Laravel充分利用PHP 5.3的特性,使路由变得简单并富于表达性。这使得从构建API到完整的web应用都变得尽可能容易。路由的实现代码在 application/routes.php 文件。


在下面的代码示例中,第一个参数(parameter)是你“注册”的路由(route),第二个参数是这个路由将要触发的函数(function),函数中包含了应用逻辑。定义路由时不需要开头的斜线(front-slash),唯一的例外是默认路由(default route)只包含一个斜线(front-slash)。

注意: 路由的权重在于其被注册的先后顺序。 因此,任何通配(catch-all)的路由应该在 routes.php 文件的底部注册

3 // app/routes.php
5 Route::get();
6 Route::post();
7 Route::put();
8 Route::delete();
9 Route::any();

注册一个能同时响应(GET、POST、PUT、DELETE)HTTP请求方法(HTTP verbs)的路由

ROUTE::any('/', function()
return "Hello World!";



Route::get('user/(:num)', function($id)


Route::get('post/(:any)', function($title)


Route::get('page/(:any?)', function($page = 'index')
}); 路由参数:
Route::get('/books/{genre}', function($genre)
Route::get('user/{id}', function($id)
return 'User '.$id;


Route::get('user/{name?}', function($name = null)
return $name;


Route::get('user/{name?}', function($name = 'John')
return $name;


Route::get('user/{name}', function($name)
->where('name', '[A-Za-z]+');
输入:http://localhost/laravelFirst/public/post/you1 由于1不是,会匹配不到,去掉1就可以匹配到了。
Route::get('user/{id}', function($id)
->where('id', '[0-9]+');



Route::get('user/{id}/{name}', function($id, $name)
->where(array('id' => '[0-9]+', 'name' => '[a-z]+'))


如果希望在全局范围用指定正则表达式限定路由参数,可以使用 pattern 方法:

Route::pattern('id', '[0-9]+');

Route::get('user/{id}', function($id)
// Only called if {id} is numeric.


如果想在路由范围外访问路由参数,可以使用 Route::input 方法:

Route::filter('foo', function()
if (Route::input('id') == 1)

return View::make('simple',$data);




Response类继承自Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response类,提供了多种方法用于构建HTTP Response。

$response=Response::make("<h1>hello world</h1>");
return $response;

如果需要访问 Response 类的方法,但又要返回一个视图作为响应的内容,通过使用 Response::view 方法可以很容易实现:

return Response::view('hello')->header('Content-Type', $type);


$cookie = Cookie::make('name', 'value');

return Response::make($content)->withCookie($cookie);

json response:

Route::get('markdown/response', function()
6 {
7 $data = array('iron', 'man', 'rocks');
8 return Response::json($data);
9 });
By handing an array to the Response::json() method it has been converted to a JSON string and
set as the body of our new Response object. Appropriate headers have been set to explain that the

provided data is infact a JSON string.


$data = array('a'=>'iron','b'=> 'man', 'rocks');



download response

Serving files directly requires certain headers to be set. Fortunately, Laravel takes care of this for
you using the Response::download() shortcut. Let’s see this in action.

Route::get('file/download', function()
6 {
7 $file = 'path_to_my_file.pdf';
8 return Response::download($file);
9 });
Now if we navigate to the /file/download URI the browser will intiate a download instead of
displaying a response. The Response::download() method received a path to a file which will be
served when the response is returned.
You can also provide optional second and third parameters to configure a custom HTTP status code
and an array of headers. For example:

Route::get('file/download', function()
6 {
7 $file = 'path_to_my_file.pdf';
8 return Response::download($file, 418, array('iron', 'man'));
9 });
Here we will serve our file with the HTTP status code of 418 (I’m a Teapot) and a header value of
Well this chapter was a lot longer than I originally anticipated, but I’m sure you will see that
returning appropriate response objects can be a lot more valuable than returning simple strings.
In the next chapter we will take a look at route filters, which will allow us to protect our routes or
perform actions before/after they are executed.


Filters are certain sets of rules or actions that can be applied to a route. They can be performed
before or after a route’s logic is executed, however, you will find before filters to be more useful.
Using before filters we can alter the flow of the application

路由过滤器提供了非常方便的方法来限制对应用程序中某些功能访问,例如对于需要验证才能访问的功能就非常有用。Laravel框架自身已经提供了一些过滤器,包括 auth过滤器、auth.basic过滤器、guest过滤器以及csrf过滤器。这些过滤器都定义在app/filter.php文件中。 使用1:
Route::controller('users', 'UsersController');
return "hello there, amdin!";
return Redirect::to("admin-only");


if('admin' !== Session::get("user_type"))
return " you are not an admin .go away";
}); Route::filter('logAdmin',function(){
Log::info("Admin logged in on ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));

Create a route where we can set the admin session:
Route::get('set-admin', function()
Session::put('user_type', 'admin');
return Redirect::to('admin-only');
4. Test the route by going to http://your-server/admin-only (where yourserver
is the URL for your server) and notice the results. (显示:

you are not an admin .go away )

Then, go to set-admin
and see those results.
5. Go to the app/storage/logs directory and view the logfiles.

After the route is accessed, we create a log of the visit along with the date the route
was accessed.

使用route group

When creating a web app, we may find a few routes that need the same URL prefix or filter.
Using Laravel's route groups, we can easily apply these to multiple routes.

To complete this recipe, follow these steps:
1. In our app/filters.php file, create a filter to check for a user:
Route::filter('checkUser', function()
if ('user' !== Session::get('profile'))
return 'You are not Logged In. Go Away!';
2. In the app/routes.php file, create a route that can set our profile session:
Route::get('set-profile', function()
Session::set('profile', 'user');
return Redirect::to('profile/user');

3. In routes.php, create our route group:
Route::group(array('before' => 'checkUser', 'prefix' =>
'profile'), function()
Route::get('user', function()
return 'I am logged in! This is my user
Route::get('friends', function()
return 'This would be a list of my friends';
4. In our browser, we then go to http://path/to/our/server/profile/user,
where we will get an error. If we then go to http://path/to/our/server/setprofile,
it will redirect us and show the correct page.

Now, any route we create inside this group must pass the filter and will be accessible
using the profile prefix.

controller routing 控制器路由

Route::get('index', 'ArticleController@showIndex');

Here’s a neat thing to know. You can namespace your controller and Laravel won’t bat an eyelid.
Just make sure to include the namespace within your route declaration and everything will be just
dandy! Let’s see this in action.
1 <?php
3 // app/controllers/Article.php
5 namespace Blog\Controller;
7 class Article
8 {
9 public function showIndex()
10 {
11 return View::make('index');
12 }
13 }
So here we have a similar Controller to that used in the other example. This time however, it is
contained within the Blog\Controller namespace. Since it’s located within the Controller section
of the namespace, I have omitted the Controller suffix from the class name. This is my own personal
preference, I leave it up to you to decide whether you keep it or not.
Let’s see how this namespaced controller can be routed to. You’ve probably already guessed it!

Route::post('index', 'Blog\Controller\Article@showIndex');

Restful controller;
code bright这本书上有。

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