


This Javascript web calculator calculates the trace width for printed circuit boards based on a curve fit to IPC-2221 (formerly IPC-D-275). Also see thevia

New features:

  • Results update as you type
  • Several choices of units
  • Units and other settings are saved between sessions
  • Blog format allows user comments


Current Amps
Thickness oz/ft^2 mil mm

Optional Inputs:

Temperature Rise Deg
Ambient Temperature Deg
Trace Length inch
mil mm um
cm m

Results for Internal Layers:

Required Trace Width mil
mm um
Resistance Ohms
Voltage Drop Volts
Power Loss Watts

Results for External Layers in Air:

Required Trace Width mil mm um
Resistance Ohms
Voltage Drop Volts
Power Loss Watts


The trace width is calculated as follows:

First, the Area is calculated:

Area[mils^2] = (Current[Amps]/(k*(Temp_Rise[deg. C])^b))^(1/c)

Then, the Width is calculated:

Width[mils] = Area[mils^2]/(Thickness[oz]*1.378[mils/oz])

For IPC-2221 internal layers: k = 0.024, b = 0.44, c = 0.725

For IPC-2221 external layers: k = 0.048, b = 0.44, c = 0.725

where k, b, and c are constants resulting from curve fitting to the IPC-2221 curves

For geometry diagrams, click on the pictures below.


For frequently asked questions, see the comments.

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