C++ activemq CMS 学习笔记.
很早前就仓促的接触过activemq,但当时太赶时间.后面发现activemq 需要了解的东西实在是太多了.
关于activemq 一直想起一遍文章.但也一直缺少自己的见解.或许是网上这些文章太多了.也可能是自己知识还不足够.
0,activemq-cpp 能解决什么问题.
CMS (stands for C++ Messaging Service) is a JMS-like API for C++ for interfacing with Message Brokers such as Apache ActiveMQ. CMS helps to make your C++ client code much neater and easier to follow. To get a better feel for CMS try the API Reference. ActiveMQ-CPP is a client only library, a message broker such as Apache ActiveMQ is still needed for your clients to communicate.
Our implementation of CMS is called ActiveMQ-CPP, which has an architecture that allows for pluggable transports and wire formats. Currently we support the OpenWire and Stomp protocols, both over TCP and SSL, we also now support a Failover Transport for more reliable client operation. In addition to CMS, ActiveMQ-CPP also provides a robust set of classes that support platform independent constructs such as threading, I/O, sockets, etc. You may find many of these utilities very useful, such as a Java like Thread class or the "synchronized" macro that let's you use a Java-like synchronization on any object that implements the activemq::concurrent::Synchronizable interface. ActiveMQ-CPP is released under the Apache 2.0 License
CMS (C++ 消息 服务)是一个面象apache activemq 的 消息 中间层的C++接口.
CMS的实现 叫做activemq-cpp ,不过当前只支持 openwire,amqp,TCP,ssl. 现在还支持 主备切换功能(这个是重点,当时我不懂,结果就走了弯路!_!).
-_- ,意思是 activemq\conf\activemq.xml中的stomp,mqtt,ws 是没办法的.
- <transportConnectors>
- <!-- DOS protection, limit concurrent connections to 1000 and frame size to 100MB -->
- <transportConnector name="openwire" uri="tcp://"/>
- <transportConnector name="amqp" uri="amqp://"/>
- <transportConnector name="stomp" uri="stomp://"/>
- <transportConnector name="mqtt" uri="mqtt://"/>
- <transportConnector name="ws" uri="ws://"/>
- </transportConnectors>
1,acticvemq-cpp 的配置使用.
参考:Active MQ C++实现通讯 http://blog.csdn.net/lee353086/article/details/6777261
在 http://activemq.apache.org/cms/building.html 中是有介绍的.不过是en的.
"With versions of ActiveMQ-CPP 2.2 and later, we have a dependency on the Apache Portable Runtime project. You'll need to install APR on your system before you'll be able to build ActiveMQ-CPP."
"The package contains a complete set of CppUnit tests. In order for you to build an run the tests, you will need to download and install the CppUnit library. See http://cppunit.sourceforge.net/cppunit-wiki"
中可以下载 apr,apr-iconv,apr-util(版本号都找最高的,不要一高一低,不然编译会出问题).
解压后记得重命令文件夹,去掉版本号,改成如下图,不然工程编译时默认的 [附加包含目录] 是找不到的.
打开 activemq-cpp-library\vs2008-build\activemq-cpp.sln
依次添加[现在项目]:libapr.vcproj,libapriconv.vcproj,libaprutil.vcproj. 只需要lib项就行了.
libapriconv.vcproj,libaprutil.vcproj 的[项目依赖项]都需要libapr
activemq-cpp 的[项目依赖项]需要libapriconv,libaprutil,libapr.
activemq-cpp 的[附加包含目录] 需要包含 这三个的的include目录.
activemq-cpp-example 这个工程 ,就有 hello world 的代码.
2,activemq-cpp-example 项目代码解析.
通过这个项目可以让我们更好的认识 activemq-cpp的结构.
