【leetcode】1163. Last Substring in Lexicographical Order
Given a string
, return the last substring ofs
in lexicographical order.Example 1:
- Input: "abab"
- Output: "bab"
- Explanation: The substrings are ["a", "ab", "aba", "abab", "b", "ba", "bab"]. The lexicographically maximum substring is "bab".
Example 2:
- Input: "leetcode"
- Output: "tcode"
1 <= s.length <= 10^5
- s contains only lowercase English letters.
解题思路:我的方法是找出s中的最大字符max_char,然后以max_char为分隔符分割s。例如s="azazazzzazbzc",分割后得到item_list : ['za', 'za', 'zzza', 'zb', 'zc'] ,注意这里舍弃了从字符串头部到第一个max_char之间的部分,同时如果有连续多个max_char出现,合并为同一个子串。接下来遍历item_list,找出最大的子串即可,这里有两点要注意,如果item_list中两个元素相等,那么继续比较这两个元素后面的元素,直到找出不一致为止;另外如果一个item是另一个item的前缀字符串,那么较短的item的值为大。
- class Solution(object):
- def lastSubstring(self, s):
- """
- :type s: str
- :rtype: str
- """
- max_char = 'a'
- for i in s:
- max_char = max(max_char,i)
- item_list = []
- sub = ''
- for i in s:
- if sub == '' and i != max_char:
- continue
- elif sub == '' and i == max_char:
- sub += i
- elif sub != '' and i != max_char:
- sub += i
- elif sub != '' and i == max_char and sub[-1] == max_char:
- sub += i
- elif sub != '' and i == max_char and sub[-1] != max_char:
- item_list.append(sub)
- sub = i
- elif sub != '' and i != max_char:
- sub += i
- if len(sub) > 0:item_list.append(sub)
- print item_list
- inx = 0
- sub = item_list[0]
- for i in range(1,len(item_list)):
- if item_list[i] == sub:
- tmp_inx = i + 1
- inx_copy = inx + 1
- while inx_copy < len(item_list) and tmp_inx < len(item_list):
- if item_list[inx_copy] < item_list[tmp_inx]:
- sub = item_list[i]
- inx = i
- break
- inx_copy += 1
- tmp_inx += 1
- elif len(item_list[i]) < len(sub) and item_list[i] == sub[:len(item_list[i])] and i < len(item_list) - 1:
- sub = item_list[i]
- inx = i
- elif sub < item_list[i] and not (len(sub) < len(item_list[i]) and sub == item_list[i][:len(sub)]):
- sub = item_list[i]
- inx = i
- res = ''
- for i in range(inx,len(item_list)):
- res += item_list[i]
- return res
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