
There are n lights in a circle numbered from 1 to n. The left of light 1 is light n, and the left of light k (1< k<= n) is the light k-1.At time of 0, some of them turn on, and others turn off.

Change the state of light i (if it’s on, turn off it; if it is not on, turn on it) at t+1 second (t >= 0), if the left of light i is on !!! Given the initiation state, please find all lights’ state after M second. (2<= n <= 100, 1<= M<= 10^8)


The input contains no more than 1000 data sets. The first line of each data set is an integer m indicate the time, the second line will be a string T, only contains ‘0’ and ‘1’ , and its length n will not exceed 100. It means all lights in the circle from 1 to n.

If the ith character of T is ‘1’, it means the light i is on, otherwise the light is off.


For each data set, output all lights’ state at m seconds in one line. It only contains character ‘0’ and ‘1.














假设有n盏灯,第i盏灯的状态为f[i],则f[i] = (f[i] + f[i-1])%2;

又因为这些灯形成了环,则f[i] = (f[i] + f[(n+i-2)%n+1])%2,



1 1 0…… 0 0

0 1 1…… 0 0


1 0 0…… 0 1


#include <ctype.h>
using namespace std; typedef long long ll;
const int maxn=1001;
const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f; const int N = 102; struct mat
int r, c;
int M[N][N];
mat(int r, int c):r(r), c(c)
memset(M, 0, sizeof(M));
}; mat mul(mat& A, mat& B)
mat C(A.r, B.c);
for(int i = 0; i < A.r; ++i)
for(int j = 0; j < A.c; ++j)
if(A.M[i][j]) //优化,只有state为1的时候才需要改变
for(int k = 0; k < B.r; ++k)
C.M[i][k] ^= A.M[i][j] & B.M[j][k];
return C;
} mat pow(mat& A, int k)
mat B(A.r, A.c);
for(int i = 0; i < A.r; ++i) B.M[i][i] = 1; while(k)
if(k & 1) B = mul(B, A);
A = mul(A, A);
k >>= 1;
return B;
} int main()
int m;
char t[105]; while(scanf("%d %s", &m, t) != EOF)
int n = strlen(t);
mat A(1, n);
mat T(n, n);
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
A.M[0][i] = t[i] - '0';
T.M[i][i] = T.M[i][(i + 1) % n] = 1;
} T = pow(T, m);
A = mul(A, T); for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf("%d", A.M[0][i]);
} return 0;

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