libconfig C++ 学习笔记
1. C++API 头文件 #include <libconfig.h++> ,命名空间:using namespace libconfig;
C++API使用Config类和Setting类,因为不提供公有的copy constructor or assignment operator,所以在函数参数中传递时使用引用或指针方式
// An example configuration file that stores information about a store. // Basic store information:
name = "Books, Movies & More"; // Store inventory:
inventory =
books = ( { title = "Treasure Island";
author = "Robert Louis Stevenson";
price = 29.99;
qty = ; },
{ title = "Snow Crash";
author = "Neal Stephenson";
price = 9.99;
qty = ; }
); movies = ( { title = "Brazil";
media = "DVD";
price = 19.99;
qty = ; },
{ title = "The City of Lost Children";
media = "DVD";
price = 18.99;
qty = ; },
{ title = "Memento";
media = "Blu-Ray";
price = 24.99;
qty = ;
{ title = "Howard the Duck"; }
}; // Store hours:
hours =
mon = { open = ; close = ; };
tue = { open = ; close = ; };
wed = { open = ; close = ; };
thu = { open = ; close = ; };
fri = { open = ; close = ; };
sat = { open = ; close = ; };
sun = { open = ; close = ; };
#include <cstdlib>
#include <libconfig.h++>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> using namespace std;
using namespace libconfig; int main(){
Config cfg; //1.声明 Config对象 cfg.readFile("example.cfg"); //读取配置文件 // Get the store name.
string name = cfg.lookup("name");
cout << "Store name: " << name << endl << endl;
catch(const SettingNotFoundException &nfex) //配置没找到会有SettingNotFoundException 异常
cerr << "No 'name' setting in configuration file." << endl;
// Get the store name.
string name = cfg.lookup("name");
cout << "Store name: " << name << endl << endl;
catch(const SettingNotFoundException &nfex)
cerr << "No 'name' setting in configuration file." << endl;
} const Setting& root = cfg.getRoot(); // Output a list of all books in the inventory.
const Setting &books = root["inventory"]["books"];
int count = books.getLength(); cout << setw() << left << "TITLE" << " "
<< setw() << left << "AUTHOR" << " "
<< setw() << left << "PRICE" << " "
<< "QTY"
<< endl; for(int i = ; i < count; ++i)
const Setting &book = books[i]; // Only output the record if all of the expected fields are present.
string title, author;
double price;
int qty; if(!(book.lookupValue("title", title)
&& book.lookupValue("author", author)
&& book.lookupValue("price", price)
&& book.lookupValue("qty", qty)))
continue; cout << setw() << left << title << " "
<< setw() << left << author << " "
<< '$' << setw() << right << price << " "
<< qty
<< endl;
cout << endl;
catch(const SettingNotFoundException &nfex)
// Ignore.
} // Output a list of all books in the inventory.
const Setting &movies = root["inventory"]["movies"];
int count = movies.getLength(); cout << setw() << left << "TITLE" << " "
<< setw() << left << "MEDIA" << " "
<< setw() << left << "PRICE" << " "
<< "QTY"
<< endl; for(int i = ; i < count; ++i)
const Setting &movie = movies[i]; // Only output the record if all of the expected fields are present.
string title, media;
double price;
int qty; if(!(movie.lookupValue("title", title)
&& movie.lookupValue("media", media)
&& movie.lookupValue("price", price)
&& movie.lookupValue("qty", qty)))
continue; cout << setw() << left << title << " "
<< setw() << left << media << " "
<< '$' << setw() << right << price << " "
<< qty
<< endl;
cout << endl;
catch(const SettingNotFoundException &nfex)
// Ignore.
return ;
(1)Method on Config: Setting & getRoot () const
This method returns the root setting for the configuration, which is a group.
Method on Config: Setting & lookup (const std::string &path) constMethod on Config: Setting & lookup (const char * path) const
These methods locate the setting specified by the path path. If the requested setting is not found, a SettingNotFoundException
is thrown.
Method on Config: bool lookupValue (const char *path, bool &value) constMethod on Config: bool lookupValue (const std::string &path, bool &value) constMethod on Config: bool lookupValue (const char *path, int &value) constMethod on Config: bool lookupValue (const std::string &path, int &value) constMethod on Config: bool lookupValue (const char *path, unsigned int &value) constMethod on Config: bool lookupValue (const std::string &path, unsigned int &value) constMethod on Config: bool lookupValue (const char *path, long long &value) constMethod on Config: bool lookupValue (const std::string &path, long long &value) constMethod on Config: bool lookupValue (const char *path, float &value) constMethod on Config: bool lookupValue (const std::string &path, float &value) constMethod on Config: bool lookupValue (const char *path, double &value) constMethod on Config: bool lookupValue (const std::string &path, double &value) constMethod on Config: bool lookupValue (const char *path, const char *&value) constMethod on Config: bool lookupValue (const std::string &path, const char *&value) constMethod on Config: bool lookupValue (const char *path, std::string &value) constMethod on Config: bool lookupValue (const std::string &path, std::string &value) const
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