- /*
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- // START SNIPPET: demo
- #include <activemq/library/ActiveMQCPP.h>
- #include <decaf/lang/Thread.h>
- #include <decaf/lang/Runnable.h>
- #include <decaf/util/concurrent/CountDownLatch.h>
- #include <decaf/lang/Integer.h>
- #include <decaf/lang/Long.h>
- #include <decaf/lang/System.h>
- #include <activemq/core/ActiveMQConnectionFactory.h>
- #include <activemq/util/Config.h>
- #include <cms/Connection.h>
- #include <cms/Session.h>
- #include <cms/TextMessage.h>
- #include <cms/BytesMessage.h>
- #include <cms/MapMessage.h>
- #include <cms/ExceptionListener.h>
- #include <cms/MessageListener.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <memory>
- using namespace activemq::core;
- using namespace decaf::util::concurrent;
- using namespace decaf::util;
- using namespace decaf::lang;
- using namespace cms;
- using namespace std;
- class HelloWorldProducer : public Runnable {
- private:
- Connection* connection;
- Session* session;
- Destination* destination;
- MessageProducer* producer;
- int numMessages;
- bool useTopic;
- bool sessionTransacted;
- std::string brokerURI;
- private:
- HelloWorldProducer(const HelloWorldProducer&);
- HelloWorldProducer& operator=(const HelloWorldProducer&);
- public:
- HelloWorldProducer(const std::string& brokerURI, int numMessages, bool useTopic = false, bool sessionTransacted = false) :
- connection(NULL),
- session(NULL),
- destination(NULL),
- producer(NULL),
- numMessages(numMessages),
- useTopic(useTopic),
- sessionTransacted(sessionTransacted),
- brokerURI(brokerURI) {
- }
- virtual ~HelloWorldProducer(){
- cleanup();
- }
- void close() {
- this->cleanup();
- }
- virtual void run() {
- try {
- // Create a ConnectionFactory
- auto_ptr<ConnectionFactory> connectionFactory(
- ConnectionFactory::createCMSConnectionFactory(brokerURI));
- // Create a Connection
- connection = connectionFactory->createConnection();
- connection->start();
- // Create a Session
- if (this->sessionTransacted) {
- session = connection->createSession(Session::SESSION_TRANSACTED);
- } else {
- session = connection->createSession(Session::AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
- }
- // Create the destination (Topic or Queue)
- if (useTopic) {
- destination = session->createTopic("TEST.FOO");
- } else {
- destination = session->createQueue("TEST.FOO");
- }
- // Create a MessageProducer from the Session to the Topic or Queue
- producer = session->createProducer(destination);
- producer->setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode::NON_PERSISTENT);
- // Create the Thread Id String
- string threadIdStr = Long::toString(Thread::currentThread()->getId());
- // Create a messages
- string text = (string) "Hello world! from thread " + threadIdStr;
- for (int ix = ; ix < numMessages; ++ix) {
- std::auto_ptr<TextMessage> message(session->createTextMessage(text));
- message->setIntProperty("Integer", ix);
- printf("Sent message #%d from thread %s\n", ix + , threadIdStr.c_str());
- producer->send(message.get());
- }
- } catch (CMSException& e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- private:
- void cleanup() {
- if (connection != NULL) {
- try {
- connection->close();
- } catch (cms::CMSException& ex) {
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- // Destroy resources.
- try {
- delete destination;
- destination = NULL;
- delete producer;
- producer = NULL;
- delete session;
- session = NULL;
- delete connection;
- connection = NULL;
- } catch (CMSException& e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- };
- class HelloWorldConsumer : public ExceptionListener,
- public MessageListener,
- public Runnable {
- private:
- CountDownLatch latch;
- CountDownLatch doneLatch;
- Connection* connection;
- Session* session;
- Destination* destination;
- MessageConsumer* consumer;
- long waitMillis;
- bool useTopic;
- bool sessionTransacted;
- std::string brokerURI;
- private:
- HelloWorldConsumer(const HelloWorldConsumer&);
- HelloWorldConsumer& operator=(const HelloWorldConsumer&);
- public:
- HelloWorldConsumer(const std::string& brokerURI, int numMessages, bool useTopic = false, bool sessionTransacted = false, int waitMillis = ) :
- latch(),
- doneLatch(numMessages),
- connection(NULL),
- session(NULL),
- destination(NULL),
- consumer(NULL),
- waitMillis(waitMillis),
- useTopic(useTopic),
- sessionTransacted(sessionTransacted),
- brokerURI(brokerURI) {
- }
- virtual ~HelloWorldConsumer() {
- cleanup();
- }
- void close() {
- this->cleanup();
- }
- void waitUntilReady() {
- latch.await();
- }
- virtual void run() {
- try {
- // Create a ConnectionFactory
- auto_ptr<ConnectionFactory> connectionFactory(
- ConnectionFactory::createCMSConnectionFactory(brokerURI));
- // Create a Connection
- connection = connectionFactory->createConnection();
- connection->start();
- connection->setExceptionListener(this);
- // Create a Session
- if (this->sessionTransacted == true) {
- session = connection->createSession(Session::SESSION_TRANSACTED);
- } else {
- session = connection->createSession(Session::AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
- }
- // Create the destination (Topic or Queue)
- if (useTopic) {
- destination = session->createTopic("TEST.FOO");
- } else {
- destination = session->createQueue("TEST.FOO");
- }
- // Create a MessageConsumer from the Session to the Topic or Queue
- consumer = session->createConsumer(destination);
- consumer->setMessageListener(this);
- std::cout.flush();
- std::cerr.flush();
- // Indicate we are ready for messages.
- latch.countDown();
- // Wait while asynchronous messages come in.
- doneLatch.await(waitMillis);
- } catch (CMSException& e) {
- // Indicate we are ready for messages.
- latch.countDown();
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- // Called from the consumer since this class is a registered MessageListener.
