 1:
self.bfs(A, rows, cols, rows - 1, j) for i in range(0, rows):
if A[i][0] == 1:
self.bfs(A, rows, cols, i, 0)
if A[i][cols - 1] == 1:
self.bfs(A, rows, cols, i, cols - 1) ans = 0
for row in A:
for a in row:
if a == 1:
ans += 1
return ans

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