Algorithm : 做一个 leetcode 的算法题

//二位数组查找 题目描述



bool FindNum(int target, vector<vector<int> > vect)
int iRow = vect.size();
int iCol = vect[0].size(); //从左上角开始遍历
int i = 0, j = iCol - 1;
while (i <= iRow - 1 && j >= 0) //保证数组不能越界
if (vect[i][j] > target)
else if (vect[i][j] < target)
return true;
} return false;

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################################ SNAPSHOTTING ################################
# Save the DB on disk:
# save <seconds> <changes>
# Will save the DB if both the given number of seconds and the given
# number of write operations against the DB occurred.


# In the example below the behaviour will be to save:
# after 900 sec (15 min) if at least 1 key changed
# after 300 sec (5 min) if at least 10 keys changed
# after 60 sec if at least 10000 keys changed
# Note: you can disable saving completely by commenting out all "save" lines.
# It is also possible to remove all the previously configured save
# points by adding a save directive with a single empty string argument
# like in the following example:
# save ""

save 900 1
save 300 10
save 60 10000


# By default Redis will stop accepting writes if RDB snapshots are enabled
# (at least one save point) and the latest background save failed.
# This will make the user aware (in a hard way) that data is not persisting
# on disk properly, otherwise chances are that no one will notice and some
# disaster will happen.


# If the background saving process will start working again Redis will
# automatically allow writes again.
# However if you have setup your proper monitoring of the Redis server
# and persistence, you may want to disable this feature so that Redis will
# continue to work as usual even if there are problems with disk,
# permissions, and so forth.
stop-writes-on-bgsave-error yes


# Compress string objects using LZF when dump .rdb databases?
# For default that's set to 'yes' as it's almost always a win.
# If you want to save some CPU in the saving child set it to 'no' but
# the dataset will likely be bigger if you have compressible values or keys.
rdbcompression yes


# Since version 5 of RDB a CRC64 checksum is placed at the end of the file.
# This makes the format more resistant to corruption but there is a performance
# hit to pay (around 10%) when saving and loading RDB files, so you can disable it
# for maximum performances.
# RDB files created with checksum disabled have a checksum of zero that will
# tell the loading code to skip the check.
rdbchecksum yes



# The filename where to dump the DB
dbfilename dump.rdb


# The working directory.
# The DB will be written inside this directory, with the filename specified
# above using the 'dbfilename' configuration directive.
# The Append Only File will also be created inside this directory.
# Note that you must specify a directory here, not a file name.
dir ./






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#ifndef _WIN32
#define TYPEOF typeof // linux C98
#define TYPEOF decltype // windows C++11后支持
#endif template <int offset, class TYPE>
bool CheckZero(const void* p)
TYPE a = *(*TYPE)((char*)p + offset);
return (bool)a;
} template <int offset, typename T>
int CmpOneKey(const void *p1, const void *p2)
T a1 = *(T*)((char*)p1 + offset);
T a2 = *(T*)((char*)p2 + offset); if (a1 < a2)
return -1;
else if (a1 > a2)
return 1;
return 0;
} template <int offset, typename T>
int DescCmpOneKey(const void* p1, const void* p2)
return -CmpOneKey<offset, T>(p1, p2);
} template <int offset1, typename T1, int offset2, typename T2>
int CmpTwoKey(const void* p1, const void* p2)
int diff = CmpOneKey<offset1, T1>(p1, p2);
if (diff == 0)
return CmpOneKey<offset2, T2>(p1, p2);
return diff;
} template <int offset1, typename T1, int offset2, typename T2>
int DescCmpTwoKey(const void *p1, const void *p2)
return -CmpTwoKey<offset1, T1, offset2, T2>(p1, p2);
} template <int offset1, typename T1, int offset2, typename T2, int offset3, typename T3>
int CmpThreeKey(const void *p1, const void *p2)
int diff = CmpTwoKey<offset1, T1, offset2, T2>(p1, p2);
if (diff == 0)
return CmpOneKey<offset3, T3>(p1, p2);
return diff;
} #define CHECK_ZERO(s, m) CheckZero<offsetof(s, m), TYPEOF(((s*)0)->m)>
#define CMP_ONE_KEY(s, m) CmpOneKey<offsetof(s, m), TYPEOF(((s*)0)->m)>
#define CMP_TWO_KEY(s, m1, m2) CmpTwoKey<offsetof(s, m1), TYPEOF(((s*)0)->m1, offsetof(s, m2), TYPEOF(((s*)0)->m2)>
#define CMP_THREE_KEY(s, m1, m2, m3) CmpThreeKey()<offsetof(s, m1), TYPEOF(((s*)0)->m1, offsetof(s, m2), TYPEOF(((s*)0)->m2), offsetof(s, m3), TYPEOF(((s*)0)->m3>
#define CMP_ONE_KEY_DESC(s, m) DescCmpOneKey<offsetof(s, m), TYPEOF(((s*)0)->m)>
#define CMP_TWO_KEY_DESC(s, m1, m2) DescCmpTwoKey<offsetof(s, m1), TYPEOF(((s*)0)->m1, offsetof(s, m2), TYPEOF(((s*)0)->m2)>

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