- virtual void onMessage(const Message* message) {
- static int count = ;
- try {
- count++;
- const TextMessage* textMessage = dynamic_cast<const TextMessage*> (message);
- string text = "";
- if (textMessage != NULL) {
- text = textMessage->getText();
- } else {
- text = "NOT A TEXTMESSAGE!";
- }
- printf("Message #%d Received: %s\n", count, text.c_str());
- } catch (CMSException& e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- // Commit all messages.
- if (this->sessionTransacted) {
- session->commit();
- }
- // No matter what, tag the count down latch until done.
- doneLatch.countDown();
- }
- // If something bad happens you see it here as this class is also been
- // registered as an ExceptionListener with the connection.
- virtual void onException(const CMSException& ex AMQCPP_UNUSED) {
- printf("CMS Exception occurred. Shutting down client.\n");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- exit();
- }
- private:
- void cleanup() {
- if (connection != NULL) {
- try {
- connection->close();
- } catch (cms::CMSException& ex) {
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- // Destroy resources.
- try {
- delete destination;
- destination = NULL;
- delete consumer;
- consumer = NULL;
- delete session;
- session = NULL;
- delete connection;
- connection = NULL;
- } catch (CMSException& e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- };
- int main(int argc AMQCPP_UNUSED, char* argv[] AMQCPP_UNUSED) {
- activemq::library::ActiveMQCPP::initializeLibrary();
- {
- std::cout << "=====================================================\n";
- std::cout << "Starting the example:" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------\n";
- // Set the URI to point to the IP Address of your broker.
- // add any optional params to the url to enable things like
- // tightMarshalling or tcp logging etc. See the CMS web site for
- // a full list of configuration options.
- //
- // http://activemq.apache.org/cms/
- //
- // Wire Format Options:
- // =========================
- // Use either stomp or openwire, the default ports are different for each
- //
- // Examples:
- // tcp:// default to openwire
- // tcp:// same as above
- // tcp:// use stomp instead
- //
- // SSL:
- // =========================
- // To use SSL you need to specify the location of the trusted Root CA or the
- // certificate for the broker you want to connect to. Using the Root CA allows
- // you to use failover with multiple servers all using certificates signed by
- // the trusted root. If using client authentication you also need to specify
- // the location of the client Certificate.
- //
- // System::setProperty( "decaf.net.ssl.keyStore", "<path>/client.pem" );
- // System::setProperty( "decaf.net.ssl.keyStorePassword", "password" );
- // System::setProperty( "decaf.net.ssl.trustStore", "<path>/rootCA.pem" );
- //
- // The you just specify the ssl transport in the URI, for example:
- //
- // ssl://localhost:61617
- //
- std::string brokerURI =
- "failover:(tcp://localhost:61616"
- // "?wireFormat=openwire"
- // "&transport.useInactivityMonitor=false"
- // "&connection.alwaysSyncSend=true"
- // "&connection.useAsyncSend=true"
- // "?transport.commandTracingEnabled=true"
- // "&transport.tcpTracingEnabled=true"
- // "&wireFormat.tightEncodingEnabled=true"
- ")";
- //============================================================
- // set to true to use topics instead of queues
- // Note in the code above that this causes createTopic or
- // createQueue to be used in both consumer an producer.
- //============================================================
- bool useTopics = true;
- bool sessionTransacted = false;
- int numMessages = ;
- long long startTime = System::currentTimeMillis();
- HelloWorldProducer producer(brokerURI, numMessages, useTopics);
- HelloWorldConsumer consumer(brokerURI, numMessages, useTopics, sessionTransacted);
- // Start the consumer thread.
- Thread consumerThread(&consumer);
- consumerThread.start();
- // Wait for the consumer to indicate that its ready to go.
- consumer.waitUntilReady();
- // Start the producer thread.
- Thread producerThread(&producer);
- producerThread.start();
- // Wait for the threads to complete.
- producerThread.join();
- consumerThread.join();
- long long endTime = System::currentTimeMillis();
- double totalTime = (double)(endTime - startTime) / 1000.0;
- consumer.close();
- producer.close();
- std::cout << "Time to completion = " << totalTime << " seconds." << std::endl;
- std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------\n";
- std::cout << "Finished with the example." << std::endl;
- std::cout << "=====================================================\n";
- }
- activemq::library::ActiveMQCPP::shutdownLibrary();
- }
- // END SNIPPET: demo
目前本人需要的是activemq-cpp的 request-response 模式.
4,activemq-cpp的 request-response 模式的应用.
服务器与客户端通信 数据的交互 和 确认.
复制两份,一份定义 USE_COMSUMER 一份定义 USE_PRODUCER 就可以生成.
