spark(1.1) mllib 源码分析(一)-卡方检验
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在spark mllib 1.1版本中增加stat包,里面包含了一些统计相关的函数,本文主要分析其中的卡方检验的原理与实现:
(1)适配度检验(Goodness of Fit test):验证一组观察值的次数分配是否异于理论上的分配。
(2)独立性检验(independence test) :验证从两个变量抽出的配对观察值组是否互相独立(例如:每次都从A国和B国各抽一个人,看他们的反应是否与国籍无关)
二、java api调用example
// Goodness of Fit test
def chiSqTest(observed: Vector, expected: Vector): ChiSqTestResult = {
ChiSqTest.chiSquared(observed, expected)
//Goodness of Fit test
def chiSqTest(observed: Vector): ChiSqTestResult = ChiSqTest.chiSquared(observed) //independence test
def chiSqTest(observed: Matrix): ChiSqTestResult = ChiSqTest.chiSquaredMatrix(observed)
//independence test
def chiSqTest(data: RDD[LabeledPoint]): Array[ChiSqTestResult] = {
2、Goodness of Fit test实现
* Pearon's goodness of fit test on the input observed and expected counts/relative frequencies.
* Uniform distribution is assumed when `expected` is not passed in.
def chiSquared(observed: Vector,
expected: Vector = Vectors.dense(Array[Double]()),
methodName: String = ChiSqTestResult = { // Validate input arguments
val method = methodFromString(methodName)
if (expected.size != 0 && observed.size != expected.size) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("observed and expected must be of the same size.")
val size = observed.size
if (size > 1000) {
logWarning("Chi-squared approximation may not be accurate due to low expected frequencies "
+ s" as a result of a large number of categories: $size.")
val obsArr = observed.toArray
// 如果expected值没有设置,默认取1.0 / size
val expArr = if (expected.size == 0) Array.tabulate(size)(_ => 1.0 / size) else expected.toArray / 如果expected、observed值都必须要大于1
if (!obsArr.forall(_ >= 0.0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative entries disallowed in the observed vector.")
if (expected.size != 0 && ! expArr.forall(_ >= 0.0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative entries disallowed in the expected vector.")
} // Determine the scaling factor for expected
val obsSum = obsArr.sum
val expSum = if (expected.size == 0.0) 1.0 else expArr.sum
val scale = if (math.abs(obsSum - expSum) < 1e-7) 1.0 else obsSum / expSum // compute chi-squared statistic
val statistic = { case (stat, (obs, exp)) =>
if (exp == 0.0) {
if (obs == 0.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Chi-squared statistic undefined for input vectors due"
+ " to 0.0 values in both observed and expected.")
} else {
return new ChiSqTestResult(0.0, size - 1, Double.PositiveInfinity,,
// 计算(observed-expected)2/expected
if (scale == 1.0) {
stat + method.chiSqFunc(obs, exp)
} else {
stat + method.chiSqFunc(obs, exp * scale)
val df = size - 1
val pValue = chiSquareComplemented(df, statistic)
new ChiSqTestResult(pValue, df, statistic,, NullHypothesis.goodnessOfFit.toString)
3、independence test实现
先通过下面的公式计算expected值,矩阵共有 r 行 c 列
* Pearon's independence test on the input contingency matrix.
* TODO: optimize for SparseMatrix when it becomes supported.
def chiSquaredMatrix(counts: Matrix, methodName:String = ChiSqTestResult = {
val method = methodFromString(methodName)
val numRows = counts.numRows
val numCols = counts.numCols // get row and column sums
val colSums = new Array[Double](numCols)
val rowSums = new Array[Double](numRows)
val colMajorArr = counts.toArray
var i = 0
while (i < colMajorArr.size) {
val elem = colMajorArr(i)
if (elem < 0.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Contingency table cannot contain negative entries.")
colSums(i / numRows) += elem
rowSums(i % numRows) += elem
i += 1
val total = colSums.sum // second pass to collect statistic
var statistic = 0.0
var j = 0
while (j < colMajorArr.size) {
val col = j / numRows
val colSum = colSums(col)
if (colSum == 0.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Chi-squared statistic undefined for input matrix due to"
+ s"0 sum in column [$col].")
val row = j % numRows
val rowSum = rowSums(row)
if (rowSum == 0.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Chi-squared statistic undefined for input matrix due to"
+ s"0 sum in row [$row].")
val expected = colSum * rowSum / total
statistic += method.chiSqFunc(colMajorArr(j), expected)
j += 1
val df = (numCols - 1) * (numRows - 1)
val pValue = chiSquareComplemented(df, statistic)
new ChiSqTestResult(pValue, df, statistic, methodName, NullHypothesis.independence.toString)
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