一个对inner jion ...on 的sql多表联合查询的练习
create database practiceSql; use practiceSql;
create table student(
`id` bigint not null auto_increment comment '主键id自增',
`name` varchar(20) not null comment '学生名',
`student_num` int not null comment '学号',
`sex` varchar(4) not null comment '性别',
`age` int not null comment '年龄',
`college` varchar(50) not null comment'学院',
primary key(id),
key idx_name(name),
key idx_student_num(student_num),
key idx_college (college)
)engine=InnoDB Auto_increment=1000 default charset=utf8 comment='学生表'; --插入10个学生信息
insert into student(name,student_num,sex,age,college)
values ('张三','','男','','计算机学院'),
('廖彤','','女','','计算机学院'); --课程表
create table course (
`course_id` bigint not null auto_increment comment'课程id',
`student_num` int not null comment'学号',
`student_name` varchar(20) not null comment'姓名',
`name` varchar(50) not null comment '课程名字',
primary key(course_id),
key idx_student_num(student_num),
key idx_student_name(student_name)
) engine=innoDB auto_increment=100 default charset=utf8 comment='课程表'; --向课程表插入信息 insert into course(student_num,student_name,name)
values (1,'张三','数学'),
(3,'黄山','语文'); --教师表
create table teacher(
`teacher_id` bigint not null auto_increment comment'教师id',
`name` varchar (20) not null comment'教师名字',
`sex` varchar(4) not null comment '性别',
`age` int not null comment '年龄',
`course` varchar (50) not null comment '所教科目',
primary key(teacher_id),
key idx_name(name),
key idx_course(course)
) engine=innoDB auto_increment=200 default charset=utf8 comment='教师表'; --设置主键自增
alter table teacher change teacher_id teacher_id bigint not null auto_increment; insert into teacher(name,sex,age,course) values
('Mr.Chen','男',38,'语文'); --查询张三的所有信息 课程名字,课程的老师
select distinct id , student.name as sname,student.student_num as snum,student.sex as ssex,student.age as sage,college
,course.name as cname,teacher.name as tname from student,teacher,course where student.name='张三'; --这个也不行
select distinct id , student.name as sname,student.student_num as snum,student.sex as ssex,student.age as sage,college
,course.name as cname,teacher.name as tname from student,teacher,course where course.student_name='张三'; --这个可以
select distinct id , s.name as sname,s.student_num as snum,s.sex as ssex,s.age as sage,college
,c.name as cname,t.name as tname from ((student s inner join course c on c.student_name = s.name )
inner join teacher t on t.course=c.name)
where s.name ='张三';
select id , s.name as sname,s.student_num as snum,s.sex as ssex,s.age as sage,college
,c.name as cname,t.name as tname from ((student s inner join course c on c.student_name = s.name )
inner join teacher t on t.course=c.name)
where s.name ='张三'; --查询张三的所有信息 课程名字, select distinct id , s.name as sname,s.student_num as snum,s.sex as ssex,s.age as sage,college
,c.name as cname from student s inner join course c on c.student_name = s.name where s.name ='张三';
update teacher set course = "数学" where course ='数学老师' ;
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