- /*
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- // START SNIPPET: demo
- #include <activemq/library/ActiveMQCPP.h>
- #include <decaf/lang/Thread.h>
- #include <decaf/lang/Runnable.h>
- #include <decaf/util/concurrent/CountDownLatch.h>
- #include <decaf/lang/Integer.h>
- #include <decaf/lang/Long.h>
- #include <decaf/lang/System.h>
- #include <activemq/core/ActiveMQConnectionFactory.h>
- #include <activemq/util/Config.h>
- #include <cms/Connection.h>
- #include <cms/Session.h>
- #include <cms/TextMessage.h>
- #include <cms/BytesMessage.h>
- #include <cms/MapMessage.h>
- #include <cms/ExceptionListener.h>
- #include <cms/MessageListener.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <memory>
- #include <decaf/util/Random.h>
- using namespace activemq::core;
- using namespace decaf::util::concurrent;
- using namespace decaf::util;
- using namespace decaf::lang;
- using namespace cms;
- using namespace std;
- #define QUEUE_NAME "eventQueue"
- #define NAME_BYTE_LEN 16
- class HelloWorldProducer : public ExceptionListener,
- public MessageListener,
- public Runnable {
- private:
- CountDownLatch latch;
- CountDownLatch doneLatch;
- Connection* connection;
- Session* session;
- Destination* destination;
- MessageProducer* producer;
- int numMessages;
- bool useTopic;
- bool sessionTransacted;
- std::string brokerURI;
- bool bReciveMessage;
- long waitMillis;
- private:
- HelloWorldProducer(const HelloWorldProducer&);
- HelloWorldProducer& operator=(const HelloWorldProducer&);
- public:
- HelloWorldProducer(const std::string& brokerURI, int numMessages, bool useTopic = false, bool sessionTransacted = false,
- long waitMillis=3000) :
- latch(1),
- doneLatch(numMessages),
- connection(NULL),
- session(NULL),
- destination(NULL),
- producer(NULL),
- numMessages(numMessages),
- useTopic(useTopic),
- sessionTransacted(sessionTransacted),
- brokerURI(brokerURI) ,
- bReciveMessage(false),
- waitMillis(waitMillis)
- { }
- virtual ~HelloWorldProducer(){
- cleanup();
- }
- void close() {
- this->cleanup();
- }
- void waitUntilReady() {
- latch.await();
- }
- virtual void run() {
- try {
- // Create a ConnectionFactory
- auto_ptr<ConnectionFactory> connectionFactory(
- ConnectionFactory::createCMSConnectionFactory(brokerURI));
- // Create a Connection
- connection = connectionFactory->createConnection();
- connection->start();
- // Create a Session
- if (this->sessionTransacted) {
- session = connection->createSession(Session::SESSION_TRANSACTED);
- } else {
- session = connection->createSession(Session::AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
- }
- session = connection->createSession();
- // Create the destination (Topic or Queue)
- if (useTopic) {
- destination = session->createTopic(QUEUE_NAME);
- } else {
- destination = session->createQueue(QUEUE_NAME);
- }
- // Create a MessageProducer from the Session to the Topic or Queue
- producer = session->createProducer(destination);
- producer->setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode::NON_PERSISTENT);
- // Create the Thread Id String
- string threadIdStr = Long::toString(Thread::currentThread()->getId());
- // Create a messages
- string text = (string) "Hello world! from thread " + threadIdStr;
- for (int ix = 0; ix < numMessages; ++ix) {
- std::auto_ptr<TextMessage> message(session->createTextMessage(text));
- //关键消息...
- std::auto_ptr<Destination> tempDest(session->createTemporaryQueue());
- //cms::Destination tempDest=session->createTemporaryTopic() ;
- MessageConsumer * responseConsumer = session->createConsumer(tempDest.get());
- responseConsumer->setMessageListener(this);//监听...
- message->setCMSReplyTo(tempDest.get());
- Random random;
- char buffer[NAME_BYTE_LEN]={0};
- random.nextBytes((unsigned char *)buffer,NAME_BYTE_LEN);
- string correlationId="";
- for(int i=0;i<NAME_BYTE_LEN;++i)
- {
- char ch[NAME_BYTE_LEN*2]={0};
- sprintf(ch,"%02X",(unsigned char)buffer[i]);
- string str(ch);
- correlationId+=str;
- }
- message->setCMSCorrelationID(correlationId);
- message->setIntProperty("Integer", ix);
- printf("Producer Sent message #%d from thread %s\n", ix + 1, threadIdStr.c_str());
- producer->send(message.get());
- // Indicate we are ready for messages.
- latch.countDown();
- // Wait while asynchronous messages come in.
- doneLatch.await(waitMillis);
- }
- }
- catch (CMSException& e) {
- printf("Producer run() CMSException \n" );
- // Indicate we are ready for messages.
- latch.countDown();
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- // Called from the Producer since this class is a registered MessageListener.
- virtual void onMessage(const Message* message) {
- static int count = 0;
- try {
- count++;
- const TextMessage* textMessage = dynamic_cast<const TextMessage*> (message);
- //ActiveMQMessageTransformation
- //std::auto_ptr<TextMessage> responsemessage(session->createTextMessage());
- //responsemessage->setCMSCorrelationID(textMessage->getCMSCorrelationID());
- //responsemessage->getCMSReplyTo()
- string text = "";
- if (textMessage != NULL) {
- text = textMessage->getText();
- } else {
- text = "NOT A TEXTMESSAGE!";
- }
- printf("Producer Message #%d Received: %s\n", count, text.c_str());
- //producer.send
- } catch (CMSException& e) {
- printf("Producer onMessage() CMSException \n" );
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- // Commit all messages.
