1.the context after paragraph topic to new line
\caption{Key Benefits of Big Data}
topic & & Key Benefits of Big Data \\
\multirow{3}{2.5cm}{Customer data monetization} & Customer centricity & \parbox[c][27pt][b]{9cm}{Institutions with global footprints can apply big data to develop a single view of the customer, which can promote delivery of an enhanced customer experience and, in turn, improve branding and increase revenues.}
& Customer risk analysis & \parbox[c][36pt][b]{9cm}{Retail lenders and other financial institutions can also apply big data to analyze behavior profiles, spending habits, and cultural segmentation— thereby gaining a 720—degree view of customer risk that will enhance the lender’s risk management capability.}\\
& Customer relention & \parbox[c][27pt][b]{9cm}{Using big data, financial institutions can analyze their internal customer logs and social media activity to generate indications of customer dissatisfaction, allowing time to act.}\\
\multirow{3}{2.5cm}{Transactions and operations} & New products and services & \parbox[c][36pt][b]{9cm}{Social media analytics generated from big data can be leveraged in various stages of new products and services---from conceptualization to launch. Institutions can use social media to ascertain pre-launch sentiments and expectations to effectively define marketing strategies.}\\
& Algorithmic trading and analytics & \parbox[c][36pt][b]{9cm}{Institutions can leverage big data to store large volumes of historical market data to feed trading and predictive models and forecasts. Institutions can also use big data to perform analytics on complex securities using reference, market, and transaction data from diffierent sources.}\\
& Organizational intelligence & \parbox[c][27pt][b]{9cm}{Institutions can use big data to measure organizational intelligence using employee collaboration analytics. In addition, a big data-based culture of innovation empowers workers to learn more, create more, and do more.}\\
\multirow{3}{2.5cm}{Risk management and regulatory reporting} & Risk management & \parbox[c][36pt][b]{9cm}{Increased regulatory focus requires institutions to manage enterprise risk across risk dimensions. Big data can enable market events across geographies to be captured in real-time via unstructured data sources such as news, research, graphs, audio, visuals, and social media.}\\
& Regulatory reporting & \parbox[c][27pt][b]{9cm}{To respond more efficiently to regulatory demands, institutions can combine regulatory data with supporting documents, contracts, and attestations, thereby enabling better risk management.}\\
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