


Yes, There is.

  1. Create a new project and you should Shutdown The Android Studio Application.(Because it takes a long time for you).
  2. Goto C:\Users\{Logged in User}\.gradle folder
  3. There is a folder there that show you which version of gradle Android Studio requires (e.g. gradle-1.8-bin)
  4. Download this version from internet (e.g. gradle-1.8-bin.zip).
  5. Goto C:\Users\{Logged in User}\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-1.8-bin
  6. There is a folder here that its name is like a GUID.
  7. You should just copy the zip file that you've already downloaded from internet into this folder.
  8. Execute Android Studio and create a new project.

就是把下载好的gradle包放在C:\Users\{Logged in User}\.gradle\wrapper\dists\  如:C:\Users\admin\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-1.9-all\3jdgemv0iv8uqohg3kcp2o88r1

重新打开AndroidStudio Create application..


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