- if (this->sessionTransacted) {
- session->commit();
- }
- // No matter what, tag the count down latch until done.
- doneLatch.countDown();
- }
- // If something bad happens you see it here as this class is also been
- // registered as an ExceptionListener with the connection.
- virtual void onException(const CMSException& ex AMQCPP_UNUSED) {
- printf("Producer onException() CMS Exception occurred. Shutting down client. \n" );
- ex.printStackTrace();
- exit(1);
- }
- private:
- void cleanup() {
- if (connection != NULL) {
- try {
- connection->close();
- } catch (cms::CMSException& ex) {
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- // Destroy resources.
- try {
- delete destination;
- destination = NULL;
- delete producer;
- producer = NULL;
- delete session;
- session = NULL;
- delete connection;
- connection = NULL;
- } catch (CMSException& e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- };
- class HelloWorldConsumer : public ExceptionListener,
- public MessageListener,
- public Runnable {
- private:
- CountDownLatch latch;
- CountDownLatch doneLatch;
- Connection* connection;
- Session* session;
- Destination* destination;
- MessageConsumer* consumer;
- MessageProducer *producer;
- long waitMillis;
- bool useTopic;
- bool sessionTransacted;
- std::string brokerURI;
- private:
- HelloWorldConsumer(const HelloWorldConsumer&);
- HelloWorldConsumer& operator=(const HelloWorldConsumer&);
- public:
- HelloWorldConsumer(const std::string& brokerURI, int numMessages, bool useTopic = false, bool sessionTransacted = false, int waitMillis = 30000) :
- latch(1),
- doneLatch(numMessages),
- connection(NULL),
- session(NULL),
- destination(NULL),
- consumer(NULL),
- producer(NULL),
- waitMillis(waitMillis),
- useTopic(useTopic),
- sessionTransacted(sessionTransacted),
- brokerURI(brokerURI) {
- }
- virtual ~HelloWorldConsumer() {
- cleanup();
- }
- void close() {
- this->cleanup();
- }
- void waitUntilReady() {
- latch.await();
- }
- virtual void run() {
- try {
- // Create a ConnectionFactory
- auto_ptr<ConnectionFactory> connectionFactory(
- ConnectionFactory::createCMSConnectionFactory(brokerURI));
- // Create a Connection
- connection = connectionFactory->createConnection();
- connection->start();
- connection->setExceptionListener(this);
- // Create a Session
- if (this->sessionTransacted == true) {
- session = connection->createSession(Session::SESSION_TRANSACTED);
- } else {
- session = connection->createSession(Session::AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
- }
- // Create the destination (Topic or Queue)
- if (useTopic) {
- destination = session->createTopic(QUEUE_NAME);
- } else {
- destination = session->createQueue(QUEUE_NAME);
- }
- producer = session->createProducer();
- producer->setDeliveryMode(DeliveryMode::NON_PERSISTENT);
- // Create a MessageConsumer from the Session to the Topic or Queue
- consumer = session->createConsumer(destination);
- consumer->setMessageListener(this);
- std::cout.flush();
- std::cerr.flush();
- // Indicate we are ready for messages.
- latch.countDown();
- // Wait while asynchronous messages come in.
- doneLatch.await();
- } catch (CMSException& e) {
- printf("Consumer onException() CMS Exception occurred. Shutting down client. \n" );
- // Indicate we are ready for messages.
- latch.countDown();
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- // Called from the consumer since this class is a registered MessageListener.
