Showing you how you can expose properties on your Controller to access them using #refs inside of your template.

// letterSelect.ts

import {Component, View, FORM_DIRECTIVES, NgFor} from 'angular2/angular2';

selector: 'letter-select'
directives: [NgFor,FORM_DIRECTIVES],
template: `
<select [(ng-model)]="selectedLetter">
<option *ng-for="#letter of letters">{{letter}}</option>
}) export class LetterSelect {
letters: string[] = ['e', 's', 'w'];
selectedLetter: string = 'e';
constructor() { }


import {Component, View, NgFor, FORM_DIRECTIVES} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {TodoService} from './todoService';
import {TodoItemRender} from './todoItemRender';
import {StartsWith} from './startsWith';
import {LetterSelect} from './letterSelect'; @Component({
selector: 'todo-list'
pipes: [StartsWith],
directives: [NgFor, TodoItemRender, FORM_DIRECTIVES, LetterSelect],
template: `
*ng-for="#todo of todoService.todos | startsWith:'title':letterSelect.selectedLetter"
<letter-select #letter-select></letter-select>
}) export class TodoList{
public todoService:TodoService
){ }

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