My heart is stronger now that you are in it.


You will no longer feel lonely if there are some people in your heart.

You will become stronger if you choose to take the responsiblities of taking care of them.

You will try your best to create a sound environment for them.

Try to find a soul mate, try to become a charming and mature man.

Most people think it is difficult to insist on doing something, actually, when it becomes a custom, you will find it is quite easy to keep on doing something.

Whereas the easier it is, the fewer effects it may bring.

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.


From Hellen Keller.

To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaningful things in suffering.

It is inevitable to experience suffering, failure, loneliness, sorrow, discouragement, even death.

All these things are the necessary part of life, if treated properly, they can produce positive effects which are beneficial to our growth.

The reward of suffering is experience. Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering, we would never learn from our mistakes.

To make things right, pain and suffering are the key to all windows, without them, ther is no way of life.

But things would have the opposite effects if there are excessive.

Continuous suffering, seemingly endless failures, could easily undermine one's confidence in life, eventually destroy all his beautiful expectation of life.

I really expect there can be some signs of improvement in my life, at least I can have taken my schedules in my own control.

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