- virtual void onMessage(const Message* message) {
- static int count = 0;
- try {
- count++;
- // Create the Thread Id String
- string threadIdStr = Long::toString(Thread::currentThread()->getId());
- static bool bPrintf=true;
- if(bPrintf)
- {
- bPrintf=false;
- printf("consumer Message threadid: %s\n", threadIdStr.c_str());
- }
- string strReply="consumer return xxx,ThreadID="+threadIdStr;
- const TextMessage* textMessage = dynamic_cast<const TextMessage*> (message);
- if(NULL==textMessage)
- {
- printf("NULL==textMessage", message->getCMSType().c_str());
- //const cms::MapMessage* mapMsg = dynamic_cast<const cms::MapMessage*>(message);
- //if(mapMsg)
- //{
- //
- // std::vector<std::string> elements = mapMsg->getMapNames();
- // std::vector<std::string>::iterator iter = elements.begin();
- // for(; iter != elements.end() ; ++iter)
- // {
- // std::string key = *iter;
- // cms::Message::ValueType elementType = mapMsg->getValueType(key);
- // string strxxx;
- // int cc=0;
- // switch(elementType) {
- // case cms::Message::BOOLEAN_TYPE:
- // //msg->setBoolean(key, mapMsg->getBoolean(key));
- // break;
- // case cms::Message::BYTE_TYPE:
- // //msg->setByte(key, mapMsg->getByte(key));
- // break;
- // case cms::Message::BYTE_ARRAY_TYPE:
- // //msg->setBytes(key, mapMsg->getBytes(key));
- // break;
- // case cms::Message::CHAR_TYPE:
- // //msg->setChar(key, mapMsg->getChar(key));
- // break;
- // case cms::Message::SHORT_TYPE:
- // //msg->setShort(key, mapMsg->getShort(key));
- // break;
- // case cms::Message::INTEGER_TYPE:
- // //msg->setInt(key, mapMsg->getInt(key));
- // break;
- // case cms::Message::LONG_TYPE:
- // //msg->setLong(key, mapMsg->getLong(key));
- // break;
- // case cms::Message::FLOAT_TYPE:
- // //msg->setFloat(key, mapMsg->getFloat(key));
- // break;
- // case cms::Message::DOUBLE_TYPE:
- // //msg->setDouble(key, mapMsg->getDouble(key));
- // break;
- // case cms::Message::STRING_TYPE:
- // //msg->setString(key, mapMsg->getString(key));
- // strxxx=mapMsg->getString(key);
- // cc=1;
- // break;
- // default:
- // break;
- // }
- // }
- //}
- return;
- }
- std::auto_ptr<TextMessage> responsemessage(session->createTextMessage(strReply));
- responsemessage->setCMSCorrelationID(textMessage->getCMSCorrelationID());
- string text = "";
- if (textMessage != NULL) {
- text = textMessage->getText();
- } else {
- text = "NOT A TEXTMESSAGE!";
- }
- int nProPerty=textMessage->getIntProperty("Integer");
- printf("consumer Message #%d Received: %s,nProPerty[%d]\n", count, text.c_str(),nProPerty);
- const cms::Destination* destSend=textMessage->getCMSReplyTo();
- if(destSend)
- {
- this->producer->send(destSend,responsemessage.get());
- printf("consumer Message #%d send: %s\n", count, strReply.c_str());
- }
- } catch (CMSException& e) {
- printf("Consumer onMessage() CMS Exception occurred. Shutting down client. \n" );
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- // Commit all messages.
- if (this->sessionTransacted) {
- session->commit();
- }
- // No matter what, tag the count down latch until done.
- //doneLatch.countDown();
- }
- // If something bad happens you see it here as this class is also been
- // registered as an ExceptionListener with the connection.
- virtual void onException(const CMSException& ex AMQCPP_UNUSED) {
- printf("Consumer onException() CMS Exception occurred. Shutting down client. \n" );
- //printf("CMS Exception occurred. Shutting down client.\n");
- ex.printStackTrace();
- exit(1);
- }
- private:
- void cleanup() {
- if (connection != NULL) {
- try {
- connection->close();
- } catch (cms::CMSException& ex) {
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- // Destroy resources.
- try {
- delete destination;
- destination = NULL;
- delete consumer;
- consumer = NULL;
- delete session;
- session = NULL;
- delete connection;
- connection = NULL;
- } catch (CMSException& e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- };
- int main(int argc AMQCPP_UNUSED, char* argv[] AMQCPP_UNUSED) {
- //if(argc<)
- //{
- // printf("argc<2\r\n");
- // return 0;
- //}
- activemq::library::ActiveMQCPP::initializeLibrary();
- {
- std::cout << "=====================================================\n";
- std::cout << "Starting the example:" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------\n";
- // Set the URI to point to the IP Address of your broker.
- // add any optional params to the url to enable things like
- // tightMarshalling or tcp logging etc. See the CMS web site for
- // a full list of configuration options.
- //
- // http://activemq.apache.org/cms/
- //
- // Wire Format Options:
- // =========================
- // Use either stomp or openwire, the default ports are different for each
- //
- // Examples:
- // tcp:// default to openwire
- // tcp:// same as above
- // tcp:// use stomp instead
- //
- // SSL:
- // =========================
- // To use SSL you need to specify the location of the trusted Root CA or the
- // certificate for the broker you want to connect to. Using the Root CA allows
- // you to use failover with multiple servers all using certificates signed by
- // the trusted root. If using client authentication you also need to specify
- // the location of the client Certificate.
- //
- // System::setProperty( "decaf.net.ssl.keyStore", "<path>/client.pem" );
- // System::setProperty( "decaf.net.ssl.keyStorePassword", "password" );
- // System::setProperty( "decaf.net.ssl.trustStore", "<path>/rootCA.pem" );
- //
- // The you just specify the ssl transport in the URI, for example:
- //
- // ssl://localhost:61617
- //
- std::string brokerURI =
- "failover:(tcp://"
- // "?wireFormat=openwire"
- // "&transport.useInactivityMonitor=false"
- // "&connection.alwaysSyncSend=true"
- // "&connection.useAsyncSend=true"
- // "?transport.commandTracingEnabled=true"
- // "&transport.tcpTracingEnabled=true"
- // "&wireFormat.tightEncodingEnabled=true"
- ")";
- //============================================================
- // set to true to use topics instead of queues
- // Note in the code above that this causes createTopic or
- // createQueue to be used in both consumer an producer.
- //============================================================
- bool useTopics = false;
- bool sessionTransacted = true;
- int numMessages = 1;
- bool useConsumer=true;
- bool useProducer=true;
- //int nSet=atoi(argv[1]);
- //if(1==nSet)
- //{
- //#define USE_COMSUMER
- //}
- //else
- //{
- //#define USE_PRODUCER
- //
- //}
- long long startTime = System::currentTimeMillis();
- printf("当前 USE_PRODUCER \r\n");
- int numProducerMessages = 30;
- int nThreadNumber=10;
- vector<HelloWorldProducer *> vHelloWorldProducer;
- for(int i=0;i<nThreadNumber;++i)
- {
- HelloWorldProducer * producerTemp=new HelloWorldProducer(brokerURI, numProducerMessages, useTopics);
- vHelloWorldProducer.push_back(producerTemp);
- }
- #endif
- printf("当前 USE_COMSUMER \r\n");
- HelloWorldConsumer consumer(brokerURI, numMessages, useTopics, sessionTransacted);
- // Start the consumer thread.
- Thread consumerThread(&consumer);
- consumerThread.start();
- // Wait for the consumer to indicate that its ready to go.
- consumer.waitUntilReady();
- #endif
- // Start the producer thread.
- vector<Thread *> vThread;
- for(int i=0;i<nThreadNumber;++i)
- {
- HelloWorldProducer & ProducerTemp=*vHelloWorldProducer[i];
- Thread * threadTemp=new Thread(&ProducerTemp);
- vThread.push_back(threadTemp);
- threadTemp->start();
- ProducerTemp.waitUntilReady();
- }
- for(int i=0;i<vThread.size();++i)
- {
- Thread * threadTemp=vThread[i];
- //threadTemp->join();
- }
- while(1)
- {
- Thread::sleep(10);
- }
- //Thread producerThread1(&producer1);
- //producerThread1.start();
- //producer1.waitUntilReady();
- //Thread producerThread2(&producer2);
- //producerThread2.start();
- //producer2.waitUntilReady();
- //Thread producerThread3(&producer3);
- //producerThread3.start();
- //producer3.waitUntilReady();
- #endif
- // Wait for the threads to complete.
- //producerThread1.join();
- //producerThread2.join();
- //producerThread3.join();
- #endif
- consumerThread.join();
- #endif
- long long endTime = System::currentTimeMillis();
- double totalTime = (double)(endTime - startTime) / 1000.0;
- //producer1.close();
- //producer2.close();
- //producer3.close();
- for(int i=0;i<vHelloWorldProducer.size();++i)
- {
- HelloWorldProducer * ProducerTemp=vHelloWorldProducer[i];
- ProducerTemp->close();
- if(ProducerTemp)
- {
- delete ProducerTemp;
- ProducerTemp=NULL;
- }
- }
- #endif
- consumer.close();
- #endif
- std::cout << "Time to completion = " << totalTime << " seconds." << std::endl;
- std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------\n";
- std::cout << "Finished with the example." << std::endl;
- std::cout << "=====================================================\n";
- }
- activemq::library::ActiveMQCPP::shutdownLibrary();
- return 0;
- }
- // END SNIPPET: demo
关于activemq-cpp 的Message 消息转换.
activemq-cpp 中的转换ActiveMQMessageTransformation.transformMessage 中是有相应的实现.
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- bool ActiveMQMessageTransformation::transformMessage(cms::Message* message, ActiveMQConnection* connection, Message** amqMessage) {
- if (message == NULL) {
- throw NullPointerException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Provided source cms::Message pointer was NULL");
- }
- if (amqMessage == NULL) {
- throw NullPointerException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Provided target commands::Message pointer was NULL");
- }
- *amqMessage = dynamic_cast<Message*>(message);
- if (*amqMessage != NULL) {
- return false;
- } else {
- if (dynamic_cast<cms::BytesMessage*>(message) != NULL) {
- cms::BytesMessage* bytesMsg = dynamic_cast<cms::BytesMessage*>(message);
- bytesMsg->reset();
- ActiveMQBytesMessage* msg = new ActiveMQBytesMessage();
- msg->setConnection(connection);
- try {
- for (;;) {
- // Reads a byte from the message stream until the stream is empty
- msg->writeByte(bytesMsg->readByte());
- }
- } catch (cms::MessageEOFException& e) {
- // if an end of message stream as expected
- } catch (cms::CMSException& e) {
- }
- *amqMessage = msg;
- } else if (dynamic_cast<cms::MapMessage*>(message) != NULL) {
- cms::MapMessage* mapMsg = dynamic_cast<cms::MapMessage*>(message);
- ActiveMQMapMessage* msg = new ActiveMQMapMessage();
- msg->setConnection(connection);
- std::vector<std::string> elements = mapMsg->getMapNames();
- std::vector<std::string>::iterator iter = elements.begin();
- for(; iter != elements.end() ; ++iter) {
- std::string key = *iter;
- cms::Message::ValueType elementType = mapMsg->getValueType(key);
- switch(elementType) {
- case cms::Message::BOOLEAN_TYPE:
- msg->setBoolean(key, mapMsg->getBoolean(key));
- break;
- case cms::Message::BYTE_TYPE:
- msg->setByte(key, mapMsg->getByte(key));
- break;
- case cms::Message::BYTE_ARRAY_TYPE:
- msg->setBytes(key, mapMsg->getBytes(key));
- break;
- case cms::Message::CHAR_TYPE:
- msg->setChar(key, mapMsg->getChar(key));
- break;
- case cms::Message::SHORT_TYPE:
- msg->setShort(key, mapMsg->getShort(key));
- break;
- case cms::Message::INTEGER_TYPE:
- msg->setInt(key, mapMsg->getInt(key));
- break;
- case cms::Message::LONG_TYPE:
- msg->setLong(key, mapMsg->getLong(key));
- break;
- case cms::Message::FLOAT_TYPE:
- msg->setFloat(key, mapMsg->getFloat(key));
- break;
- case cms::Message::DOUBLE_TYPE:
- msg->setDouble(key, mapMsg->getDouble(key));
- break;
- case cms::Message::STRING_TYPE:
- msg->setString(key, mapMsg->getString(key));
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- *amqMessage = msg;
- } else if (dynamic_cast<cms::ObjectMessage*>(message) != NULL) {
- cms::ObjectMessage* objMsg = dynamic_cast<cms::ObjectMessage*>(message);
- ActiveMQObjectMessage* msg = new ActiveMQObjectMessage();
- msg->setConnection(connection);
- msg->setObjectBytes(objMsg->getObjectBytes());
- *amqMessage = msg;
- } else if (dynamic_cast<cms::StreamMessage*>(message) != NULL) {
- cms::StreamMessage* streamMessage = dynamic_cast<cms::StreamMessage*>(message);
- streamMessage->reset();
- ActiveMQStreamMessage* msg = new ActiveMQStreamMessage();
- msg->setConnection(connection);
- try {
- while(true) {
- cms::Message::ValueType elementType = streamMessage->getNextValueType();
- int result = -1;
- std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(255);
- switch(elementType) {
- case cms::Message::BOOLEAN_TYPE:
- msg->writeBoolean(streamMessage->readBoolean());
- break;
- case cms::Message::BYTE_TYPE:
- msg->writeBoolean(streamMessage->readBoolean());
- break;
- case cms::Message::BYTE_ARRAY_TYPE:
- while ((result = streamMessage->readBytes(buffer)) != -1) {
- msg->writeBytes(&buffer[0], 0, result);
- buffer.clear();
- }
- break;
- case cms::Message::CHAR_TYPE:
- msg->writeChar(streamMessage->readChar());
- break;
- case cms::Message::SHORT_TYPE:
- msg->writeShort(streamMessage->readShort());
- break;
- case cms::Message::INTEGER_TYPE:
- msg->writeInt(streamMessage->readInt());
- break;
- case cms::Message::LONG_TYPE:
- msg->writeLong(streamMessage->readLong());
- break;
- case cms::Message::FLOAT_TYPE:
- msg->writeFloat(streamMessage->readFloat());
- break;
- case cms::Message::DOUBLE_TYPE:
- msg->writeDouble(streamMessage->readDouble());
- break;
- case cms::Message::STRING_TYPE:
- msg->writeString(streamMessage->readString());
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- } catch (cms::MessageEOFException& e) {
- // if an end of message stream as expected
- } catch (cms::CMSException& e) {
- }
- *amqMessage = msg;
- } else if (dynamic_cast<cms::TextMessage*>(message) != NULL) {
- cms::TextMessage* textMsg = dynamic_cast<cms::TextMessage*>(message);
- ActiveMQTextMessage* msg = new ActiveMQTextMessage();
- msg->setConnection(connection);
- msg->setText(textMsg->getText());
- *amqMessage = msg;
- } else {
- *amqMessage = new ActiveMQMessage();
- (*amqMessage)->setConnection(connection);
- }
- ActiveMQMessageTransformation::copyProperties(message, dynamic_cast<cms::Message*>(*amqMessage));
- }
- return true;
- }
5,activemq 的activemq broker cluster (activemq 集群).
6,activemq.xml 中的配置和activemq Connection URIS 配置
//7,wireFormat=openwire 的几种方式.的优缺点.
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